Fasting: pros and cons


  • Starvation
  • Forms of starvation
  • Will the starvation help to lose weight?

  • Fasting time for centuries used in many cultures and religions to achieve various purposes, there is fasting fasting today as fashionable «diet». Medicinal starvation is attributed to truly magical properties: the liberation of the body from slags and toxins, spiritual cleansing and disposal of unnecessary kilograms. Sounds very tempting...

    Is fasting whether he is healing therapy or it is just a deception of our body? What actually happens with the body, and what dangers will lie in medical starvation, we will try to figure out.


    Failure to eat helps inner physical and spiritual cleansing. Fasting is sometimes used as a method of treatment from some diseases, in this case, instead of the recommended week, fasting can last up to 2-4 weeks.

    More and more people, mostly women, appeal to starvation in autumn, it is not always connected with religion, but rather with the desire to update the body along with nature. For many starvation becomes a way to relax, find an internal balance and peace.

    It is very important for medical starvation - emotional attitudes and preparation. Need not to force yourself «Touch» a few days without your favorite delicacies, but to configure yourself positively, only in this case the success is guaranteed. In this case, the brain does not recognize the danger and does not send signals of hunger, does not produce stress hormones.

    Around the third day of fasting, the hormone serotonin begins to actively produce, and with it there is a feeling of internal harmony and satisfaction. During the fasting course, the senses of smell and tanging are very often exacerbated, a tide of new forces.

    The emergence of new forces during starvation seems absurd, but easily explained. Our body spends a lot of energy for food processing, during fasting the saved energy of organisms is sent to healing or self-regulation of the body.

    This principle is used for thousands of years in ancient medicine - Ayurveda. Despite the rapid relief of weight during starvation, such a course can not be considered as a fast diet.

    Forms of starvation

    Full food failure in any form. The daily diet consists of only 2-3 liters of flourishing liquids (water, herbal teas). This kind of starvation is most often associated with negative impact on health.

    More supporters among physicians has another kind of starvation: with daily consumption of 500 kcal through liquid food: proteins (dairy serum, soy milk) - fasting on milk, minerals and vitamins (vegetable broths and fresh fruit and vegetable juices), essential fatty acids (vegetable cold spin oil).

    Fasting: pros and consThe second form of starvation passes easier and causes less harm to the body. The fasting program includes training (1-2 days before fasting the number of eating energy is limited to 1000 kcal, predominantly plant origin) and a gradual transition to the normal power supply mode upon completion of the course (2-3 days). Before starting the course of fasting, it is necessary to prepare psychologically, it will be pressed positively to the improvement of the body, refuse cigarettes, alcohol and coffee.

    On the first day of fasting, it is recommended to clean the intestine using the solution of the glauble salt (sodium sulfate). The concentration of the solution is calculated as follows: under normal weight 20 grams. Glauber salt by 0.5 liters of water, with lightweight weight - 30 grams. 0.5 liters of water, with severe overweight - 40 grams. 0.75 l of water.

    Warm solution of a nodescale sutron is drunk, you can add lemon juice to improve taste. In the first three days of fasting, negative side effects are possible: headaches and migraines, reduced pressure, cramps, striking, temporary vision disorders, swelling, sleep disorder. As a rule, these symptoms quickly pass and most of the starvation appears the feeling of lightness, the tide of energy, enlightenment and improvement of working capacity.

    Recommended hovering course duration - 7 days. Go to normal nutrition is also gradually. Eat on the last day of starvation 1 apple at lunch, carefully chewing, for dinner - light vegetable soup.

    Within 2-3 following fasting days, you need to adhere to the same power mode as when preparing for starvation. The fasting course is best 1-2 times a year, but it is better to avoid winter, since this time raised virus infections.

    In the first three days of fasting, the body is rebuilt for a new mode and begins to use its internal resources - proteins and fats. First of all, proteins from muscle tissue are consumed, fats are used;. It is this moment in starvation, many consider the most negative.

    Fasting opponents argue that the full rejection of food does not strengthen, but only weakens the body and makes it more vulnerable to infections and viruses. Fast muscle loss can also affect heart muscles, which is especially dangerous for people suffering from heart disease.

    Fasting supporters argue that muscle mass is rapidly restored after the transition to ordinary nutrition and sufficient physical activity. However, it is recommended to take proteins of drinks (kefir, serum, soy milk) during starvation (kefir, serum, soy milk) and stay physically active (walks, jogging, charging).

    Before proceeding with improved starvation, consult a doctor.

    It is categorically contraindicated starvation in the following cases:

    • Exhaustion, anorexia;
    • Severe depression;
    • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • Cerebral-vascular failure;
    • Renal or liver failure;
    • Pregnancy and feeding.

    Long fasting even for healthy people should always leak under the supervision of the doctor.

    Will the starvation help to lose weight?

    This question is worried about many, but an unambiguous answer to it is difficult to give it. Naturally, during the fasting course, extra kilograms quickly leave, but also quickly return during the transition to the usual power mode, in this pros and cons of starvation. But the effect of the pendulum can be avoided only if you fully revise the approach to your nutrition and rebuild life to a new, healthy way.

    Fasting, which can be called the most ancient diet, began to apply for the health of the body and spirit not because of some social (problems with weight) or cultural (religion) conventions, but from the accumulated centuries-old experience.

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