Sleep my joy, soy ..


  • Why a child can not fall asleep?
  • Two problems of children's sleep disorder
  • How to help your child sleep better?

    Why a child can not fall asleep?
  • It is very important to know how your child sleeps well. You can find out by looking at his smiling face, good mood and energy stock. The tired child can develop problems in behavior. Sleep problems can also cause stress, both from you and other family members.
    Many parents do not know exactly how many hours should their child sleep. Experts recommend the following number of hours on each age stage:

    • Infants (from 3 to 11 months): from 14 to 15 hours;
    • Children who started walking: from 12 to 14 hours;
    • Preschoolers: from 11 to 13 hours;
    • School children: from 10 to 11 hours.

    According to information received from parents, many children do not sleep. They spend in a dream or more or less time than. But almost everyone slept all night. Children who cannot normally fall asleep may suffer from sleep disorder.
    Here are a few signs that your child has problems with sleep:

    • You spend too much time to «help» to fall asleep your child;
    • Your child repeatedly rises overnight;
    • Your child sniffs very loudly or breathes badly overnight;
    • The behavior of your child, the mood, the school mark has changed;
    • Your child began to urinate in bed, although she did not do this before;
    • You lost a dream because of your child's bad dream.

    Two problems of children's sleep disorder

    Many children suffer from insomnia (insomnia) in childhood. Sleep disorder entails the following two problems:

    • Sleep Disorder based on Association

    Many of us wake up for a short time overnight. It is most often happening at the stage of sleep, when we see the greatest number of dreams. This stage of sleep is known for fast eye movements (Rem-sleep). Usually, we do not notice these awakens and fall asleep again very quickly.

    Little children waking up can cry. Parents tend to feel that they should «help» To fall asleep again. This can be done by shaking or feeding the child, you can also lie down next to him. As a result — Many children, after some time, are not able to fall asleep on their own.
    They depend on the help of parents instead of learn how to feel comfortable alone. The child begins to associate the departure to sleep with the actions of the parents. If your child is suitable for this description, he or she suffers from a sleep disorder based on the Association.

    In this situation, the parent can understand that his child suffers from sleep disorder: «I exhausted. Every time before going to sleep i have to swing a child. If he gets up in the middle of the night, he will never fall asleep while I do not let him».
    Data The child binds the waste to sleep with the brand. When this does not happen, it can not fall asleep.

    • Sleep problems caused by an incorrectly installed sleep and wake mode

    Sleep my joy, Anya & Hellip;Problems of Sleeping, as a rule, occur in children after 2 years. They appear when your child begins to refuse to go to bed, eats every way, does not let you leave his bed. Problems of installing sleep can occur during sleep, quiet hour, or at night, when the child wakes up.
    Parents should give to understand what exactly they decide when it's time to go to bed. They must insist, even if the child does not agree or looks quite active. Children can be very inventive when they want to awake as long as possible.

    Children can ask to hug them again, can ask for a handkerchief, a glass of water, another fairy tale at night, turn on or off the light, or tell you «something important». Find out where the truth, and where the lie will be very difficult.
    You need to be solid and consistent when you react to these tricks. Pot only aggravate the behavior of a child. Parents must clearly delimit the children to sleep.

    How to help your child sleep better?

    Here are a few rules, in order to help your child sleep better:

    • Stick to the constant waste time. Each time you give the child from 10 to 30 minutes for cooking.
    • Set the amount of time to wake before bedtime.
    • Communicate with a child before bedtime. Do not allow TV, video or computer to take your place.
    • Do not let the child watch movies, programs, video games that are not suitable for age.
    • Do not let the child fall asleep in your hands, with a bottle when feeding.
    • Before bedtime, do not let the child or drinks containing caffeine. It concerns chocolate and carbonated drinks. Try not to give him medications stimulating wakefulness.

    Baby well sleeping overnight, cheerful all day. The better the child sleeps, the happier the whole family feels. Sleep problems in children are not guilt of parents. It does not mean that these problems are very serious.
    If your child has continued problems with sleep, you should talk to your pediatrician or specialist in sleep.

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