Color therapy - Wonders with color


  • What is color therapy?
  • Yellow
  • Orange color
  • Blue colour
  • Red color
  • Green color
  • Blue
  • Purple

  • Color therapy - Wonders with color

    What is color therapy?

    According to the preserved testimony, the Queen of Nefertiti used multicolored cosmetic oils, believing that red and green shades will benefit from her beauty.

    In China, India and Persia, the color was treated with somatic diseases. Nowadays, even official medicine recognizes color therapy.

    It has already been proven that it can be enhanced by immunity, adjust the hormonal background, activate the synthesis of vitamin D responsible for calcium deposition in bone tissue.

    According to some experts, the color affects the body is stronger than chemical preparations, and with it can be cured even cancer.

    However, is it – The question is controversial. But if you are healthy, but ended up in stress or conflict situations, color therapy techniques may come in handy.

    If a new stage begins in your life – You enter the university or arrange to work – Surround yourself with yellow objects. It will help you overcome uncertainty in yourself and easier to perceive new ideas.


    Yellow Helps when passing exams, when you need a limiting concentration of attention and ability to memorize large volumes of text. People of creative professions Yellow color gives inspiration.

    Orange color

    Orange Colour Occupic. He will restore your tired organism after a hard working day, will give a feeling of heat and comfort in the house.

    Blue colour

    If you are tormented by doubts, then your Colour – blue. In the east, he symbolizes the truth and peace. Blue color will help you to cleanse the consciousness from unnecessary thoughts, will calm down if you become anxious.

    Use blue shades when placing an apartment – And you yourself notice that the scandals in the family almost stopped. In the blue bedroom you will no longer be tormented by insomnia.

    Red color

    Trouble brought you to the nervous breakdown? Red color able to give you a feeling of security. It is traditionally considered to be the color of the leader.

    Red suit instantly make you the center of attention in any company. You can be sure that you will listen to your words. But since he is very exciting, you need to handle it carefully.

    Red blouse will give you a sense of confidence in your own forces, but you should not stick your room with alami wallpaper – This is fraught with flashes of aggression and even hypertensive crises.

    Red as it is more appropriate in the kitchen, since, in addition to other things, it excites the appetite, but in the bedroom it is categorically not a place.

    Green color

    Green color It is appropriate in any situation. This is the color of natural harmony. He will calm nerves and besides eye. In addition, there is a theory that it attracts financial well-being (not by chance in the word «Green» Many people have an association «dollars»).


    Blue has the property to eliminate fears, even those that you yourself have not realized. However, experts note its negative impact on people with reduced pressure.


    Purple Remarkably removes tension. In addition, it helps to find a way out of the creative crisis and relieve nervous overload.

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