Symptoms of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in men and women, features of the disease.

Symptoms of stroke usually do not represent something difficult to recognize. Much, of course, depends on the shape and volume of brain tissue. Nevertheless, most cases of disease can be detected in the first minutes, and this — Pledge of successful treatment and minimization of consequences.
Symptoms of ischemic stroke
Symptoms of ischemic stroke are very diverse. It all depends on how the blockage of the arteries that feed the brain took place. The caliber of these vessels is important, and affected by.
Typically, signs of the disease are divided into two groups — Focal and general-year. The first group includes symptoms related to which brain centers are damaged.
Depending on the damage zone, the patient may be marked by:
- paralysis and reducing the skin sensitivity of half of the body;
- The appearance of paresthesies, that is, tactile sensations without touch — goosebumps, numbness, cooling of the skin or tingling;
- Violations of speech — The patient cannot speak clearly;
- Violation of the functions of the letter — Instead of normal letters, doodle are obtained;
- Defeat of visual organs — squint, narrowing of the field of view, its reduction up to full blindness.
The second group includes various general manifestations:
- disorders of consciousness from light stunning to coma;
- Feeling «Fog in the head»;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- feeling of badness, nausea and vomiting;
- Increase body temperature.
With hemorrhagic stroke, the appearance of meningeal symptoms is possible:
- strongest headaches;
- muscle tension head;
- Brain vomiting that does not bring relief.
The patient may also have signs of violation of higher nervous activity:
- disorientation;
- reduction of memory;
- Loss of ability to recognize familiar objects, events, people;
- loss of the ability to perceive their own body and t.D.
Symptoms of ischemic stroke and men and women rarely appear instantly. Usually the clinical picture of the disease increases within minutes, and more often hours and even days. In the hemorrhagic form of the disease, symptoms quite rarely develops for a long time. It is this form in the old days called «apoplexic strike». However, no matter how much the disease has developed, anyone may suspect her appearance and score alarm.
Symptoms of stroke: how not to be mistaken?
The emergence of any of the above symptoms in a person who has previously not suffered by nothing like this, most likely indicates a stroke on. It is difficult, of course, remember all the signs that may arise in the patient. Therefore, scientists have come up with a special set of manipulations, with high accuracy allowing to suspect ailment.
This test Fast is called and decrypted:
- Face — «face». Need to ask the patient to smile or show teeth. When stroke, the face becomes asymmetrical, smile curve, mouth acquires the shape of a drop. This feature is called «Symptom tennis racket».
- Arm — «arm». We ask a person to raise both hands forward and hold 5 seconds. With a positive result, one of the hands spontaneously falls ahead of time or does not rise at all.
- Speech — «speech». We ask the patient to say a simple phrase, for example: «I'm going to go home».
If he did not understand the request, or did it wrong, or the proposal was deliberately, swallowing parts of words or whole words, — He has stroke.
In Russia, this test for ease of memorization was called an UP-test. Decoding is simple: smile / talk / raise hands.
With a positive result of any of the items of this method, the verification should not lose a minute to call an ambulance!
List all symptoms of stroke is very difficult. Yes, this is not necessary. It is enough to understand that any change in human health must perhaps. Violations of vision and speech, motor functions and sensitivity, and even more loss of consciousness — These are the first reasons for calling a doctor. You should not neglect this, because the price of delay may be too high.