What is rheumatism


  • What is rheumatism
  • Causes of rheumatism
  • What's happening
  • How to recognize
  • Than dangerous?
  • Diagnosis of rheumatism
  • Treatment of rheumatism

  • And the heart knocks somehow not so, and the joints do not work quite right.
    Both (and schoolboy, and student) will decide that they were overwhelmed that they had
    the atypical form of Orza, but for advice to the rheumatologist is unlikely
    Easure. It's a pity. The likelihood is too great that happened to them

    What is rheumatism

    Rheumatism — disease that
    develops imperceptibly and gradually. First of all it damages
    Our heart, blood vessels and joints. Then gets
    and to other organs: liver, kidneys and lungs. Such multifaceted
    the manifestations of rheumatism is related to the fact that it does not just destroy
    some one organ. The disease amazes a whole group of cells
    with specific properties (connecting tissue), which
    found in our body everywhere.

    Causes of rheumatism

    Wrong rheumatism can provoke a number of reasons: supercooling, overwork, defective nutrition (few proteins and vitamins),
    bad heredity (in the family there were already rheumatics). But the most
    The main thing for the disease is needed special bacteria — beta hemolytic
    Streptococci Group A. Being inside our body, they cause
    Angina, Faringitis, Scarlantine. Only if a person has
    There are defects of the immune system, the distant consequences of this infection
    rheumatism can become. According to statistics, only 0.3-3% of people who have undergone
    acute streptococcal infection, ill rheumatism.

    What's happening

    What is rheumatism
    begins his destructive activities, in response to this immune
    The system begins to produce protective substances that will be
    destroy pathogenic bacteria, their livelihoods,
    And at the same time and damaged cells of their own organism.

    In people,
    predisposed to rheumatism, the immune system comes out from under
    Control. Disperse during the disease, it continues to work
    substances capable of destroying not only streptococci, but also cells
    connective tissue. As a result, in the organs where these cells are many,
    There are foci of inflammation, which over time reborn and interfere
    Normal work organ.

    How to recognize

    Usually first
    signs of rheumatism appear in two or three weeks after angina or
    Farriagita. Man begins to feel strong weakness and pain
    In the joints, the temperature can be dramatically. Sometimes a disease
    It develops very concealed: the temperature is low (about 37.0), weakness
    moderate, heart and joints work as never happened. Usually
    A person guess about hopeless rheumatism after
    His serious joint problems appear — Arthritis.

    More often
    Total disease is striking the joints large and medium: pain appears
    In the knees, elbows, wrists and feet. Pain can sharply
    appear and also dramatically disappear, even without treatment. But not worth it
    err — Rheumatic arthritis has not disappeared.

    An important sign of rheumatism — Heart problems: frequency disorders
    pulse (too fast or too slow), interruptions in heart
    Rhythm, heart pain.
    Man worries pronounced shortness, weakness, sweating, head
    pain. Rheumatism can affect the nervous system. At the same time arises
    involuntary muscle twitching face, legs or hands, like nervous

    Than dangerous

    If it is not treated, rheumatism
    It hurts almost all organs, and the person will quickly turn
    In ruins. Main misfortunes: polyarthritis that can lead
    to complete immobility, and a carditis that threatens with a real vice

    In children, the acute course of rheumatism is more common:
    The disease turns around in about two months. For the first time
    Picky adults takes 3-4 months.

    Diagnosis of rheumatism

    To diagnose «rheumatism» can only rheumatologist. In order not to make a mistake, he must have a comprehensive examination.

    First, assign a common clinical analysis of blood in order to identify signs of inflammation.

    conduct an immunological blood test to identify specific
    Remucms characteristic of rheumatism. These substances appear in the blood
    no earlier than a week after the occurrence of the disease and reach
    Maximum to 3-6 week.

    To clarify the degree of heart damage, consultation of cardiologist, electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography of the heart. Evaluation of the state of the joints will help traumature doctors and such an unpleasant procedures as arthroscopy, joint biopsy, diagnostic joint puncture, study of the articular fluid.

    With rheumatic damage to other organs, consultations and other doctors may need.

    Treatment of rheumatism

    With exacerbation of rheumatism treatment
    must be carried out only in hospital. It is very important to observe
    bed mode and fulfill all appointments of the doctor. Patient register
    medicines that will remove signs of inflammation. Damaged joints
    Traumatologists and manual therapists will be engaged.

    In particularly severe cases, drugs will have to be administered directly into the joint. In addition, the patient will prescribe physiotherapy. And if rheumatism wakes up not for a joke — Purification of blood from aggressive substances (plasmapheresis) and other procedures.

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