Preparation for childbirth

The desire to have a child, take care of him, feed, press to herself such a native little caller - what can be more beautiful in this light! However, pregnancy is not only big joy, but also a huge test.

Preparation for childbirth
The desire to have a child, take care of him, feed, press to herself such a native little caller - what can be more beautiful in this light!

I sometimes sincerely sorry our favorite men precisely because it is not given to them feel all this fully.

However, pregnancy is not only big joy, but also a huge test. And not only from a physiological point of view, but in terms of psychology. If a woman could lead to her body before pregnancy, adding a few kilograms, calmly could lose them in a few days, now the obstetrician gynecologist will follow. If before a bad mood you could control and easily get rid of it, now such a longing and fear that you just don't know what to do and how to break out of their hugs.

And in general, our site suggests to think how to make all these nine months of happiness were really happy?

About fears during pregnancy

More experienced and already having kids will say that they were not at all afraid when they went to give birth, do not believe them
The fear of the birth attended in the female subconscious always. If you have your more experienced and already having kids, girlfriends will say that they were not at all afraid when they went to give birth - do not believe them. Afraid! Still as afraid! From the first days, after you learned that another, small and native life originated in your body, together with joy in your creation, fear. It concerns literally everything and is not always easy to get rid of it.

I worked quite a long time in the maternity hospital and, if you just knew how many fears I had heard! When I myself wore my son, I was afraid of two things: die during childbirth and what something should happen to the child during childbirth. But these two fears are visited literally every Pregnant woman. And they are natural. Because fear for loved ones and fear of death should not be perceived as something wrong, he will always be peculiar to people. If it does not go into a painful state.

But from the feminine, I heard such that the hair ended the end! I will never forget as one young primary woman, the girl is simple, the child, holding my hand, cried and said: «I didn't make a special ultrasound to not know who I would be born - a boy, or a girl. The boy's husband wants, and suddenly the girl will be born? He will spit me and the child will not accept». Large works cost to calm the future mommy and convince her that it doesn't matter who will be born - the Patcher, or the girl, still it will be a favorite child, desired. By the way, then, having met with the future dad, I was very surprised, tolding his wife's fears. He, at the very beginning of pregnancy, jokingly said that it would be good to give birth! And then the girl is already. And since then, all nine months, the unfortunate wore this fear in his heart. Run ahead, I want to say that she gave birth just a boy. And everyone was happy, though, I'm sure one hundred percent, that if it were a girl, happiness would be no smaller. But the female psyche is ready for any detail, any accident to increase to such sizes, which did not dream of a fly, who dreamed to turn into an elephant.

Meaning of support for loved ones during pregnancy

The more the woman during pregnancy feels support - the easier it will be happy to perceive changes in his appearance and psyche
But the worst, however, what could be - is an unwanted pregnancy. That's where fears are above the roof! If a woman before pregnancy was successful in business, had a good job, the fear of falling down, the fear of losing the heights achieved sometimes is simply unbearable and causes even neurosis, which simply exhausts the future mommy, not letting feel the joy and delight from what is happening in her body. It is in this case that the support and understanding of loved ones is necessary. Who is the closest person for a woman who is awaiting a child in this life life? Of course husband! It is from the future father who depends largely, whether his son is comfortable, or her daughter, is not very restless mother of his child. After all, the more the woman during this period feels support - the easier it is, it is happily to perceive changes in his appearance and psyche.

Not in vain in the old days they said that the desire of pregnant - the law for everyone. What would the future mother wanted to fulfill everyone. I will never forget, as one woman told me, who gave birth with us already the fifth child, that she saved money during pregnancy money on the purchases of products on the market. It was worth it to approach the saleswoman, say, apples, and, having heard the price, to offer half the desired amount, as she immediately inferior. It is impossible to refuse pregnant! She laughed and said that it is very sorry, not a bargain in stores. And then she would have saved the decent amount during his five pregnancies.

Fear before the advent of the child

As soon as you take your child, instinct will tell you what and how to do
Many women have, oddly enough, the fear of the child. Especially if this is a young woman and childbirth first. «What to do with him? How to care? How not to harm your actions?» Oddly enough, but in this case, the thoughts of more mundane. For example, what carriage to buy a future child, or what bed to and beautiful and not very consistent ... not in vain in the past, even in the last century, women waiting for babies, sewed them. Shirts, sprawers, hats, socks, all this and hands and thoughts, did not let the think about the bad and terrible. Now, because of the very common prejudice, it is believed that it is impossible to buy anything in advance who has not yet born to a child. Well, okay! Let's not buy! But to dream, or start a beautiful notebook and write to it that you need to buy after your family will already become one more, you can also! And even need!

One who already gave birth, the woman told me what exactly did during pregnancy. Recorded in an elegant, color notepad with beautiful handwriting everything you need to buy after the child will be born. She, laughing, said that every month of her pregnancy, introduced all new and new records in this notebook, and she was afraid that he would simply be enough until the moment she was taken to the hospital. Then the husband, on her instruction, taking this notebook, rushing, almost five days in a row, until he acquired completely! Up to cotton swabs in order to clean the ears of the newborn. Then a happy dad even complained that he didn't even have time to mark a significant event with friends. So much was recorded in this notebook!

So do not be afraid! As soon as you take your child, instinct, this is the strongest, not a winning feeling, tell me what and how to do. And in the maternity hospital, health workers are always ready to show how to swing and bathe your baby, how to care for him. Yes, and on the first week, after discharge from the hospital, a patronage nurse will come to you, which will examine the newborn and give you advice to care for him.

Fear before the feeling of pain during childbirth

Go to preparing for childbirth courses
Fear of pain. Do you need to talk about it? I think you need. Because, no matter how much a woman wants to have a child, no matter how it is positively tuned for childbirth, it will be subconsciously she will still be afraid of pain. We all have a different threshold of sensitivity. Some may even tolerate the most severe pain, others lose consciousness even when they make vaccinations, or take blood from the finger. It is very important to psychologically configure yourself. And it is very desirable to resemble the preliminary, preparing courses for childbirth, where pregnant women teach receptions for pain relief during battles, how to learn how to breathe in the process of generic activity.

By the way, I was convinced of myself how these courses help. There are special exercises that can really remove the attack. And they are very simple, the main thing is not to panic and remember about them when they need their use.

Well, perhaps, the last ... If you feel that you are not able to cope with your experiences and fears during pregnancy, do not hesitate and do not be afraid to turn to a good psychologist. Believe that advice from a good specialist can change your life literally completely! By the way, and this I experienced. Being pregnant, I was very afraid to walk on the streets with a lively movement of cars. I could not force myself to move the road and waited sometimes for 10-15 minutes, until the horizon turned out to be clean, and only then passed the road. Well, no way could get rid of this fear to get under the wheels of the car! And only the consultation of a good psychologist completely lost me from this obsessive feeling, which is quite a few months in a row.

Finally, I want to say that pregnancy is not a painful condition, but the responsible and the happiest period of your life. And if you understand this and take From the first days of pregnancy - the better for you and your baby!

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