The uterine milk was previously made miraculous healing and rejuvenating properties. Today, the healing properties of royal milk are more sober, but it is still highly appreciated by its common and immunostimulating effect.

development is no different from other bees, it grows twice as much as
Working bee and lives up to 6 years, while her workers sisters die
After 30-35 days? The difference is that the larva of bee uterus is growing and
develops «Bathing» in Royal milk
— Pchland unique biologically active nutrient fluid,
providing the future continuing of the genus all the necessary substances.
Royal Milk — The most valuable product of beekeeping, which was previously attributed to miraculous
Healing and rejuvenating properties. Today to the healing properties Royal milk, of this bee dara,
relate more soberly, however, highly appreciating his common,
Nourishing, immunostimulating effect.
Pchele Motoic
Milk It is produced in the maxillary and silence glands of bees-kormilitz,
carefully filling large cells, in shape resembling acorn, in which
There is a growing bee-uterus, valuable nutrient fluid. Royal Milk — Initially, whitening translucent Cashier, then
Acquires a matte-yellowish tint, sour taste and a specific smell.
Collection of this bee product is very laborious, only a few weeks in
year than actually the high cost of drugs manufactured
On his basis.
Milk: Properties
Milk: Properties
Royal Milk
Pchele It has a unique composition, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats. It
contains 22 amino acids, group vitamins, ascorbic, nicotine and
Folic acid, biotin. The product is rich in microelements and among them — iron,
magnesium, sulfur, manganese, chrome, calcium, zinc, cobalt, silicon, phosphorus, silver.
Compound Music
Moom and its properties allow you to widely use the product in
Preventive and therapeutic purposes, to increase the immune protection of the body. Royal Milk
and its drugs remove fatigue, nervous tension, increase
efficiency and vital tone, resistance to infections, improve sleep,
Memory and general health contribute to the normalization and activation of exchange
Processes. Muffin Milk Bee
has the ability to remove vessel spasms, normalizes pressure, improves
lactation in nursing mothers, with external use of beneficially affects
Skin condition.
Oxy-decene acid, which is part of this product
Beekeeping, has anti-cancer, antimicrobial and bactericidal
action, delays growth and kills streptococci, staphylococci and even
tuberculous chopstick.
Royal Milk:
Royal Milk
Pchele most often used as a unique prophylactic agent. TO
Example, in Japan, a well-known life expectancy, Royal Milk It is recommended to take
elderly people as a rejuvenating agent, strengthening the body in
Overall, schoolchildren get his dose daily in the form of additives to the diet
To improve growth, strengthen immunity, improving learning productivity.
Application Music
Moor allows you to strengthen the resistance to stress and avoid
Overwork during tense physical and mental loads, shifts
climatic conditions, time zones, it is prescribed during epidemics,
Spring hypovitaminosis.
Vitamin C complex, which is part of the milk, beneficial
affects the work of the nervous system and helps to cope with the manifestations of the vegetual-vascular
dystonia, depression, neurosis. There is data on its effectiveness at vascular and
Inflammatory diseases of the brain, mental disorders,
Headache, improving blood pressure.
Milk ability to reduce cholesterol in blood and
Improve metabolic processes in myocardium used in prevention and therapy
angina, hypertension, arrhythmia. Besides, Muffin Milk Bee finds use in the treatment of cancer
Diseases, tuberculosis, salmonellosis, viral infections and diabetes.
Royal Milk:
Application Music
Milk is contraindicated in the illness of Addison, acute infectious
diseases, pathology of adrenal and intolerance to the components of products