Headache? Net tooth? Lomit Susta? Akupuncture will help you. What points of the ear shell need to click to remove pain, improve well-being and feel cheerful.
What do you know about the point massage ears? In addition, it can be in a sense of a fairly drinking comrade, and that somewhere there, in the region of the ear, there are many biologically active points, most likely nothing. Having become acquainted with the acupuncture closer and mastered the art of massage of ear sinks, you will be able to strengthen health, learn how to deal with stress and remove tension.
Ears — Mirror of our organism
Doctors, in the subtleties, mastered acupuncture believe that the auricles are capable of telling a lot about health. The experience of healing massage was copied by the centuries of the healers of the Ancient East, Egypt and Persia. It was observed that the flatted ear sink occurs in people with the functional deficiency of the kidneys, while the developed and convex form of the ears indicates a high degree of activity of the renal blood flow. Solid ear cartilage talks about the good energy supply of the kidneys, and soft, opposite — about energy weakness. According to the ideas about chakras and energy fluxes of the human body, it is the kidney that are responsible for harmony in the body.

The diagnosis of diseases of the internal organs as of the state and the shape of the auricle was used quite widely. Over the color of the skin of the uches, they were judged by the severity of the disease, on the emergence and disappearance of cartilage tubercles, rings, convolutions, pigment spots — about the course of the disease. Of course, with the development of medicine, it is strange to diagnose, looking at the ears, but, nevertheless, it allows you to suspect the disease and send to further examination.
See your ears...and understand
Have you ever paid attention to the shape of human ears? They are very similar to the embryo, located down the head in the womb. All organs of the embryo are projected on the ear shell — These are biologically active points that are used when acupuncture.
At the base of the moss is a toothpoint, closer to the ear of the ear — Point of Eyes, Further Bending at the level of the opposite — Point of head and endocrine point, then on the ear shell up — Breastpoint, point of abdomen, loins, pelvis organs. In the field of the top leg — Point of lower extremities, and in the depths of the ear, closer to the auditory passage and the base of the leg curl — Relaxation point.
Massage of biologically active points contributes to the mobilization of the body forces, relieves fatigue, stimulates the work of the internal organs.
Spot massage
Massaging you need both ears alternately or immediately with two hands in the setting of the most calm, pacifying.
Before carrying out the procedure to warm your hands, take a comfortable posture, relax the muscles of the body.
The easiest version of acupuncture — Massage of ear shells fingers. The inner parts of the ear are massaged by the tumbs of the index fingers, all fingers are connected during the massage, and the top pieces of the ear are more convenient to massage by index and thumbs.
Acupuncture specialists make massage from ears using special glass or metal sticks, in everyday life can be replaced with a stupidly sharpened match or hygienic stick.
Massage of ear shell clockwise activates brain activity, counterclockwise — The effect will be the opposite, relaxing. Acting on certain biologically active points, you send signals to various internal organs, so the point pressure should be deep, but without pain.
Duration of Massage Ears — at least 1 minute. If in the process you feel fatigue, just massage the uche and goselves, it will.
If the goal — Prevention of diseases and acquisition of general harmony, you are shown the rubric massage of the entire area of the auricle: 30 times in one direction and the same — In the opposite. Movements are performed by the surface of the palm attached to the ear.
If you are experiencing fatigue and pain in the legs, during the evening massage, pay attention to the top of the ear shell. In case of diseases of the internal organs, massage by index or middle finger the middle of the ear, with the fatigue of the eyes — Light.
Ear massage will not harm. Even if the point is found incorrect, the worst thing that can happen — lack of effect from the procedure. Acupuncture is not able to raise the body's tone above the norm, cause voltage, anxiety or an increase in blood pressure. Of course, if problems are worried, it is better to contact a specialist.
Massage movement technique
Initially, it is recommended to stretch the ears with soft, arbitrary movements of the fingers, and only after that start to massage points.
For acupuncture, you should use a finger, which is convenient to put pressure on the point and perform rotational movements. Impact is limited to 6-7 pressure, through short intervals. The massage methodology also includes rotation, rubbing, stroking and even light blows.
Since the ear sink is dotted with active dots, as a minefield, I want to contact lovers of earrings in the ears. Determine the point to which earrings will continue to work, can only auriculotherapy. If you do not want the kidney or heart to experience a permanent load, and this will take place when wearing an earrings in the projection of the body, it is better to contact a specialist for choosing a mute point of puncture ear.