How to go to vegetarian food

Among the multitude of diets and power systems, most copies are broken about vegetarianism. Supporters and opponents argue many years and cannot reach a compromise. Research and evidence of both one and another point of view, and our site offers you to deal together in the subtleties of the vegetarian system.

Among the multitude of diets and power systems, most copies are broken about vegetarianism. Supporters and opponents of this system will argue many years and cannot reach a compromise. Research and evidence of both one and another point of view, and our site offers you to deal together in the subtleties of the vegetarian system.

What is vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is a power system that implies a complete or partial refusal to eat animal food
First of all, you need to understand what a vegetarian power supply system is. Let's start with the fact that this is not a new-fashioned diet for weight loss and improving the body, and the system has a thousand years of its history. Vegetarianism is a power system that implies a complete or partial refusal to eat animal food.

Word itself «vegetarianism» It was introduced into use of the British and some scientists believe that the term from the Latin word vegetus was happening, which translated means «strong», «Bodry», «Full forces». In 1842, members «British vegetarian society», Making sure the undoubted benefits of a vegetable diet in India, and we prompted it in their homeland, introduced into use the term Homo Vegetus, which meant a harmoniously developed personality. Initially «vegetarian» It was a concept rather philosophical and only then began to indicate a vegetation diet on adherence.

Vegetarianism is not just a set of power rules, but also life position. People who hold it, at all times opposed the killing of animals, feeling their involvement in the world. Therefore, there is nothing unusual that the vegetarianism of Buddhists hold, trying not to kill even insect, t.To. It will fall in a heavy carma killer carma. Vedic culture has always called for a vegetable diet, preaching life in harmony with the world around and not the destruction of animals. In ancient Egypt, the priests did not eat animal meat, t.To. This prevented «Magic» The abilities, vegetarians were the ancient Greeks and the first Christians.

In the sacred books of many nations, you can find guidelines for the prefiliency of plant food. There are in the Bible, in the Book of Being, where it is said: «And God said: Here, I gave you all the grass, sowing the seed, what is on the whole of the earth, and every tree, who has a fetus, sowing seed: You will eat this». In the Quran also there are advice «... do not make your stomach graves for animals»

Varieties of vegetarianism

Strict vegetarians refuse to eat not only meat and fish, but also from eggs (because it is actually chicken germs) and from dairy products
So vegetarians do not eat food animal products. But different types of vegetarianism call a different set of products excluded from the diet.

So, strict vegetarians refuse to eat not only meat and fish, but also from eggs (because it is actually chicken germs) and from dairy products. Sometimes strict vegetarians are called Vegans.

If strict vegetarians make focus on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and nuts, they are called fruitants, and if grain crops are priority in nutrition, these strict vegetarians include macrobiotics followers.

Laktovogetarians allow for use in food of dairy products and oils, and lactate genetarians include eggs in their diet.

What is useful in a vegetarian diet?

Vegetable food, which is the basis of the diet, is rich in vitamins C and P, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotene, which significantly increases the body's immunity
For people who choose vegetarianism on ethical and religious reasons, this question is not worth. But for people who have chosen this diet on medical or economic indicators, as well as for doubting its expediency, such a question is very relevant.

Vegetable food, which is the basis of the diet, is rich in vitamins C and P, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotene, which significantly increases the body's immunity. Vegetable fibers contribute to the removal of harmful substances from the intestine, and also contain phytoncides, which suppress putthous bacteria. In addition to the fact that there are no cholesterol in vegetable food, eating nuts helps reduce the level of already accumulated in the body. This also contributes to the eating barley and oats. Thanks to these valuable properties of plant food, a vegetarian diet allows you to lose weight, protect your body from atherosclerosis, cancer, a number of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Now scientists of genetics rose to protect vegetarianism. They argue that for a full-fledged life in its nutrition, a person should avoid genetically similar products. In humans and mammals, biochemical processes are largely the same, coincide and more than 85% of genes. Therefore, according to genetics, you can eat those biological species that are distant from a person with several steps of the evolutionary ladder.

Cons of the vegetarian power supply system

The negative side of vegetarianism is the lack of some essential substances
If in the abandonment of animal food there were some solid advantages, then why not hit the latter strict vegetarianism? The thing is that no matter how helpful for the body is exclusively vegetable food, in strict vegetarianism there are negative sides. And the point is not in the taste sensations, but in the shortage of certain necessary substances, in particular Vitamins B12 and D.

Vitamin B12 is not synthesized by the human body, and its disadvantage leads to a violation of the processes of cell division and the destruction of nerve fibers. In large quantities, this vitamin is contained in such products prohibited for vegetarians like meat, kidney, seafood (especially a lot of it in oysters and crabs). His disadvantage can be partially filled with cheese consumption, and this is especially rich in this vitamin Camembert, and low-fat milk.

The lack of vitamin D in children can lead to rickets, adults will begin fragility of hair and other unpleasant manifestations. In vegetable food, this vitamin is absent, it contains in fish oil and liver of marine fish. Also a lot of it in butter, the use of which is allowed by non-severe vegetarians and in whole milk, fresh eggs. Human organism can and independently produce vitamin D, as you know, it is formed in the skin under the action of ultraviolet. Thus, the lack of this vitamin can be replenished almost completely. But under certain conditions. The greatest amount of vitamin D is synthesized while in the sun in the morning and evening hours, especially in people with light skin. Vitamin production decreases with aging, as well as in conditions of air polluted air, which is relevant for residents of industrial cities.

Another major vitamin group B, namely B2, otherwise called riboflavin, is practically no in vegetables and fruits. His drawback leads to weakness, dizziness, all sorts of damage to the mucous membrane. Riboflavin is contained in the liver, kidneys, eggs, milk. This vitamin in small quantities is synthesized by the intestine of a person. Lacto and lacto vegetars get riboflavin with milk. Strictly vegetarians can receive this vitamin, including buckwheat or oat leaps, mushrooms in their diet, and additionally accept Vitamin complexes. In addition, it is also possible to refuse from yeast bread, t.To. The yeast contained in the test, have a property to suppress the development of vitamin B2 in the intestine.

Plant food poor Calcium and iron, is small there and iodine content. The content of these trace elements in plants largely depends on the soil in which they grow, and therefore may contain as sufficient amount of calcium, iron and iodine, and not contain at all.

Plant food poor Calcium and iron, is small there and iodine content
Calcium in large quantities is contained in cabbage, dried fruits, as well as in dairy products, which also serve as a source of iodine, albeit in small quantities.

Avoid the yodode deficiency of vegetarians can, eating marine cabbage, champignons, broccoli, spinach, iodized salt. Our site reports that excessive consumption of soybeans and products from it leads to a decrease in iodine's own generation in the body, and as a result, almost two-time increase in the need for this microelement.

Iron falls into our organism with meat products, especially a lot of it in the liver. However, it is possible to fill the lack of iron by consuming dried fruits, buckwheat, lentils, beans. Contains iron and bitter chocolate, however, in minor quantities.

One of the effective means of raising hemoglobin is considered the following recipe: a non-jarny buckwheat grinding in a coffee grinder into powder. Take it on a tablespoon plus a teaspoon of honey during each meal.

Protein contributes to the growth and healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, improving immunity. It is contained in legume cultures that must be eaten all vegetarians, t.To. In its composition, it is closest to the animal protein.

Vitamin C is contained literally in all fruits and many vegetables, especially rich hips, black currants, as well as red vegetables, such as Bulgarian peppers, tomatoes. But in order to be most fully assumed by the body, the products containing this vitamin should be included in the daily diet, while not undergo thermal processing.

Fats required for the transportation of vitamins, the production of hormones and much more, the organism of a vegetarian receives with vegetable oils, avocado, nuts. Oils are now many varieties, each of them is useful in its own way. Therefore, it is better if olive and sunflower, and corn, and other types of oils will be in your kitchen.

How to go to vegetarian food?

How to go to vegetarian food
And yet the question is or not to be a vegetarian, everyone must decide for itself. But we strongly recommend that you follow. Based on the above, it can be seen that strict vegetarianism is shown only to adults and in combination with intensive and constant use of balanced vitamin complexes. For children and as a healthy diet, lacto and lactames will be preferable. And in this case, children need to choose the individual complex of vitamins and microelements with medical help. The same applies to the nutrition of future mothers, on the health of which the shortcomings of the plant diet can affect especially noticeable.

This rule was adhered to our distant ancestors in almost all cultures. Christians and Muslims removed the requirements of the post for patients traveling for future mothers.

People who have chosen a vegetarian diet for weight loss, our site recommends waiting for warm-time year, t.To. In this case, the metabolism is activated, and the diversity of vegetables and fruits will help easier and get used to a new diet faster. And if you feel better, feeding the body to the cold seasons, the body will rebuilt enough to comply with a vegetarian diet all year round.

Become a vegetarian - it does not mean tasty dishes.

For example, a classic indian vegetable curry. Onions and garlic fry on vegetable oil. Add Curry Powder, Swipe 3 minutes on weak fire and add peeled skin chopped tomatoes or tomato paste. Put in the same dishes cut the chips of green asparass beans and stew everything until the beans is soft. Add some water if the sauce is too thick and lay out to vegetables cleaned and finely chopped potatoes. Stew to soft, ready to sprinkle with lemon juice.

Vegetarian cuisine is diverse, her dishes are delicious and useful, and with a fantasy tool, any dish is easy to transform under a new, vegetable diet. If you boil the borscht not on meat broth, and vegetables will pass in vegetable oil for it, then you will not only get a delicious and fragrant dish, but also comply with all the requirements of vegetarian food.

Similarly, you can also enroll with the pilaf (illustrated recipe for the preparation of Plov Our site has already offered to your attention earlier). Prepare a pilaf as indicated in the recipe, but instead of chicken, put in the pilaf of dried and prunes. Ready Vegetarian Sweet Plov Sprinkle with crushed almond or cashew. You will get a hearty and unusual dish, which will not refuse the most rigorous vegetarian.

Become a vegetarian - it does not mean to abandon delicious dishes. Vegetarian cuisine is diverse, dishes are delicious and useful, and with a fantasy tool, any dish is easy to transform under a new, vegetable diet
Meat and fish can almost always be replaced by soybean, legumes, and depending on the dish and potatoes, mushrooms, and even eggplants. Taste sensations, of course, will be somewhat different from traditional dishes, but it can always be fixed using spices and seasonings.

Several products go to replace eggs. If we are talking about the preparation of such dishes, like soups and salads, instead of eggs, you can use potatoes, avocado. If it is necessary to prepare the dough, as a replacement usually use soy or bananas turned into a puree.

Vegetable margarine, coconut and peanut butter in a vegetarian diet are perfectly replaced by butter. In addition, these products contain a sufficient amount of fats required for full nutrition. As already mentioned, fats are also contained in sunflower, olive and other oils.

Instead of milk of animal origin, you can use the same soybean milk, coconut, sometimes conventional water.

Deciding to change his life and become a vegetarian, adhering to a plant diet, remember that it is only a step to a new, more peaceful life. After all, vegetarianism is also a vital philosophy. Remembering this, you not only impair your body, but also fill your life with the new world, feeling the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world.

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