Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy


  • Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy
  • Child with cytomegaly
  • How cytomegalovirus infection is manifested
  • Diagnosis and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection

  • Cytomegalovirus infection — The disease caused by the virus from the herpes family. Infected with them, you do not get rid of him. However, it is possible to reduce the number of exacerbations of this infection in the body.

    The main source of cytomegalovirus infection is a sick person who is currently being aggravated by this process. The pathways of the cytomegalovirus are the same as the herpes virus (they relate to one family), t.E.:

    • Air-drip,
    • sexual,
    • contact,
    • intrauterine (tranceplacent).

    Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy

    Cytomegalovirus and pregnancyThe danger of the virus for the body is pregnant, especially for the fetus, is an acute course of cytomegalovirus infection, t.E. Primary infection during pregnancy.

    Infection from a sick person with acute cytomegalovirus infection — For pregnant women is the worst option, t.To. Due to the lack of antibodies in the blood, a non-boiled virus is quite easily penetrating through the placenta, damaging effects on the fetus (fetal infection occurs in 40-50% of cases)

    The aggravation of hidden virons under the influence of factors weakening immunity (for example, the presence of concomitant diseases, the reception of drugs of overwhelming immunity) is a less dangerous situation. Since there are already existing antibodies (IgG, which have always happened with hidden virusism), the virus itself becomes weakened, which reduces the degree of penetration through the placenta and aggressive impact on the fruit (fetal infection occurs only in 1-2% of cases).

    There is a certain dependence between the degree of adverse effects of the virus on the fruit and the gestation. So, for example, when infected with the fetus in the early period of pregnancy, there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage or anomaly for the development of a child.

    When infected in a later date, the malformations of the fetus are not observed, but quite often arises excess amount of accumulating water during pregnancy, premature births are noted (This is a childbirth that
    occur between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy
    ) and the so-called «Congenital cytomegaly» Newborn.

    Child with cytomegaly

    For a child with congenital cytomegalia, the presence of jaundice (orange leather), an increase in the size of the liver, spleen, reduced hemoglobin (anemia) and other changes in blood test, also noted, severe lesions of the central nervous system, eye damage and hearing.

    The discovery of the IGG child, in the first three months after delivery, is not considered a sign of congenital cytomegaly, if his mother has a hidden virosoncy, t.To. these antibodies got him from mom at birth and after three months they will disappear on his own. The detection of IGM's child, serves as evidence of the presence of an acute stage of cytomegalovirus infection.

    How cytomegalovirus infection is manifested

    When infected with cytomegalovirus infection, the body temperature, chills increase in pregnant women, is weakness,
    Headache, pain in the muscles, there is an increase in the spleen, common ailments that can be adopted for any respiratory infection (ORZ).

    Diagnosis and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection

    After entering the pathogen in the body, antibodies (immunoglobulins) on cytomegalovirus are immediately beginning to be produced in the body, which in most cases does not give infection to cause a sharp process and leads only to hidden (asymptomatic) virusism, which for a long time can not show itself.

    Only blood test to intrauterine infections will determine antibodies to cytomegalovirus, t.E. Marking the carrier / infection with the virus in the past (class G immunoglobulins, abbreviated IgG). Primary infection and acute phase of the disease are diagnosed by the presence of IGM.

    It is very important to plan a pregnancy and, before you conceive a child, go through all the necessary examinations: explore the blood and the contents of the blood smear,
    Dash to the analysis of saliva and urine (during pregnancy - spindle
    water). In addition, a cytological study of the mucous
    Vagina shell and cervical cable. For complete confidence better
    Make immunodeficiency analysis, polymerase chain reaction
    (Study that allows you to reveal
    Cytomegalovirus infection in any cell of the body).

    If a pregnant woman has found
    Positive results of analyzes for cytomegalovirus infection, doctor
    send it to a more thorough examination that includes
    Ultrasound, cordocentsis, amniocentesis (it is especially useful for those women whose
    Last pregnancy ended in miscarriage or the birth of the patient

    Ultrasound Research (Ultrasound)– This is a study of the state of organs and tissues with ultrasound waves. Cordocentsis - This is one of the methods of prenatal (intrauterine) diagnosis of the state of the fetus. With cordocentsis, puncture of binding fetus for taking blood. Amniocentesis - This is a study of amniotic (spindle-free) fluid, taken with a thin needle through a microscopic puncture in the abdomen of the future mother.

    In addition to planning pregnancy for the birth of a child you need
    Prepare: in time to treat diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Prevention of infection with cytomegalovirus infection reduces to compliance with personal hygiene measures.

    Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection from mother to the fetus is as follows: Strict observance of personal hygiene during pregnancy, avoiding unprotected contact with potential carriers of infection. If a woman has miscarriages, stilling or the birth of children with defects, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive examination of a woman for the presence of cytomegalovirus infection.

    Women have carriers of cytomegalovirus infection re-pregnancy and childbirth are allowed only on the background lack of manifestations cytomegalovirus infection under the action of treatment. Birth Through the Caesarean operation, the segment does not have any advantage compared to natural clauses – The risk of child infection is maintained.

    The most effective measure of the pregnancy of cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy is to exercise a survey for this infection before the occurrence of pregnancy (during pregnancy planning) – In the event of a cytomegalovirus infection detection, you need to undergo a course of treatment, which will reduce the risk of transmission of infection to the fetus.

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