10 myths about homeopathy


  • Myth number 1. Homeopathy - Treatment with small doses
  • Myth number 2.Homeopathic medicines take every 15 minutes all life
  • Myth number 3. Homeopathic preparations are sugar balls in small boxes
  • Myth number 4. Imported homeopathic drugs are not purchased
  • Myth number 5. Homeopathy - option of psychotherapy, it does not heal
  • Myth number 6. Homeopathy treats everything
  • Myth number 7. Homeopathy is the treatment of herbs
  • Myth number 8. Specific homeopathic medicine treats specific disease
  • Myth number 9. Homeopathy - treatment without complications
  • Myth number 10. Traditional medicine - enemy of homeopathy

  • Myth number 1. Homeopathy - Treatment with small doses

    It is mistaken to assume that the main principle of homeopathy - treatment with small doses. In allopathy - so homeopaths call traditional medicine, - also there are drugs taken by patients in microscopic doses. For example, the one-time dose of digoxin is only a quarter of a milligram, a daily - milligram.

    10 myths about homeopathyThe basic principle of homeopathy - «Such is treated like» (principle of similarity), t.E. Diseases can be treated by negligible doses of those substances that in large doses cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of this disease. For example, a bee bite causes edema and urine delay, and a homeopathic apice (a preparation made from the bee) is used in the treatment of these symptoms, no matter how caused them.

    Doses of homeopathic preparations may be different. They're called «Dilutions» and are decimal or hundreds. Decimal dilutions are prepared as follows: To one part of the medication, 10 parts of water is added, stirred and shakes for the uniform distribution of the active substance in the solution. It turns out the first decimal breeding. Then one part of this solution is connected to 9 parts of the water, stirred and shaken - this is the second decimal dilution, and. D. When preparing hundredth doses, the technology is the same, but 99 parts of water are added to one part of the substance. Minimal dilution used is 3 - third decimal breeding, maximum - thousandth hundredthly breeding. Interestingly, there are no more C12 (12th hundredth) in dilutions. There are no already no molecules of the active substance, only energy works, «memory» water.

    Myth number 2. Homeopathic medicines take every 15 minutes all life

    When it comes to the reception of homeopathy, the old woman is remembered from the movie «Meeting place can not be Changed», which on the alarm clock took balls every 5-10 minutes. Everything, of course, is not so gloomy. The reception frequency is determined individually, but the general rule is as follows: in acute cases often, in low dilutions, not long (3-5 days), in chronic - high (hundredth) breeding, long, but rarely, sometimes only several times a month. Branded imported complexones under the reception scheme are close to conventional medicines - 2-3 times a day before the disappearance of symptoms plus a few more days.

    Myth number 3. Homeopathic preparations are sugar balls in small boxes

    Previously, homeopathic preparations were prepared by hand, small portions and sold, indeed, in the form of sugar balls, rarely - in drops. Now the choice of dosage forms is much wider. In addition to traditional balls and drops, medications appeared in tablets, ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration, ointment in banks and tubes, gels, candles, homeopathic lollipops. But if necessary, according to the doctor's prescription, you still prepare in a specialized homeopathic pharmacy that medicine and in the breeding that you need.

    Myth number 4. Imported homeopathic drugs are not purchased

    In Moscow pharmacies, except for drugs of the Moscow pharmaceutical factory, there are many homeopathic drugs firms «Vecedy», Hell, Dhy, Bionorica, Walsh Pharma. This, as a rule, composites containing a large amount of medicinal substances in different dilutions, chosen in such a way as to have a drug effect on each drug consumed. Side effects at their reception is extremely rare, the testimony is wide, the positive effect of the reception is expressed, which allows them to create competition with allopathic drugs. On the package it is necessarily written that the drug homeopathic, other external differences from traditional drugs.

    Myth number 5. Homeopathy - option of psychotherapy, it does not heal

    The fact that homeopathic balls - placebo, t.E. Simple lumps of sugar, and the desire of the patient also worries. Homeopathy trees are treated with adults, children and animals, they are hardly susceptible to psychotherapeutic effects. And the effect of properly selected drugs is all. Veterinarians use homeopathic treatment on a par with allopathic, and children's doctors in the clinics are prescribed Calcarea Carbonics with a complex treatment of rickets in children.

    Myth number 6. Homeopathy treats everything

    Any method has its own limitations. The borders of the use of homeopathy exist, and are determined by many factors. For example, large kidney stones are easier to crush the ultrasound, and then, with the help of homeopath, choose therapy, so changing urine properties that the stones will not be formed in the future. With acute appendicitis, when the road every minute, it is certainly necessary to not be recorded at the reception to the homeopath, but to call an ambulance, expecting a homeopathic preparation, slowing the development of the process.

    Myth number 7. Homeopathy is the treatment of herbs

    10 myths about homeopathyFrom the grass of homeopathy differs in the same way and from traditional drug treatment - the principle of similarity.

    In addition, homeopathic preparations are divided into as far as large groups - plant, animals, minerals, acids and salts, the products of the affected organism. Vegetable preparations, as a rule, is the first aid - they act quickly, not long, to take them recommend them often. Very good they are in sharp cases. Metals and preparations of the rest of the groups begin to act at once, sometimes in a few days. Their action is deeper and lasts longer, they often affect a separate organ, but on the whole body. How first aid are rarely applied.

    Homeopathic medicine makes way of its preparation, and the initial substance can be anything - from the cooking salt (sodium Muriatikum) to Ink Caracatin (Sepia).

    Myth number 8. Specific homeopathic medicine treats specific disease

    Approaches to homeopathic treatment are different from traditional medical. Homeopathy treats not a disease, but a patient (like a good allopath therapist), therefore, there are no funds that help simply «from diarrhea, from constipation». In homeopathy there is a concept «medicinal constitution» That is, the aggregates of the physical and mental characteristics of a person, his personal way of responding to the disease, on the factors of the external environment, the features of its metabolism, «Weak places» His organism. The medicine selected according to the principle of similarity, that is, when his medicinal portrait coincides with the patient's constitution, treats the most effectively and fully, affecting the inner cause of the disease, and not just removing the external symptoms. Man with medicinal pathogenesis «Aconite» This medicine will relieve simultaneously from angina, insomnia, fear of open spaces, elevated or reduced pressure. True, it is possible to treat diseases, more often those who have arisen, with the help of only a few drugs, but among them it is necessary to choose a medicine on the principle of similarity.

    Myth number 9. Homeopathy – Treatment without complications

    When taking an ideally selected homeopathic preparation, fully relevant to the human constitution, the normalization of all organs and body systems is corrected. First, the disease leaves «center» bodies, then leaves with «Peripherals». According to the existing in homeopathy, the ruling of gering goes from the inside of the duck and from top to bottom, for example, the rash disappears first from the head, then from the body, and after that, from the limbs. If the patient has a bronchial asthma after taking the drug, the attacks were gone, but skin rashes appeared - this is the correct process of cure, and if the attacks were passed, but headaches appeared - it means the medicine is incorrectly praised, it challenges the disease inside the body, and requires a drug change. Medicinal exacerbation is not necessary, but not a dangerous intermediate stage of treatment, it does not threaten the life of the patient and passes independently. However, if it is very unpleasant if it is very unpleasant, you can easily facilitate its flowing. More often, the medicinal exacerbation occurs when taking a constitutional drug, the only one who adjusts the work of the body as a whole. With this method of treating a person, perhaps in a short time, he will pass through with all the diseases he «Plot», «scored» medicines, and which, therefore, did not fulfill their work in the body, did not strengthen its immune system. These diseases «live» from more recent, recent, children, each continues for several days, and passes without treatment and without unwanted consequences. In the treatment with complexes - drugs composed of several drugs, the most suitable to this person from a particular pathology, - exacerbations of extremely rare.

    Myth number 10. Traditional medicine - enemy of homeopathy

    Previously, in the fifties, in our country, homeopathy was banned with genetics and cybernetics, and traditional medicine denied it to achieve. Now the situation has changed. Homeopathy has become a full-fledged section of medicine, its use is allowed by the official order of the Ministry of Health, homeopathy courses are taught in medical institutes, at the Institute for Advanced Qualifications of Doctors. After studying the doctor receives a certificate of a specialist sample, and every 5 years, as in other areas of medicine, confirms its qualifications on the exam. Since homeopathy is a thinner and individual method of treatment than allopathy, and the selection of drugs, which is constitutional for a given patient, requires the highest qualifications of a doctor, good specialists in such treatment. Many doctors prescribing preparations from drugs - «Complexons» or «Composites». This method is less individual, but also effective. Finally, in pharmacies without prescription, ready-made homeopathic fees are sold - from the souls of the throat, from colds, menstrual pain, relieving thrust to alcohol and many others. Such medicines contain many drugs in different dilutions and help everyone, although they are not effective enough for a particular patient.

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