Inflammation of triple nerve, symptoms


Vospalenie_trojnichnogo_nerva_simptomyTriple nerve Provides the sensitivity of the face and applies to the area of ​​the teeth. Neuralgia (inflammation, neuritis) facial nerve — Trigeminal neuralgia — Widespread disease, accompanied by a feeling of pain along its branches and loss of sensitivity (incomplete and full paralysis). The cause of inflammation is mainly the compression of a trigeminal nerve. Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve can be confused with the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, dental polysalgia and neuralgia of the languagehloxy nerve. To avoid similar errors, we will deal with more details with symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia.

Mix true and secondary inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. True inflammation occurs due to squeezing the trigeminal nerve or blood supply disorders and is an independent disease. Secondary neuritis develops on the basis of the main disease (for example, tumor or infection). Can be inflamed as one branch of the nerve and two and three. Neuralgia affects either one half or the whole face.

Signs of trigeminal neuralgia

The main symptoms of the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve include:

  1. Shooting pain. The main places of their distribution: the lower eyelid, the upper lip, gums and teeth of the upper jaw, the wing of the nose.
  2. Nervous tick of facial muscles.
  3. Hypercation and tear.
  4. Cramps of chewing muscles.
  5. Selection of nose.

Pain with trigemal neuralgia is characteristic and uncharacteristic. First — Strong, often parry and inhomogeneous. The second continues during the inflammation period and applies to a large area, but it is relatively not strong. Pains when never can occur with the slightest touch to face (when shaving, cleaning teeth and wash), chewing food, change of weather conditions and even with a laugh.

Diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal nerve neuritis

For performance diagnostics worth contacting neurologist. He can get a direction for magnetic resonance tomography (MRI), electromyography (EMG) and electronics (ENG). MRI will help identify the presence of either no tumor and multiple sclerosis. EMG and ENG determine the presence of exposure directly to the triple nerve.

Prevention of trigeminal neuralgia
The treatment plan should be attending a neurologist: to cure this disease is extremely difficult and not always. Antihistamines are often included in the plan of prescribed drugs (anti-inflammation), funds from convulsion, antispasmodics, vasodilators, nonarcotic analgesics, lidocaine ointment, group vitamins and biostimulators.

Physiotherapy, appointed when newing a trigeminal nerve:

  • Novocaine and alcohol blockades (with severe forms);
  • electrophoresis;
  • radiotherapy;
  • electrostimulation (percutaneous);
  • transcranial anesthesia;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation.

In addition to conservative treatment, there is surgery. It can be percutaneous and craniotomic. Microsievous decompression of the root of a trigeminal nerve — The most common method of surgical therapy. This is not a simple operation and has limitations: elderly age and patients with brain problems.

Prevention of trigeminal neuralgia

Prevention of inflammation of a trigeminal nerve consists in the timely treatment of diseases of the nasal sinuses. All deceased system requires special attention, so it is necessary to monitor the state of the teeth. The supercooling can easily provoke trigeminal neuralgia. It is necessary to avoid injury, infections and try to observe a healthy lifestyle.

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