Mopathia - Progressive Muscular Dystrophy. So far, scientists are in search of radical ways to treat this ailment, traditional medicine offers its supportive physiotherapy.

At myopathy, the injections of the drugs of the bee poison (Apisartron, Melissin, Apis, KF-1, KF-2, etc.) according to the technique.M. Wainona. The replacement of injection is electrophoresis with apipher tablets according to the Vermel method.
In addition to allergic to bee poison contraindications to injections and electrophoresis are malignant tumors, jade.
In the case of an undesirable reaction of the body on the bee poison, drugs that block the effect of poison are used: Dimedrol, Papaverin, Novocaine, calcium chloride, prednisone, hydrocortisone.
Used in the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy also electrophoresis with a 20% solution of honey (better buckwheat). You can apply and dandelion. On the course of treatment (10-12 procedures by method A.E. Shcherbaka) It takes only about 50 g of honey. Electrophoresis with 10% aqueous extract of propolis in 0.85% sodium chloride solution.
Remove allergies to propolise allows reception 1 st.L. Honey for 1 st. Water, as well as the introduction of novocaine.
If the injection or use of electrophoresis is impossible to use ointment with bee poison (Virapin, Ungaping, Melivern, Apizarrtron, etc.). Rub them after bioprobes in an increasing dose 2-3 times a week for 5-6 months.
It is useful to take inward buckwheat or dandelion honey (1 hour. L. or 1 st.L. 2 times a day, drinking water); Flower pollen in kind (2 h.L. 1 time per day, in the morning). For better preservation, pollen can be mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Pollen contains many biologically active substances and in the mixture with honey makes it easier to work the liver, normalizes the lipid exchange, activity of the nervous system, activates the protective forces of the body. For myopathy, as well as myasthenia, it is desirable to use a mixture of two types of pollen: corn and yvov. Unfortunately, the pollen is often allergic, to defeat which can be used with the help of a medical process «Biomos».
In recent years, a new generation of MKS-2000 type devices developed by academician M is actively introduced into physiotherapy of myopathy.AND. Fomin. The most interesting results of treatment, especially in «hiking» (non-stationary) conditions gives the use of Chens-type electrostimulators with FIFORA solutions, honey and propolis on distilled water.
Folk Medicine offers the following medication recipes for myopathy.
- Pour 1 sec.L. Herbs Macket Melk-Fashionable (2 g) 0.5 st. boiling water; boil on water bath 15 min. Take 1 st. L. 3 R. a day after eating. Cycle of treatment on average 20 days. Storing no more than 2 days.
- 2 pieces of dry crumpled grass of flaxes ordinary pour 10 pieces of vodka, insist in dark place for 3 weeks, periodically shaking. Strain. Take 30 - 40 drops 3 p. day before meals. Having flooding a sip of water, drink 2 weeks, 10 days of rest and t.D.
- Estropy in Powder Mordovnik. Take 1 piece of seeds (5 g) and 5 parts of vodka, insist for 3 weeks, strain. Take 15 drops 1 p. a day for 15-20 minutes. before meals.
- 1 Art.L. salts dissolve in 1 liter of water. Separately mix 80-100 grams of ammonium alcohol with 10 grams of camphor alcohol and combine with salty water. Stir until it dissolve white flakes. Strain. Drink for 1 h.L. per 100 grams of cold water 2-3 times a day before meals. 4 months drink, 4 months break. After 1.5 months of reception, take a break for 1 - 1.5 weeks and drink further, until the full course. Solution to store in tightly closed dishes in the refrigerator. By the end of the first course, notice that the legs will be warm and soft muscles. This treatment method increases blood flow in the limbs. This recipe can be combined with any of herbs (Maccle, Linnut, Mordovnik).
- Take 5 st. L. finely chopped pine needles (it is advisable to take young needles of this year), 2-3 st. L. crushed rosehip fruits and 2 st. L. Low husk. All this is pouring 0.7 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook on a small fire for 10 minutes. Insist the night by wrapped in warm. Strain and drink instead of water from 0.5 to 1.5 liters per day. If there are kidney problems, then drink a little. Course treatment - 4 months. Possesses a good common effect, restores blood circulation.
- 1 C.L. Herbs cuffs ordinary pour a glass of boiling water, let it stand for 4 hours and take equal portions 4 p. in a day.
I wish everyone optimism and health.