What is hypnosis


  • A little about the chicses
  • Telesglaz
  • What is hypnosis

  • With the word «hypnotist» Most emerges an image of either coal-eyed handsome in Chalme, a raincoat and on stage, or gypsy, which you do not mind anything, give money, decorations, things... In fact, hypnosis is just a method of psychotherapeutic treatment of many diseases. As a scientific discipline, he began to develop about 200 years ago. By the way, Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud too «increased» from hypnosis, and the author of the doctrine of the unconscious, started as not too successful hypnobologist. So what is hypnosis today and what is his healing opportunities?

    A little about the chicses

    What is hypnosisOur body works in three main modes: sleep, wakefulness and special states of consciousness (OSS), with which hypnosis is connected. Imagine an OSS as a room where in each wall - by door. Outside of each door hanging sign: on one it is written «hypnosis», another - «trance», on third - «meditation», On the fourth - «Autogenous immersion». Man is free to open any door and assume that he, for example, meditates or hypnotizes it, but in the end he will still be all in the same room - in a special state of consciousness.

    All hypnosis techniques are based on the ancient instinct of animal or man self-preservation. How hypnotize chicken? It is put on the side and force for some time lying in this unnatural pose. It is important that the chicken could not move, then there is to implement its solutions in motor activity. For the bird is a bad, deadlock, and, «Saved» From her, she goes into a certain mode of his chicken consciousness - «Thinks». In all techniques of human hypnotization, the emphasis is placed on the same - to make him lose control of decision-making and its movements. And if a person agrees with what they inspired him, he seems to «Thinks», as a chicken, and concentrate only on the words of the hypnotist. Next, this state is used to achieve therapeutic, training or concert purposes.

    «During hypnosis, a person does not lose control of himself, as, let's say, during anesthesia, and therefore, it is impossible to do something that he would have done in a wake care state, - tells the leading scientific research institute of psychiatry, doctor of medical sciences Tukaev. - If someone came to the hypnologist atheist, and Easto believes left, then it is a bad job incompatible with the principles of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in particular. We have no right to adjust the worldview or moral principles of the patient. The purpose of hypnotherapy is to help solve personal problems, the problems of its body, but not moreover».


    «Our research, "Dzhaudatovich continues to Rashitov, - showed that hypnotic state then gives rise to hypnogenic stress, similar to the stress of biological. And there are two types of stress: Eostess - Healing and Distress - destroy. Professional psychotherapist with hypnosis uses only Eostera mechanisms, but the non-professional...
    What is hypnosisExtensions and healers, sometimes not having a medical or psychological education, and therefore, do not take into account the biological characteristics of this state, are widely used by trance states. The main rule of hypnotherapy - the presence of feedback between hypnotist and hypnotizable. If the connection is broken, sometimes irreversible problems occur.
    This was confirmed by the broad negative results of television therapy in the USSR and TEGNESSOPEDIES (training in hypnosis) in Bulgaria, which manifested themselves in frequent deterioration of the physical and mental health of those who watched these sessions. Due to the fact that there was no feedback, there was no high-quality removal from the hypnosis of viewers, which led to the most distress in humans.
    The case is widely known when a girl who feels himself during a session of telephone therapy in the sea with dolphins, and could not return to real life and fell into a psychiatric hospital.
    In addition, if someone already has problems with some kind of organs (heart, lungs, kidneys), postgipnotic distress beats first of all over them. So, if there was a need for hypnotic treatment, it is necessary to pass it from a professional psychotherapist-hypnologist».

    What is hypnosis

    The hypnosis method itself is able to bring relief from very many suffering in experienced hands. The fact that with the help of hypnosis you can get rid of phantom (when an amputated limb hurts). Numerous studies have proven that hypnosis, since the OSS is engaged in active self-regulation, a positive effect on the exchange of cholesterol, bilirubin, activates protein exchange, strengthens the body's immune forces. This means that hypnosis can be used in medicine can for the treatment or relief of any states, except, except, acute infectious and acute mental violations.

    Hypnotherapy turns out to be useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers, hypertension, skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) and even bronchial asthma. Moreover, in the latter case, hormonal therapy does not apply, since the hormones block the work of the adrenal glands, which means that the biological component of hypnosis ceases to work - the mechanism of positive estrassa. Hypnosis is useful and as a means for removing depression in oncological patients, and the portability of some drugs can also be improved using hypnotic suggestion due to a positive psycho-emotional manual.

    «Of course, this does not mean that you need to abandon all medicine in favor of hypnotherapy, "Tukaev will decorate. - Hypnosis treats no better than other methods of therapy, but often no worse. His plus is that in the treatment, side effects accompanying drugs are excluded».

    The main thing in the treatment of hypnosis is the desire of the person himself to be hypnotized. Only then the professional will be able to help him develop this condition, overcome fear and prejudice. At the same time, the power of the will of hypnotize and his patient practically does not play roles. The problem of susceptibility to hypnosis (hypnabelnia) is the problem of human contacts and confidence in the hypnotist. In the end, hypnotherapy is only one of the methods of psychotherapy, where the effect of treatment more than half depends on the presentation of people about what is possible, and which cannot be done with the help of mental impact. Because the fact that 98% of people are able to enter the hypnotic state, does not mean that all hypnotherapy will help them and will help equally.

    sleep! Or who will curse hypnosis».

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