The use of castor oil


The use of castor oilThose whose childhood took place in the eighties, remember the grandmothers they poured the children with fish oil, and adults scared bitter Castor. Castor oil, which was used as a laxative, many childhood remember many. But this is not all the beneficial properties of this oily and accessible to each liquid. She has many advantages, it is widely used in various industries. The first to gave the world castor oil Egyptians. The priests used him in their rituals as a medicinal drug and a cosmetic.

Properties of castor oil

Castor oil due to the contained glycerides has a fatty and slightly tight consistency, although it is difficult to notice with the naked eye. Oil is 17 times higher than sunflower viscosity.

Properties of castor oil:

  • The organic product obtained from mite seeds growing in Africa belongs to the Molokhai family;
  • laxative effect;
  • Well restores the growth and structure of the hair;
  • Strengthens eyelashes;
  • cures from a cold;
  • softens the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates, gives the skin elasticity (ideal for fading, dry and sensitive skin);
  • Quickly heals various shallow wounds, abrasions, grazing, burns, ulcers, corns and warts;
  • Strengthens nails;
  • has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, as well as antimicrobial effect.

In oil contains recycling acid, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

Castor oil during pregnancy is better not to apply at all, and it is also not recommended to use for children up to 6 years.

Before you start using this product, spend a small compatibility test: Caps a little oil on the inside of the wrist and carry into the skin. Try not to wet during a couple of hours. If you do not feel discomfort, redness and itching, you can safely use oil in any proposed purposes.

The tool has only one contraindication: individual intolerance to moleclavine and, accordingly, castor oil. It is overlayed and allergic: do not use oil without testing.

Castor oil: instruction for care

Castor oil: instruction for careIn which areas are castor oil? As a rule, it is used as a cosmetic and drug treatment drug. It can be found as part of many recipes, it is suitable for both internal and outdoor use. Depending on the method of using the instructions for the use of castor oil differ.

Here are some of them:

  • Enters the recipes diets to purify the body. Before they follow, it will be more correct to consult with your doctor — Is this method suitable for you.
  • With colds, breathing track inflammation is very popular from 2 parts of oil and 1 part of the turpidar.
  • With inflammation, hyperemia (redness) eyes, barley, recommend to bury castor oil 1 drop in the eye at night.
  • Castor oil treats papillomas (warts).
  • If you regularly rub the castor oil, you can get rid of such an ugly disease, like hemorrhoids.
  • Cleaner Cosmetic Skin Defects: Shallow Wrinkles, Straightening, Scars, Pigmentation.
  • Oil treatment of surface wounds contributes to the removal of inflammation and rapid healing.
  • Helps a newborn when healing the navel.
  • Various hair masks with castor oil are strengthened, get rid of hair loss, dandruff.
  • To care for eyelashes, eyebrows are applied both in its pure form and in the composition.
  • Masks, baths for hand and nails, as well as for face and body.
  • Paths for feet, oil wraps will help get rid of callines, holopes, water.

Using castor oil to care for things

Use castor oil in everyday life. In antiquity it was widely used to dress skin, and then for processing animal skins. Its beautiful softening qualities and now help when leaving for shoes: it becomes soft, shiny and worse skipping moisture. Leather things are also recommended to wipe the Castor — They preserved longer, do not crack, shine, do not lose softness and elasticity. Saforn British at the beginning of the twentieth century used Castor oil in mechanical engineering.

Correctly choose castor oil

Before purchasing oil, read the recommendations that will help you choose correctly:

  • If you purchase oil for cosmetics purposes, cholect the oil obtained by a cold spin.
  • Not all types of castor oil are suitable for internal use, it is important not to be mistaken in choosing.
  • Jamaica oil — Characteristic black color with the smell of ash remaining after firing.

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