Method Tsigong


  • History of Qigong
  • The concept of qigong
  • Directions qigong

  • History of Qigong

    The occurrence of qigong is the time of neolithic, archaeological excavations suggest that the cave people have already applied uncomplicated movements, dancing and self-massage. True, at the time the term «qigong» I did not exist, these movements did not have a certain name, they were called « Dao Yin» - Catchy (or Looking).

    The earliest mention of healing movements found in «Treatise of yellow emperor «About internal». In the treatise recorded: «Ancient people lived among wild animals and birds, they had to move like this animal, in order to avoid heat, and in the winter - cold».

    The movement helped people to cope with adverse factors of the external environment, as well as to maintain health and treat various ailments, for example, if after sleeping well to stretch, zevaut, stroke themselves, then there is a feeling of peaceful peace and joy; If the back hurts, you can massage, slightly tear it and the pain passes; If the breast fits constraint, then you need to stroke yourself and widely open your mouth, then the feeling of stiffness passes. So the first, primitive prototypes of today's gymnastics «qigong».

    The concept of qigong

    Term «qigong» first meets in the Taoist treatises, the earliest of them is called «Clean and bright religious records», written by Taoist Xu Xuang during the dynasty of Jin. Into Russian «Qi Gong» translated as work with «Q». «Q» - represents a certain energy substance, «GUN» - means action, skill control.

    Gymnastics «qigong» As a social and cultural phenomenon, it is a reflection of traditional Chinese philosophy, religion and traditional medicine. Gymnastics «qigong» - This is a unique Chinese body improvement system based on the ability to manage vital energy «Q» (or source of life).

    Mastering the technique of gymnastics «qigong», It is necessary to remember and comply with the basic principles:

    • During the exercises to be alone, cleaning the heart and soothing mind
    • During the workout, abide by the rhythm and the uniformity of breathing
    • All exercises should have a clear, continuous character

    Directions qigong

    Method TsigongThere are many directions and schools «qigong». Currently, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, Tibetan schools of gymnastics «qigong», Each of them puts one's own tasks and objectives. Among the directions are distinguished by medical and wellness gymnastics «qigong»; combat and sports; Tough and soft. Especially highlight two types of gymnastics «qigong» - Dynamic (or external) and static (or meditative, internal).

    Static species is, above all, deep and rhythmic breathing through the nose, calm smooth movements aimed at the concentration of vital energy «Q». This kind «qigong» Beneficially affects the main systems of the body (CNS, blood circulation, digestion).

    For dynamic species are characterized by intensive physical exertion, which allow to increase the tone of the entire body and, as a rule, is often used as one of the ways to strengthen the overall health status.

    But still, many researchers agree that modern divisions on schools and directions are somewhat conditional, so, for example, masters of martial arts learn medical gymnastics «qigong» For the treatment of various injuries, and when they reach the highest level in their direction, they begin to comprehend and spiritual gymnastics «qigong».

    For Chinese medicine gymnastics «qigong» Almost endless. Chinese doctors say it is effective for treatment and to preserve health, especially as an additional method of therapy. The Chinese believe that the knowledge of how this energy is functions, and the ability to correctly influence it will allow you to live a long and healthy life.

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