Silver smell of mouth with oncological diseases


  • Located tumors that cause strong smell from mouth
  • Rotten smell of mouth — Diagnostic criterion
  • What to do if the smell of pus

  • Silver smell of mouth with oncological diseasesTumors with malignant growth have always been and remain a disease in respect of which the oncological alertness must exist, that is, the readiness of doctors of any practice to consider the disease or symptom as an oncological or paranoplastic process. The appearance and growth of the tumor is preceded by the appearance and growth of the tumor, therefore, as a rule, this is an expected phenomenon at the beginning of the decay of its tissues.

    Located tumors that cause strong smell from mouth

    First of all, a strong unpleasant smell of mouth bond appears in cancer diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, nasal cavities, ear tissues due to its message with the nasal cavity. The smell of pus appears in the mouth when the tumor begins to be subjected to necrotic changes and is infected, as well as the smell of the mouth may not be so silent, but still change in earlier stages — By changing the normal microflora of the oral cavity, the concomitant inflammatory process.

    Malignant lesion of pulmonary fabric, bronchi, trachea, esophagus, stomach and even the intestines can strongly change the smell of mouth due to changes in the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in the acidity of the stomach, slowing down the food promotion, stagnation in the stomach. From acute situations, it is possible to mention intestinal obstruction, due to the squeezing of the intestine of the intestine of the tumor, in which the fetid fecal smell of mouth occurs.

    The hepatic Sweet Smell may be present in the case of liver and bile duct tumors, symptomatic diabetes and the smell of acetone — With volumetric pancreas formations.

    Rotten smell of mouth — Diagnostic criterion

    Silver smell of mouth with oncological diseasesIn addition to the milder smell of the mouth, due to the rotten decay of tumors of various localization, as well as the changes that they contribute into the normal functioning of organs and systems, it is known that tumor cells are distinguished by specific substances (under the condition of a hollow organ), which falling into exhaled air can Tools are fixed. Such examination and screening methods are applied at the study stages, but promises great prospects for simplifying screening patient selection for an oncopathology examination.

    What to do if the smell of pus

    With the appearance of a rotary purulent smell of mouth, you should contact the doctor and go through a full examination with the aim of diagnostic search, especially the combination of this phenomenon with:

    • Symptoms of general intoxication — fever, subfebrileity, weakness, decrease in body weight, disappearance of appetite;
    • Increase regional lymph nodes — under the jaw, on the neck, along the clavicle;
    • cough, shortness of breath, the appearance of sputum with pathological impurities in pus, blood;
    • difficulty swallowing, accumulating;
    • changes in voice, hoarseness, afona;
    • laying the nose on the one hand until the full impossibility of breathing through the affected nostril;
    • bleeding from the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal bleeding. It should be remembered that even nasal bleeding when swallowing a large amount of blood can imitate the vomiting of the coffee grounding characteristic of gastric bleeding;
    • long thorough angina;
    • pain in the pharynx, larynx, sternum, in the lungs with breathing, in the oral cavity;
    • the formation of a non-healing defect in the mouth, ulcers or visible tumor
    • any unspecified complaints from the gastrointestinal tract and digestion — diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, pathological impurities in a chair, nausea and vomiting.

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