Cleaning the organism starvation


  • Features of cleansing starvation
  • What diseases are treated fasting
  • How to start fasting
  • Proper exit from starvation
  • Contraindications for starvation

  • Features of cleansing starvation

    Cleaning the body with starvation, features and specificsIn the cleaning of the body is starvation there is its own specificity and their own rules. Briefly describe them so that you can decide whether you are suitable for such a way of cleansing slags.

    • It is impossible to start fasting in a state of stress. The body cleaning is fasting assumes that you enter the process of peaceful and calm. Then and the period without food / water make it easier.
    • To find out how to start fasting without mistakes, you need to explore the rules of entry and exit from starvation. The right way out of starvation will be gradual.
    • If you are new, it is forbidden to start fasting from a few days. Start from one day or from a partial starvation.
    • Help yourself cleans the intestines. Someone makes enemas, someone drinks laxative, pharmacy or natural — the choice is yours.
    • Fasting implies motor activity. Different diseases are treated with starvation, but it will be effective, only if you spend a lot of time in the fresh air and do not sit still.
    • Ideally, you need to starve under the supervision of the doctor. He will teach how to start starvation correctly and competently, and will sign the right and painless exit from starvation.

    What diseases are treated fasting

    Tips how to start fastingFasting adepts argue that all existing diseases can be cured with hunger. The main cause of diseases — slags that accumulate in the body and do not have time to be fully excluded because the body has to constantly process food. Cleaning the body hunger allows you to pause in body work, and it throws all resources for self-describing.

    So stop thinking that some diseases are not treated fasting. Just try — And you will see the result. No minor during the disease you often notice the decline in appetite. So why not start the reverse process — giving the body a breather allow him to heal?

    How to start fasting

    Cleaning your body with starvation should begin gradually, with preparatory procedures.

    • A couple of days before fasting (even if it is one-day) exclude all animal food from the diet, including dairy products, and flour. Preferably on the eve of starvation there are only fresh fruits and drink clean water.
    • In the morning of the first starvation day, make the enema.
    • If you are new to starvation, start hungry gradually. The first month is enough for one day of hunger per week. Next, it will be possible to increase the duration and rigidity of fasting.

    Go to starvation correctly — very important. But no less important is right out of it.

    Proper exit from starvation

    Tips: The right exit from starvation - a guarantee of healthThe most reasonable principle of fasting — go out the same time as fasting. If you are hungry just a day, then you will need a day.

    Exit from starvation is carried out in the same way as the entrance — Through fruits, vegetables and vegetable juices. For example, you can cook half-liter of fresh juice, add half-liter water to it and drink this mixture the first half of the day following the last day of fasting. Only in the second half it will be possible to eat some raw and boiled vegetables, and for dinner — soft porridge without butter and spices.

    Contraindications for starvation

    Strict contraindications to starvation are the following states:

    • Pregnancy
    • Lactation
    • Nervous disorders
    • Cirrhosis of the liver
    • Tuberculosis
    • Prank ulcer
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Crayfish
    • Parasitosis
    • Violated kidney functionality

    Remember strictly-setting: you should not worry, what diseases are being treated with starvation, if you have one of the listed states.

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