Nowadays, the lack of breast milk in young mothers has become a completely ordinary, all familiar problem. The situation when the child lacks the maternal milk, began to be perceived by the norm. Let's deal with what important factors affect the mother's lactation, and how we can help yourself to establish breastfeeding.

Lactation consultants will immediately recommend you more often to apply the child to the chest. This recommendation is absolutely sure, because only sucking stimulates the production of prolactin – hormone who is responsible for the amount of milk. But in all cases there are quite some frequent applies to establish lactation? Practice shows that it does not always work. Let's figure out what important factors affect the mother's lactation, and how we can help them make breastfeeding to universal pleasure.
- Apply the baby to the chest at his requirement is really very important. After all, it is from the child that the body receives a signal about the need to produce milk. With an active sucking, the mother has a sufficient number of prolactin hormone and milk comes as much as the child needs. Night feedings are especially important.
- Along with the presence of milk in breast, good outflow is very important for successful feeding. Simply put, milk should easily flow and not stir in the gland. Improve the outflow helps hot drink and hot shower right before feeding, physiotherapy, special back massage and a cervical-collar zone that improves blood and lymphotok.
- Let's not forget about the importance of full nutrition mom and normal number of her sleep. Fucking with baby – not at all the utopia, it is enough to take him to myself on the night feedings and get a sleep clock in the afternoon, if you still have enough sleep at night.
- The fourth very important point, which moms often underestimate – The overall level of health and immunity, which after childbirth may not be at no height! A woman who has not recovered after childbirth, which aggravated chronic diseases, only in rare cases can be successfully nursing mom. Her body simply has no strength to lactation! After all, pregnancy and childbirth – Large load, comparable to a serious operation, after which a long recovery period is needed. And it is in this postpartum recovery period that you can help yourself.
Since we feed the baby with breasts, you can use only natural, safe preparations for it. Fortunately, nature took care of it long before the appearance of clinical pharmacology. There are a number of adaptogens of natural origin that helps to make the recovery period in short and easier. One of the best natural adaptogens is beeteric milk – apilak.
Amazing substance, in its composition similar to female colostrum, apilat – This is the secret of the binds of workers bees, which is prepared as feed for the larvae of the future uterus. Matties – The most important member of the bee community, the future of the whole Roy, and for the growth of the bee's uterus give the best. Apilak contains 10 vitamins, including the entire group B, 5 minerals, a wide range of microelements, 23 amino acids, including essential, and a lot of biologically active substances. Its composition is studied by 95% and has no equal. But scientists still believe that the unique effect of apilators lies in those 5% of the composition, which have not yet submitted science…
The uterine milk acts in several directions at once:
- Tones the body as a whole, gently excites the nervous centers, making a look at the world more positive;
- Relieves constant drowsiness, increases the mood;
- It helps to remove vascular spasms, improves blood circulation;
- Improves appetite, stamina, activates its own immunity;
- It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral impact;
- This fills the shortage of vitamins, minerals, microelements and amino acids.
That of this is especially relevant for nursing mom? Perhaps everything in the complex! Acceptance of apilators helps to cope with the symptoms of postpartum blues and removes the consequences of the lack of sleep; improves mood; Protects mom from infections and viruses. Separately, I would like to say about his antispasmodic and improving blood circulation of action: it is that it makes apilacs as efficient with a lack of milk. The expansion of dairy ducts leads to an active tide of milk in the gland and significantly improves its outflow: because milk ducts are subject to the same physiological laws as the blood vessels.
The royal milk has a positive effect on the lactation that it is simply impossible not to notice it. Measures of the amount of milk in nursing mothers have shown that «Apilak grindeks» Within 2 weeks, it allows to improve lactation by 1.5 times compared to other lactogeons. Already on the 3-4 day of reception, the amount of milk that sucks the child for one feed is increased by 30-60 ml, and in separate cases – up to 120 ml. In addition, the quality of life of mom is improved, its mood, general health, nonspecific immunity.
You can easily verify this if in your pair «Mom-baby» There was a problem lack of milk. Two-time reception of apilacs per day for two weeks will help you cope with the situation without loss. Taking «Apilak grindeks», Remember only three simple rules:
- The drug does not need to take overnight due to its toning;
- «Apilak grindeks» It should be dissolved under the tongue, and not to swallow: this method of use ensures maximum efficiency;
- should be especially attentive to the condition of the skin of the baby, if anyone in
Your family has manifestations of allergies.
«Apilak grindeks» Wishes you a light and pleasant breastfeeding!