Finnish sauna increasingly displaces a Russian bath with her legitimate territory. What is the difference between the sauna from the bath and what is useful then?

You can bathe not only from contrived problems, but in the real bath, with a broom. And the sweat is recommended not only at work, but also in the sauna, without making any gestures. What is the differences between the bath and sauna?
What do today in the baths and saunas
If you forget that even recently, there was no water pipeline and went to the bath to wash, it turns out that the bath and sauna are needed by a modern person to strengthen physical and mental health.
Due to the high temperature of both premises a person sweats. Recall that skin — The largest organ of the human body. Through the skin in the body penetrates many substances, both useful and harmful. And not always internal organs cope with the elimination of toxins and slags. One way to help yourself get rid of accumulated poisons — bring them the same way as they fall, — through the skin.
The temperature and humidity of the sauna and bath
The temperature in the Russian bath rarely exceeds the mark of 70 degrees. Except on the top shelf — For experienced and bold steambones.
The temperature of the Finnish sauna begins from 100 degrees.
The difference in the perception of temperature in the bath and the sauna directly depends on the humidity in the room.
The humidity of the bathroom traditionally fluctuates in the range from 50 to 60 percent. Due to the hot steam filling the room, the operation of the airways mucous membrane is improved, the sweating increases. You breathe literally to all body.
In the sauna, humidity should not exceed 20 percent, otherwise you can seriously burn the skin. Dry hot air saunas is not very useful for upper respiratory tract, so the sauna is not recommended to people having tracheal and nasophary. (But they are shown a bath!)
Behavior in the sauna and bath
Since the main goal of coming to the bath — get along, in the bath can not do without a broom. If you do not have experience, it is not necessary to beat yourself with branches, it is enough to wave a broom along the body, penetrated hot air to the skin. You can move in the bath and need. Even if it seems to you that the air burns the respiratory tract, the correct temperature will not allow this to happen in reality. But the moisture will fall into bronchi and lungs and will help bring harmful substances from them.
In the sauna, the broom is useless, and there is no point in increasing the temperature, which and so easily reaches 120 degrees. In the sauna, you can and you need to sit relaxally or lie, getting rid of the alarming thoughts and giving up hot nonsense.
The meaning of the sauna and bath
In addition to the above-mentioned getting rid of toxins and slags, both types of pairs have the same advantages.
During stay in a steam room in the body, the level of lactic acid is reduced, which is considered responsible for the feeling of physical fatigue.
- Increases lung ventilation.
The metabolism of all organs is accelerated.
Pores on the skin are revealed, excess of sebum is removed — The skin becomes cleaner, acquires a healthier color and smoothness.
Heart training.
Nervous tension goes, the body gets rid of the effects of stress and relaxes.
During stay in a steam room in the body, the level of lactic acid is reduced, which is considered responsible for the feeling of physical fatigue.
- Increases lung ventilation.
- The metabolism of all organs is accelerated.
- Pores on the skin are revealed, excess of sebum is removed — The skin becomes cleaner, acquires a healthier color and smoothness.
- Heart training.
- Nervous tension goes, the body gets rid of the effects of stress and relaxes.
A pair of tips
Masks for face and body best do in the bath. Softened and sparkling leather with easily absorb all useful substances.
Coming out of the steam, plunge into the cold pool or sober: contrasting baths harness the body and activate the operation of each body cell.
At the end of the baths (or sauna) procedures, laugh with rigid washcloth to remove fat and dirt on the skin surface.