Where to put leeches


    Stopping leeches in one body point — The procedure, in general, is not at all difficult. Nevertheless, only a doctor who determines the amount of leeches for his patient and the place of their production (depending on the overall condition of the patient and the severity of the painful process). With a different disease for hirudotherapy, there are strictly defined sites (points) for the production of leeches. And all these points know doctors, because the success of the treatment depends on it. It is impossible to put leeches on the face, to places with thick skin and to the place where arteries and veins are close to the surface of the skin (for example, on visible veins, a carotid artery).

    Where you can and need to put leeches?

    Where to put leechesThe answer to this question in some cases is very simple, and in other presents a real puzzle. For example, during thrombophlebitis, leeches are usually put on the edges of the thrombied vein 1 cm from it (but not for it!). With inflammatory processes – on the inflamed area of ​​the skin or the area around it. With hyimorite – above the eyebrows and on the side surface of the nose, and when radiculitis – Along the spine. If the joints are worried, leeches are put on the skin around them. Get rid of the emerging panary on hand or leg, putting leeches directly to the inflamed place.

    It is more difficult to decide where to put leeches, for example, with migranes. It turns out that not at all on whiskey, as it would be possible to think, but on the cottage processes of the bones of the skull. These processes are easily told as bulges, if you hold your fingers for the ears.
    In disorders of vision, leeches put on the back of the neck along the spine, and to improve the blood supply of the brain – on the corners of the lower jaw. With inflammatory processes in the liver and bustard – to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, and sometimes on the tailbone. On the tailbone they put leeches when dealing with inflammation of the uterus and bladder. To eliminate the consequences of infarction of leeches, put over the region of the heart to the left in the third, fourth and fifth intercostal intervals. With stagnant diseases in lungs and nasal bleeding struggles, taking leeches around the rear-ground opening.

    So unusual places for the production of leeches may seem strange. Indeed, blood from the nose, and you have to take off my pants. However, remember the acupuncture of acupuncture (acupuncture) recognized worldwide. To correct a number of states, an experienced doctor affects certain points on the patient's body, the location of which a non-specialist says nothing. Approximately the same situation and leeches. Many chase of hiculturapia believe that leeches themselves find (within the field of skin proposed by him) bioactive points of humans and are embarrassed to them.

    From what has been clear one – Gudotherapy session should hold a professional doctor. Self-treatment here, as in any other area of ​​medicine, is unacceptable! Of course, more detailed schemes of performing leeches and the schedule of treatment courses can be learned from special literature, but all the consequences of their independent application will only lie on you. Remember this!

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