Anal crack: folk remedies in traditional therapy


  • Anal fracture: People's Stool Regulation Method
  • Vaseline Anal Crack Treatment
  • Anal crack: Salcselle and Co
  • Anal crack: folk remedies

  • Anal crack: folk remedies in traditional therapyConservative treatment of the rear pass cracks effectively in 70% of cases of disease. If the therapy is chosen competently, supplemented with dietological recommendations, which is especially important for anal crack, folk treatment methods, effective in this case, full healing of the wound occurs within 2-3 weeks. How to treat an anal fracture, folk methods and means and affordable in the pharmacy network with medical drugs? We offer the best recipes.

    Anal fracture: People's Stool Regulation Method

    The crack of the rear pass does not tolerate constipation. The solid chair constantly hurts the wound, interferes with its healing, causes severe pain and sphincter's response spasm, exacerbating the course of the disease. To regulate the chair, a diet is recommended containing a large amount of fiber and products with a relaxing effect.

    The most useful product in the presence of anal cracker, truly people from constipation number one is considered red beet. It can be used in any form, mixing with vegetables and fruits. Mitigate the chair will help helpful dried fruits, prunes, kuraga, figs. Many fiber is contained in cabbage, pumpkin, apples, peaches, tangerines. The main task — achieve regular, fast and easy intestinal emptying.

    Medicinal laxatives can be successfully replaced with soft vegetable preparations, anal crack «Welcome» Fitotherapy as a people's method recommended by traditional medicine. Ready vegetable fees can be bought at the pharmacy, however, taking the infants and grasses of herbs must be careful not to cause too strict intestinal peristalsis and liquid stools.

    Vaseline Anal Crack Treatment

    Vaseline Anal Crack TreatmentIf there are problems with a chair, and anal crack formed, vaseline will help (Vaseline oil). It softens the wheel masses and gently stimulates the intestinal motor activity, which contributes to a regular chair. Take Vaseline oil inside needed on a tablespoon per day for 5 −7 days trying to switch to dietary methods solving the problem. Lubrication of the area of ​​the rear pass and the anal crack of the Vaseline facilitates the passage of feet masses and protects the wound from irritation.

    To speed up the healing of the crack, requires regular hygiene area of ​​the rear pass. Instead of cleansing the anal area after defecation with toilet paper, it is recommended to wash the cool water. Two or three times a day it is useful to arrange seating baths with decoction of medicinal plants. Broth of oak bark, chamomile, hunter, immortals, mother-in-law, sage are anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Additional use with anal crack of the solk sector or other ointments contributes to the rapid disappearance of the defect.

    Anal crack: Salcselle and Co

    Anal crack: folk remediesOn the use of ointments is known to all who have an anal crack, «National» The method is triggered by millions of people, is described on all sites dedicated to the disease and, by the way, is an integral part of traditional therapy. Ointments are used not just to lubricate the area of ​​the rear pass, but also for the manufacture of small tampons applied to the wound day. Drug candles are more suitable for night use.

    As a therapeutic agent number one at an anal crack is recommended solkossyrile. It is ideal for the treatment of wound wounds, which actually belongs to anal fracture. Solk sector activates regenerative processes, heats the wound, contributes to its healing. You can use tampons and microclides with sea buckthorn oil, the emptying of the intestine will occur easier and practically painlessly, the crack will faster faster.

    Anal crack: folk remedies

    • Aloe has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Fragment lubrication by aloe juice, manufacture and use «candles» from the frozen juice aloe will help speed up recovery.
    • Microclisms from the ragger of the plantain, chamomile and dyeing promote the elevation of inflammation and a decrease in pain during anal fissure.
    • Lubrication of the rear passage of propolis and olive oil accelerates wound healing.

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