Last word in perfumery - perfume with pheromones. Pleasant, although weak smell - but the saleswoman rolls his eyes: «All men will be yours!» Believe or not?
Representatives of the opposite sex. What they actually smell? «BUT
You sniff», - said the scientist and gave me an empty bubble. Even the throat
Intercepted – to what disgusting and sharp seemed the smell. «This is -
Male Feromon Androston, - My interlocutor smiled. - If you have
will bet this month cycle – do not worry. You

Pheromone at great concentration, it can have such an effect…»
The smell of a man
Androstenon is the only famous pheromone, which is allocated by the glands of not only the animal (male pig), but also men.
And for men, as well, for each third woman, he is not
smells nothing! Why – mystery. What kind of information is carrying this
But the pheromones of animals are distinguished and learned quite successfully. Also in
1959 there was an assumption that insect female signals
pairing readiness with some volatile matter. It was
allocated and found to the special class of substances that in the animal world
Play role «Informants».
Through their animals, the boundaries of the territory will be informed about the danger
and about the need to harvest in flock, regulate parental relations. But
Until now, neither to us nor leaders in this area – Americans fail
So far reliably establish the existence of human pheromones.
«Even determining them as substances secreted by animals and,
Perhaps a person and employees to transfer some information to individuals
The same species, still requires expansion, - says Dr. Chemical Sciences
NS. NS. Zinkevich. - I have been studying the pheromones for 30 years and I can
say that questions still remain more than answers».
Love from the first sniff
It is unlikely that we will experience a strong attraction to a person whose smell
I do not like. Scientists already know why it happens. In all overnight
Guest complex. The name is complicated, but in a simplified form
The essence in the following: Indeed, the most attractive for us
The sexual partner should pleasantly smell (the amount of perfume poured
In this case, the values do not have – he still will not score unique
individual smell).
«If the set of genes of two people is very similar or,
On the contrary, it varies too much, children from such a couple can be born
not the most successful: the risk of meeting two defective genes in the first
case or disharmonious combination in the second», - Says E. NS.
Another he will seem great to you – disgusting. That's why
Many representatives of the Negroid race for some white «smell»
terrible, and our smell is unpleasant for people of Asia-Mongoloid race. They are
describe it as a sharp, sour.
It must be borne in mind that if a person really liked the smell, it
means only that it suits you biologically. For occurrence
still experiencing other conditions – compatibility
temperaments, characters, intelligence and other.
Do not sniff - you will fly
Feromon-like substances are well perceived by man. This is
confirmed using the nuclear magnetic resonance method: when
A person is offered different smells, certain zones are excited
Brain. But how are they at the same timeexist?
One of the experiments of the American professor Martha McClinkle showed that the organism of the mother's nursing breasts produces chemicals affecting the fertility of other women.
The biological meaning of the discovered phenomenon is still unclear. maybe,
This is an instinctive desire of the organism of the mother to raise fertility
surrounding women in order for her child to get the opportunity to grow
and develop peers in society.
Pharmaceuticals synthesized the substance and with his pheromon
help tried to eliminate the ailments arising from the PMS.
Tests for 20 women showed that «medicine», which they are
inhale, significantly improves the mood and reduces the pain in the dairy
Charles Weisoki together with colleagues from the Center for Research of Chemical Feelles Monella confirmed that men's pheromones are capable not only to improve the mood of women, but
and change the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood, which is
One of the main in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive
Functions. During the study, the extract from the male sweat was applied to
Upper lip 18 women aged 25 to 45 years.
An interesting experiment was held by Americans. Group student
Dental treatment has come true. On the back of one of the dental
Chairs dealt a little androstenon. Despite the disgusting smell
(He felt all the subjects), the girls chose this particular chair. Probably, an ancient mechanism worked: a woman calms down in the moments of danger, if there is a protector – Man.
Second nose
Pheromones smell because it is not one substance, but a complex complex
several. The smell of some we realize because our catches
Basic olfactory system. Others for us do not smell because
«Signals» they are processed not bark, but a limbic system -
a little learned area of the brain responsible for the fact that we call
Information in this area comes from cells of the second olfactory
Systems – From the peculiar organ (V). He is
A narrow tiny tube with a diameter of less than 1 mm and a few mm long,
With inside of which are the receptors, capturing pheromone molecules.
«Reliable data today suggests that in as a structure (we
We do not yet know how active it is) is two thirds of people and almost
All animals», - explains B. AND. Gulimova, Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Recent studies prove that pheromones are trampled by both olfactory systems.
Sex - Perfume and Medicines from PMS
It is not known what is used in pheromonic perfumes promising
«madness opposite» - accurate recipe, of course,
keeps in secrete. But scientists belong to such spirits
skeptically: if the latter and there is an effect, then thank for him
It follows our suggestibility. If you assure a person that this fragrance
will increase his sexual attractiveness, he will behave
accordingly, will be liberated and may achieve success.
Much more real than other perspectives. «If you manage to prove
The existence of human pheromones, we can decipher
Individual smell of each person. Although it is not constant, but
some of its components are unchanged, and therefore
Super sensitive smell detector can be introduced
Additional parameter of biological identification of personality – smell. IN
the difference from fingerprints, to fake it will be impossible», -
Cerebed Dr. Zinkevich. How will criminologists get paid – can
Submit: The devices will replace the random dogs, the criminal will be
Calculate in the crowd almost automatically.
Doctors in turn will be able to use pheromones in the treatment of PMS and
hormonal dysfunctions, improve with emotional smells
Women's condition in post-blocks.