Anachride is considered chronic disease and how all chronic diseases are very difficult to treat. But no need to lose courage. Let our uncomplicated tips help you overcome or relieve this ailment.
Arachnoiditis, which flows in most cases as a harmless chronic disease, manifested by the headache, dizziness, irritability and other signs, can sometimes give even to death (the cyst break of the brain substance). The disease is striking children (even the fetus can be arachnoiditis), young people, old people.
Often, patients with chronic rhinar, sinusitis, frontititis, otitis suffer as arachnoiditis. The reason may be abscesses, furunculae and other inflammatory foci in the body.
In addition to frequent complaints with a headache of various character (acute, constant, grace, diffuse or local - more often in the forehead area) and dizziness, patients are weakened, quickly depleted. May be impaired sleep, mood, efficiency. Sometimes there are convulsive seizures, most often partial, that is, trembling or numbness, feeling «Murashek» in any limb or in the field of language, persons who can end with a common convulsive epileptic fit.
With a high pressure of the spinal fluid (the so-called hypertensive liquid syndrome) in the patient there is nausea, not bringing relief of vomiting, the feeling of cutting the head, dizziness. Fakes can appear in the eyes, shaky gait. The lesion of the shells inside the ventricles of the brain leads to a violation of thermoregulation (long-term high or subfebrile temperature) can also be schizophren-like symptoms, which often lead patients in a mental hospital, even an experienced neuropathologist may be in difficulty in diagnosis, since clear signs of damage to the nervous system may be absent. A more accurate study is a computed brain tomography and a nuclear magnetic spinal cord resonance.

But there are several general rules. An impaired anti-allergic diet, at least at the time of exacerbation, a rational lifestyle without supercooling, overwork, frequent TV shows (not allowed to even sleep in the room, where TV). It is dangerous to use without extreme necessity and without appointing a physician drug, including polivitamins. And in general, it is better to avoid chemicals, and apply medicinal herbs, such as the yarrow, a series, currant leaves, dyeing, peony flowers.
When driving headaches (hypertensional lycvorean syndrome), you can drink infusions of medicinal herbs:
- St. John's wort, sage, dye, taken in equal amounts: 1 st.L. Mixtures pour 1 liter boiling water, bite and leave for the night. In the morning, drink the maximum dose - 1-1.5., And the residue is during the day, better until 6-8 in the evening. After about a month, take a break for 1-3 months.
- Pijm and cleanliness in equal doses: 1 h.L. Herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drink during the day.
- Antiallergic, dehydrating, anti-inflammatory actions have a series. It must be assembled during flowering (all the plant, except the root) and brew both tea: 1 st.L. on 1 liter of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes, drink during the day. A series without a break can be drunk 1-3 years.
- Well drinks are also infusions, from the root of licorice, Valerians, herbs violet tricolor, strawberries, raspberry cuttings. In convulsions, such a fee helps: Flowers of peony, grass and the root of the Chernobyl, mistletoe, as well as infusion of Cherchers, Freedy, Clear, Valerians, Mother.
It is necessary to observe the diet with the restriction of salt, sugar, meat, with a predominance of vegetables, fruits. Especially useful baked potatoes, cabbage, carrots, currants, sea buckthorn, persimmon.
Water procedures are very important: daily rubbing and water dumping, not only cold. It is possible, especially after overwork, sit under a crane with hot water, directing a jet to the inter-opaque region, and then, if you wish to hide with cold water. Children teach to wipes gradually, but not annoying.
Like most pathologies, arachnoidits «Sensitive» to starvation at which the pathological tissue is removed, is absorbed and excreted from the body. We recommend the short method «dry» starvation. It is advisable to start it after the natural physiological cleansing of the intestine (enema and no other procedures are not necessary). After dinner, do not eat and not drink until the next dinner (you can resolve earlier dinner), then there is any food. If desired, you can repeat fasting once a week. Prepared people can not drink for a maximum of three days and not every month or quarter.
Naturally, in the presence of complaints, a visit to the doctor is necessary. After all, cases are different, for example: the elderly woman complained about the feeling of cold in the forehead (frequent complaint with arachnoid), headache. With repeated examinations of pathology, they were not found, and only after some time our functional patient removed the frontal tumor («dumb») Share. And the arachnoiditis was the so-called jet, which can develop and around abscesses, aneurysm, hematoma. In cystallic arachnoid painting is identical to the tumor, and the question of the diagnosis is solved on operations. The pneumorencephaalography is shown at which air is introduced, it is better ozone, while the spikes between the shells are broken, the likvorn paths are restored, headaches and other symptoms disappear.