Molding - painful condition capable of spoiling pleasant impressions of any trip. How to prepare for the road how to overcome painful symptoms?
№ 2 — Preparation for the trip
No. 3 — Tablets from pointing in transport
No. 4 — Emergency
No. 5 — Training vestibular apparatus

travels. Indeed, who will be interested in paintings opening with
flight heights, azure sea and blue sky, picturesque landscapes blooming
meadows, if the nausea approaches, the head is spinning, and in the back of the severity? But still,
Kinetiosis is not reason
refuse to travel, deprive themselves to see the world. Also move,
For example, aircraft, much more convenient and faster, which is especially important for the working
Trips. It is important not to be afraid of the tech
and thoroughly prepare for the road.
Means against mentaling number 1 — «Right» Place for travel
By purchasing a ticket or sea ship,
give preference to a large cruise liner. Small boat throws from
side aside, up and down, such conditions is unlikely to endure your
Sensitive vestibular apparatus. -
Places in the center of the vehicle less
dangerous in terms of kinetosis.
In plane — These are places in the central row of chairs, opposite the wing, on board
Ship — Central cabins on the upper deck, on the nose of the ship against the tech will not save
None tablets. Going on Travel by train, take tickets to the head
car composition, car — the most optimal will place next to
Driver looking straight on the horizon line, you will prevent the exacerbation of the kinetosis. -
Purchase tickets to places where you
You will be faced by movement. -
Avoid the close location of the kitchen, machine
branches and other similar «Pahukhih» premises — Foreign smells aggravate
Madding. -
Inquire on the availability and operation of the system
Flowing fresh air and air conditioning installed in the transport
Means. Duchot aggravates kinetosis,
A sip of fresh air helps to overcome nausea.
Means against dummy
№ 2 — Preparation for the trip
Right psychological setting — half
Success. Do not wait for the appearance of signs of the teaching and do not be afraid of them. Anxiety and fear strengthen
The excitability of the nervous system and make a disorder in the operation of the definition system
Body positions. If you worry, take a calming down before going
means. In the case of phobia — Burst the necessary drugs. -
Have a good sleep before the journey, it will strengthen
Your nerves will prevent the development of kinetosis. -
Do not go on an empty stomach trip and not
overeat. Easy to snack vegetables or fruit a couple of hours before landing. -
Do not eat alcoholic beverages, contrary to
In general, they provoke a tech.
Means against dummy
No. 3 — Tablets from pointing in transport
If you have already come across a kinetiosis, please purchase pills from pointing in transport in advance.
These are non-receptible drugs, in the pharmacy network are available «Dramina», «Betaderk»,
«Air-sea», «Bonin», take them 30-40 minutes before the expected time
The emergence of symptoms of the tech.
Some doctors note the effectiveness of the means «Extraplast + from dicking»,
representing a plaster for sticking in an existed area containing
Extracts of soothing medicinal plants.
There are also accumulated bracelets from the tech, whose action
associated with a constant massage of biologically active points responsible for
Heart work.
Means against dummy
No. 4 Emergency
These methods are proposed to use directly
Travel time when the first signs of kinetosis appear: dizziness, weakness, nausea,
Do not look into the porthole of the aircraft and in the side
Window car. Do not work with a computer, do not read while driving, fix
Look at the stationary subject in the cabin or on the horizon line. This will help
«to clean up» In signals entering the brain from the organ of vision. -
Muffled or too bright light «Playing on
Hand» kinetozoa,
Lighting should be sufficient. -
Sit or plunge, beat back on the back
Seats, close your eyes, try to sleep. In such a posture, after a few
hours you get used to the swing. -
Try to distract, listen to music,
Job with fellow travelers. If there is a flank, the lemon slices will help,
Cold compress on the forehead, mint or sour candy. Finally, if nausea
insurmoliming, bring to the nose to the Vatka moistened with the ammonia alcohol. -
If you suffer kinetiosis, try not to eat on the road if it
It is impossible, avoid sharp, oily, smoked dishes, carbonated drinks.
More drink, preferably tea with lemon, cranberry juice, sour,
Water diluted juice.
Means against dummy
No. 5 — Training vestibular apparatus
If you like to travel or forced to fly
airplane, swim around the sea or go on a business trip by car,
Train your vestibular apparatus. Exercise, follow
Special exercises finally go through the rehabilitation course of training on
Stabilographic complex. So you will overcome kinetosis and can enjoy life!