The main provisions of reflexotherapy


  • The history of the development of reflexotherapy method
  • Concept of reflexology
  • Application of acupuncture techniques

  • The history of the development of reflexotherapy method

    Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has an extensive collection of folk medical practices. During the past five thousand years, acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating), qigong and herbury were the main methods of treatment in China. In an effort to get rid of themselves from pain or reduce it, man instinctively rubbed painful places. At the same time, pain points (points) were detected to which he impact.

    Probably, it became a prototype of modern active points. At the beginning, the exposure to points was carried out by pressing with fingers, the stone, bone and metal needles were applied. Later, acupuncture (acupuncture, accumpuncture) began to be widely used in various medical purposes to prevent and treat diseases, as well as to facilitate pain and anesthesia in surgical intervention.

    According to the eyes of Eastern philosophy, a person is an integral part of the Universe, their constant interaction occurs at energy «Q», which in Chinese philosophy is considered the main life energy. Energy «Q» Moves in the human body through the channels (or meridians), which are communication centers between physical and essential bodies.

    In Chinese philosophy, any disease is considered as an imbalance of two types of energies «Yin» and «Jan» and interruption or failure «Q». Ancient medical practices, such as acupuncture (acupuncture, accumulating), qigong, massage, as well as the use of various herbs applied to restore the equilibrium of all energy flows of the body.

    Concept of reflexology

    Reflexotherapy or acupuncture (acupuncture, accumulatory) is a method of exposure to special steel needles on active body points. A low-frequency current can be connected to the needle, the strength of which is regulated depending on the patient sensations, to enhance the effect to the needle, substitute the heating lamp, all contributes to the best effect on the active zone.

    Initially, the body was numbered three hundred sixty-five so-called active points of influence, this number corresponded to the number of days a year, but over the past two thousand years the number of points has increased to about two thousand. In traditional acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating), it is usually a stimulation of a non-one point, but constitute a combination of points, the experienced doctor itself chooses which combination of active points is more appropriate.

    Application of acupuncture techniques

    The main provisions of reflexotherapyToday, acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating) is becoming increasingly popular, it is often used mainly as an additional method of treatment, in various fields of medicine. As in other Eastern medical practices, the main emphasis in acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating) is aimed at preventing the disease.

    For example, in the USA, where in many medical centers in practice, traditions are used by treatment methods from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries, acupuncture considers part of additional and alternative medicine.

    In recent decades, acupuncture has become widely used in cosmetology. Cosmetic acupuncture, when thin, like hair needles, stick into certain points on the patient's face to stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles, which contributes to the elimination of nasolabial and interhorlastic wrinkles. Also successfully applied acupuncture and in the treatment of obesity.

    But it is necessary to remember that weight loss using acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating) is possible if overweight is not associated with diseases of the endocrine system. In the first sessions, the doctor, stimulating certain points, reduces appetite. It is noticeable to dull feeling of hunger, interest in food disappears. Next, within one two weeks, a change in the metabolism scenario is carried out. Usually weight decreases by 1.5-2 kg per week. Then weight loss continues a few months after the cessation of treatment.

    Acupuncture method (acupuncture, accumuating) provides positive results in the treatment of alcohol and drug dependencies. Cheerful affects acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating) at the work of the immune system. However, these facts are not a confirmation that acupuncture is a panacea from all troubles. Only in a comprehensive combination with massage, physiotherapy and other acupuncture procedures (acupuncture, accumuating) has a positive effect on health.

    Currently, scientists continue to study the effectiveness of the acupuncture method (acupuncture, accumuating). However, acupuncture, like any medical impact, can cause unwanted side effects if the treatment is not qualified.

    Before a course of acupuncture (acupuncture, accumuating), the patient is necessary to talk to the doctor, tell him what methods have already been applied or applied to treatment or prevention, which drugs are being taken at the moment, all this will help ensure the correct definition of active zones and competent treatment.

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