«Black melancholy», or panic attack attack


  • What is a panic attack?
  • Symptoms of panic attacks
  • Treatment of panic attacks
  • First aid in the attack

  • It is possible that in the Middle Ages, these symptoms were associated with an obsession with the devil, and in the past century they called black melancholy. And another fifteen or twenty years ago they were not associated with something defined, but called «acute reaction to stress».

    What is a panic attack?

    Meanwhile, the panic attack, as if frightening this name,
    is neither a sign of threatening life violation of health nor& laquo; black melancholy & raquo;, or panic attack attackRedvestment
    spiritual disease. This is just an increased reaction to
    Mental or bodily overload.

    But in Russia, the alarming people are often doomed to be victims. Feeling fear,
    panic, anxiety are socially condemned, abnormative phenomena.
    They are the same as the concepts «Personality» or «mind», are located
    under pressure taboo.

    Even in developed countries, panic attacks and alarming disorders are
    the most dramatic states of the soul, and many people are treated for years
    from non-existent diseases and suffer, without finding them an adequate explanation.

    In Russia, approximately ten million people suffer alarming disorders,
    And most of them turn out to be in complete loneliness and isolation.

    Aggression and fear are always standing nearby. If appreciated in Russian society
    The degree of unmotivated aggression, you can guess what stocks of fear
    We have many externally prosperous people.

    Russian doctors, in particular neuropathologists, psychiatrists and even many
    Psychotherapists, as a rule, do not recognize the term «panic attacks», pretending to study individual symptoms of the disease, or
    The blurry label is hung «Vegetative disorder»
    («Vegeta dystonia»). Meanwhile, the term «Panic
    attack» extremely accurate, besides, it helps the patient finally
    definitely call their condition, which is a prerequisite
    To overcome the disorder.

    Symptoms of panic attacks

    • Heartbeat.
    • Tide of blood, chills.
    • Safety of suffocation, breathing.
    • Tremor (trembling).
    • Stunning consciousness, dizziness.
    • Sweating.
    • Pain in chest.
    • Suffocation.
    • Fear of death.
    • Fear to go crazy or lose control of oneself.
    • Gastrointestinal disorders.
    • Feeling fainting.
    • Feeling loss of hearing.
    • Feeling of depersonalization or drama.

    In accordance with the classification of American Psychiatric Society Panic
    Attack takes place in cases where the attack of fear has at least
    Four from the fourteen of the above symptoms and if the accompanying
    His malaise reaches its maximum for ten minutes and
    stop no later than two hours.

    Treatment of panic attacks

    Treat panic attacks, especially in Russia, not just. Primarily
    The following diseases and ailments should be eliminated:

    • reduced or increased thyroid function;
    • Some heart diseases, such as, for example, angina
      or arrhythmia;& laquo; black melancholy & raquo;, or panic attack attack
    • Diseases of respiratory organs, as well as those determined by them too frequent
      and superficial breathing (hyperventilation). These include primarily
      asthma and chronic bronchitis;
    • Low blood sugar in diabetics (hypoglycemia);
    • neurological diseases;
    • Abstineent syndrome or alcohol abuse, narcotic
    • Hormonal disorders associated with adrenal glands;
    • attacks of hypotension or other organic changes associated with
      infection or injuries.

    It is necessary to avoid damage to yourself and remember,
    that diseases initiating symptoms similar to the symptoms of panic attack,
    do not appear suddenly and meet less often than panic attacks related
    with stress and psychophysical overloads.

    It is better to visit separately
    Enerodocrinologist, cardiologist, neuropathologist and therapist and pass all the necessary
    Analyzes (at least - EEG, ECG, blood for sugar, thyroid hormones,
    Adrenaline, Noradrenalin).

    It is necessary to avoid without the extreme need to visit psychiatrists, as well as psychics,
    folk healers and unfair advisers.

    If possible, avoid also taking the so-called neuroleptics
    (antipsychotics). This is a class of strong psychotropic drugs that
    able to quickly remove fear and anxiety, but can also cause many
    Side Effects, Fasten a variety of motor and vegetative disorders
    and remove the time when you stop feeling your body out.

    First aid in the attack

    To relieve panic attacks well use weaker and
    Safe than antipsychotics, preparations, such as clonazepams, phenazepam,

    Minimum quantity (for example, quarter clonazepam tablets)
    need to put under the tongue, slowly suck, relax, engage
    Outcasting& laquo; black melancholy & raquo;, or panic attack attackm and deep (abdominal) slow breathing, but not hyperventilation.

    Find out in advance the phone number of trust in your city or area and call
    speak out or consult if you are bad.

    As a supporting pharmacological treatment, it is best to use
    Xanaks (Cassadan) - an effective drug tested specifically
    For long-term treatment of panic disorders.

    Remember - undesirable
    dramatically stopping the treatment of Ksanaks, the prescribed dose must be reduced
    not immediately after sustainable improvement, but only a week or two, in
    otherwise treatment can become useless.

    Avoid drinking three or four to five
    different drugs at the same time (write many drugs like our
    Psychiatrists and neuropathologists). Simultaneously with Ksanaks, in case of depressed, you can drink antidepressants that are most suitable for you.

    Pharmacological treatment is only supportive!

    At the same time, it is necessary:

    • teach loved ones to help you and adequately react to your attacks,
      Preferably with a good psychotherapist,
    • start regularly attending the psychotherapist and tune in for long months
      Stubborn work.

    And you will definitely defeat the ailment!

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