Is there any benefit in synthetic vitamins?


Natural identity

Do vitamins?Afraid «Synthetic» Vitamins stupid. Vitamins in banks and blisters — This is not a marketing deception, but the result of decades of scientific research. Natural vitamin substitutes not only have the same effect in the body as the source vitamins themselves, but also won the substances conservation. The same vitamin C in red pepper or yellow kiwi is also destroyed in general vegetable or fruit. In the cut, its number is reduced every minute.

So launch vitamins are as low as natural, from products.

Is there enough vitamins with food?

An evolutionary person has adapted to large physical exertion, a high level of stress and a small row of comfort, accustomed to hunger, cold and weather whims. Under these conditions, he needed a lot of food. A modern man is sitting at the computer, sleeps in warm and comfort, does not run away from anyone, and for meals hunts with a wire trolley instead of a spear. Of course, he needs several times less energy than a wild forest ancestor or a resident of the Middle Ages.

Some southern countries can boast a large number of long-livers. This is primarily an area of ​​the Mediterranean. Living there eat a lot of fish and vegetable products, and also warm under the sun. They have no vitamin failure. In ordinary Russian, she, alas, is. Will the vitamins help him?

Supporters of taking vitamins

Those who claim that without vitamins life is not good, are based on several postulates.

  • A person does not know what a normal life is, and believes that drowsiness, seasonal apathy, fast fatigue and frequent colds — norm. However, who does not have a deficit of vitamins, life is completely different: full energy, actions, joy. It is worth trying to take vitamins to feel the differences.
  • Middle man nutrition is very monotonous. The same salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with a dill branch, the usual apple a day, and avocado — on holidays like exotic.
  • Vitamins in natural form are quickly destroyed: long storage of vegetables and fruits (plus their supplies immature) — In stock, in metal dishes and in the refrigerator, high temperature for cooking, canning, drying and freezing. All this deprives the products of the vitamins contained in them.
  • Stresses and too tense life accelerate the flow of vitamins.

Opponents of reception of vitamins

Champers of all natural and natural often against vitamin supplements. They are based on a number of recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle.

  • If you are saturated, moderately, but regularly play sports, there are many vegetables and fruits, refuse refined products, it is enough to rest and set up yourself to positive, vitamin supplements are not needed.
  • Vitamins are not needed by an ordinary omnivorous person who is not fond of vegetarianism and monodulations. Vitamins are not needed before pregnancy (during pregnancy — According to medical recommendations), if you do not engage in weightlifting and do not get sick anything more «Colds».

Determine whether you need vitamin additives

Do vitamins?Some obvious signs of unhealthy suggest which vitamins you lack. Although we will give a list of the most frequent, warning: take vitamin supplements only after consulting a doctor and a number of analyzes. You never know how strong your personal vitamin failure. To understand how many and what substances you need you need to diagnose.

Lack of vitamin C. If the skin has become dry and peeling, if the hair swells, break or fall out if you often pick up infections if you want to sleep more than before, and with difficulty get up in the morning, if you still heal even small scratches, if the gum bleeding is long — Perhaps you lack vitamin C.

Lack of vitamins group B. If you are irritable, the sooner, notice the difficulty with falling asleep and night bed, if you quickly tired and you have little energy to the active rest, if you crack lips (especially the corners of the lips), if you notice that you often scratch (zudit leather in different places) if your head is spinning with a sharp change of body position — You may have a shortage of group B vitamins.

Vitamin D. If you notice that the state of the teeth and gums suddenly deteriorated, if you drive your legs, you are not clear why you are gaining weight or in an even place lose weight, if you live in the northern regions of the country — Go to the doctor for checking a shortage of vitamin D.

Vitamin A. If you notice that more than before, you get tired, you worse you see in the semi, if acne appeared on the face, if you are a woman and celebrate unusual dryness of the vagina — Probably, you lack vitamin A.

Vitamin E. If you have dark circles under your eyes, the bleeding gums when cleaning the teeth, if you are hard to make usual actions with moderate exercise, if you feel strange weakness — You may have a vitamin E shortage.

It seems a unambiguous answer to the question, whether to take vitamins, no. Perhaps the reaction to vitamin supplements or their absence is individual, the universal recipe does not exist.

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