Atheroma. How to find out and how to treat


    What is atheroma

    Atheroma - a frequent problem that meets in people of any age and both sexes. What is the essence of this disease? This is not a tumor, but a cyst, that is, atheroma is «Bag», having a capsule and filled with thick yellowish masses, often having an unpleasant smell. It is formed as a result of the blockage of the output filling gland with a thickening separated. Atheroma develops on rich in salted glands of skin (sickness of the head, face, back, front abdominal wall). Most often atheroma occurs on the scalp, on the face, back in the form of a painless rounded form of dense education on the skin. When inflammation, the skin is blushing over it, the size of the cyst increases, it becomes painful.

    What is the atheroma manifest

    Atheroma. How to find out and how to treatIt can be located in many places of the body, more often on the face, scalp, body, in hand, on the scrotum. Often atheroma is the multiple. It is a tumor-like formation of a rounded shape, a soft consistency in size from 5 to 40 mm and more. The skin above the atheroma is usually not changed, however, in the case of the addition of a secondary infection, pupins may have a reddish tint.

    Atheroma is movable together with surrounding fabrics, painless. Atheroma can remain small for many years, or increase. Sometimes atheroma is communicated with the skin surface through a small hole through which atheromatous masses can be separated (curls, with an unpleasant odor). Often atters are caught up, besides this, a gap of the atheroma in subcutaneous tissue can occur.

    If the atheroma is small and does not bother the patient, then you can not delete it. In other cases, surgical treatment is shown. Atteroma remove under local anesthesia (anesthesia).

    According to the appearance of atheroma and lipoms are very similar. Only a doctor on indirect signs can distinguish them. So, Lipoma, as a rule, is located in places of accumulation of subcutaneous fatty fiber, and atheroma — in places of the greatest accumulation of the sebaceous glands; Also, with careful consideration, atheroma has traces of output flow — clogged row. To the touch these formations of similar consistency, but while atheroma is part of the skin, lipoma — This subcutaneous education, not paired with the skin surface.

    What leads to atterom

    The factors predispose to the development of the atherom traditionally are the unfavorable conditions of the external environment and metabolic disorders (chronic injury, hyperhydrosis, hormonal dysfunctions, etc.) Typical Localization - Person (Absorbing Arcs, Nasobubal Triangle Region, Chin, Overlooking Areas), Picky Piece, Rear Surface Neck, Mortal Pads, Inter-Painting Space, Crotch, Floor Lips, Midgeka. Atter elements can be somewhat, and in different fields.

    Treatment atheroma

    Atheroma. How to find out and how to treatRemoval ather is possible or surgically (excision, followed by imposing cosmetic seams), or, with small sizes of cyst, removal with a laser.

    • Method number 1 The incision is performed in the place of the greatest swelling of the atteroma. The contents of the atheroma are extruded on the napkin. After that, they capture the cyst capsule (bag) with two clamps and remove it or scrape the cavity of the cyst acute spoon.
    • Method number 2 carefully dissect the skin, trying not to damage the atheroma capsule. Shift the skin from the atheroma, after which, pressing the fingers to the edges of the wound, the atheroma deeperate.
    • Method number 3 This method is applied most often. First above the atheroma produce two fade cuts that should cover the hole of the cyst. The edges of the skin cut are captured by clamps and, carefully sipping them, fed under the atheroma branch (blades) curved scissors. Breeding and cleaning scissors, the atheroma is brought out of the surrounding tissues. Bleeding is usually minor. After removal of the atheroma on the subcutaneous tissue, separate resorbing seams impose. On the skin to prevent the injection of the edges of the wound, vertical mattress seams of fine atraumatic thread. Seams are removed after 7 days.

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