Treating snoring


  • What is CPAP therapy
  • What are intrarocratic devices for the treatment of snoring
  • What is laser plastic and chicoplasty. Somnoplastics

  • What is CPAP therapy

    The essence of the trouser therapy (abbreviation of the English words Continuous
    POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE - constant positive pressure
    in respiratory tract) lies in a small «Inflatable» respiratory
    ways during sleep, which prevents the decay of soft tissues of pharynges
    and eliminates the main mechanism for the development of snoring.

    is carried out using a small compressor that serves constant
    Air flow under a certain pressure in the respiratory tract through
    Flexible tube and hermetic nasal mask.

    Selection procedure
    Therapeutic pressure is carried out in sleep laboratories. This
    The indicator remains fairly stable for months and years,
    If a person does not significantly change body weight. Subsequently, the patient
    Independently uses the device at home.

    Heavy cases apparatus need to use every night. With more
    The easiest course of the disease is possible periodic application of the device
    (4-5 times a week).

    Treatment practically does not give side
    Effects. Cancel hardware treatment (even if it was conducted
    several years) does not entail any complications, except
    gradual return of source symptoms. Application application
    does not cure a person, but provides a normal sleep, improvement
    Qualities of life and prevention of serious complications. Even with strong
    snore after a few days a person may feel significant
    Improving well-being.

    What are intrarocratic devices for the treatment of snoring

    Outdoor devices to prevent snore raise
    The tone of the muscles of the throat, which prevents their vibration and the occurrence of snoring.

    Treating snoring
    There are several types of intrarocratic devices to prevent snore.

    Some intrarocrats
    Devices (for example, «Extra-Laura») by type remotely resemble
    Conventional Children's Pacific and Consist of a Bow-shaped Petal
    language and fixing rims that protect from swallowing or
    Dropping from mouth. Therapeutic effect of the device is
    In the reflex irritation of the muscles of the language and pharynx, which increases the tone
    Sky, preventing his vibration, and eliminates snoring. The device has
    the greatest effect in individuals without pronounced obesity, with uncomplicated
    snore and free breathing through the nose. The main disadvantage of this
    fixtures is a possible degradation of sleep quality due to availability
    foreign bodies in the mouth.

    There are also modeled
    Outdoor devices that shift forward the lower jaw,
    What increases the front-rear size of the respiratory tract and,
    Accordingly, reduces the snoring and severity of obstructive apnea syndrome
    Sleep (SAAS). These devices are made of a special thermolabile
    Materials that are in heated form are installed on the upper jaw
    (as a ruined by the boxer), after which the patient closes his mouth with advanced
    Lower jaw forward. The billet is frozen and when re
    use provides lower jaw extension.

    Such devices
    have a good effect with uncomplicated snoring, lungs and moderate
    Soas forms, and especially in patients with bite impairment (offset
    lower jaw). The main disadvantages of the simulated devices
    is their high cost (from 100 to 300 US dollars).

    What is laser plastic and chicoplasty. Somnoplastics

    Laser plastic (or cryoplastic) The sky is used to eliminate the defects of the sky and tongue leading to the snore.

    The effect of these methods is the result of the thermal
    Or cold burn slim mucosa sheath. Laser or
    The cryoapplizer is applied linear or point burns in the area
    Soft Sky and Sky Tag, which causes them inflammation. At
    tissue healing is noted to reduce the volume and seal of the sky that
    Reduces its vibration and sound phenomenon of snoring.

    The procedure is quite simple and is carried out in an outpatient basis.
    However, the patient is experiencing significant pain resembling
    Strong angina. The procedure can be repeated 1-3 times at intervals
    2-3 weeks before reaching the desired effect.

    different from laser plastic lesser traumatic
    and soreness, but its effect on the decrease in the volume of fabric
    somewhat lower.

    Somnoplastics - treatment of snoring with
    Radio frequency energy in which low levels are used
    temperatures and power (by this it differs from the laser at which
    High levels of temperature and power) are used). When exposed
    Laser is evaporation of the fabric, on the surface of the mucous membrane
    the scar is formed, with the method of somnoplasty, only warming up the fabric without
    evaporation, scar is formed in. Percentage of improvement
    treatment of snoring method of sompacelasty 85-90%. Treatment is carried out
    In the outpatient conditions, under local anesthesia, takes 25-30 minutes.
    On average, 2-3 sessions with intervals 2 months.

    Effective with uncomplicated snoring and light-shaped syndrome
    obstructive sleep apnea (SAAS), in patients with lowly located
    Soft heaven and elongated sky. With moderate and heavy
    Soas forms, especially in patients with obesity, data efficiency
    Methods low.

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