Breast tumors and proper nutrition


  • When tumors are frequent guest
  • Useful vitamins
  • Coffee and fatty food under the ban

  • When tumors are frequent guest

    Many women suffer from painful milk glands tumors during the entire reproductive period of life. Sometimes the symptoms are enhanced and weaken in accordance with the menstrual cycles, in other cases the disease seems to be not subject to any laws. Some women have symptoms constantly. And in such disorders is difficult to find some «Good quality». In fact, benign means not cancer. If you suffer from a benign disease of the mammary glands - such as breast fibrocystitis, chronic medianity or cyclic Mastalgia - you can hardly agree that there is something good.

    Fibrocystitis occurs most often in women aged 30-50 years, occasionally after menopause. In the mammary glands, cysts and tumors filled with liquid are formed, which are very painful, increase and decrease in size depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle. Younger women are more often dense tumors called fibroadenomes. They, as a rule, do not cause special pains, but should not ignore them for this reason.

    Here I want to emphasize the fact that benign tumors sometimes go into malignant, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to any tumor of the mammary glands. Do not count on what it will be held, and contact the doctor. All tumors - even if they happen to you often - should be examined by an experienced specialist who knows, in what cases you need to make a mammogram, an ultrasound or biopsy if the usual treatment does not result. And now let's see what the proper nutrition can help in this case.

    Useful vitamins

    Breast tumors and proper nutritionVitamin E facilitates the symptoms of the disease in the majority (but not all) women, in particular, reduces the size and number of painful cysts when breast fibrocystitis.

    Recommendations: Since some people vitamin E causes an increase in blood pressure, first take 100 me vitamin daily during the week and measure pressure. If it is an average (of five dimensions), it will not exceed 140/90, increase the dose to 200, 400 and 600 me per day. Also measure blood pressure before each increase in dose. For three months, take 600 me vitamin E. For most women, this amount will be enough to facilitate the symptoms of the disease. If you need a big dose, bring it up to 1000 or 2000 me per day. In the absence of a positive effect, a further increase in the dose probably will not help.

    The indispensable fatty acids contained in the oil of Enotera (primarily linoleic acid) also reduce the painful sensitivity of the breast during mastalgia and chronic medianity, and also reduce pain, number and size of the cyst when breast fibrocystitis. The effect of these fatty acids is due to the fact that they are predecessors «Good» Eicosanoids that weaken pain and inflammation. Combining two different sources of essential fatty acids, enotera oil and fish oil, you can get a good result with relatively small doses.

    Recommendation: Add Linoleic Acid and Fish Fat for 1: 4 to the main set of macrocomponents. Take such an additive one or three times a day. If you do not have the ability to purchase this product, you can buy in most stores of dietary food containing linoleic acid oil enotera, as well as fish oil. Since it is not a clean form, the dose will be different. A good replacement gives such a combination: 500 mg of oil enotera (source of linoleic acid in capsules), 1000 mg of fish oil, 200 me vitamin E is one or three times a day.

    Caution for diabetics: Sometimes fish oil causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Carefully follow this indicator when using fish oil and stop it if the blood sugar level is difficult to control.

    In some studies, it is shown that the deficit of iodine contributes to the development of tumors and cyst of the breast, both in animals and in humans, and the drugs of iodine make a reversible process.

    Recommendation: The doctor may prescribe you a product that contains iodine. After three months, an improvement has to step, but the effect of such treatment can manifest itself in one or three years. It is also possible to also temporary increase in painful sensitivity, when cysts and tumors begin to soften.

    Caution: Do not take inside of iodine preparations intended for processing scratches and cuts.

    Coffee and fatty food under the ban

    The diet with a high content of saturated fats and high calorieness also contributes to the development of tumors and cyst of the breast, due to the strengthening of the secretion of female genital organs.

    Recommendation: Reduce the calorie content of the diet to a value that will allow you to achieve the optimal weight and fat content of the body. Optimal fat content for men - 15-20%, for women - 22-28%. Also reduce fat consumption so that they accounted for 30% of the total caloric content of the diet, including about 10% for saturated fats (animal fat, egg yolk), about 10% on monon-saturated (olive, canalo, sunflower oil, fish oil) and About 10% on polyunsaturated (corn and safflower oil).

    For many years, the effect of caffeine has been investigated for the development of benign breasting tumors. In some cases, he strengthened the symptoms of the disease, in others - no. What output to make from these contradictory results? Obviously, caffeine is harmful to some women, which means that it is possible, harmful for you. Caffeine (which is contained in coffee, some refreshments and chocolate) and the similar substance theobromine (contained in tea) increases the activities of various glands, including dairy. Enhanced activity without stimulation by hormones causing milk production can lead to the formation of a liquid-filled cyst and tumor.

    Recommendations: If you suffer from painful breast tumors, try to exclude all products containing caffeine (and theobromin) from the diet to at least three to four months to estimate the result. Most often it turns out that it is not enough to reduce caffeine intake, you need to completely refuse it for a while. If after such a period of complete abstinence you will not have improved, it means that you belong to the number of women on which caffeine does not have a strong impact.

    If you decide to get rid of affection for caffeine, do not try «Tie» straightaway. Start gradually, otherwise you have every chance to earn a headache that goes on all days and from which nothing helps, except for a cup of coffee. If you are a big coffee lover, the easiest and most painless way is to use a mixture containing coffee with caffeine and coffee without caffeine in proportion 1: 1. Such mixtures can be purchased in grocery departments. When you get used to a mixture of 1: 1, add one piece of coffee without caffeine to one part (T. E. 25% with caffeine and 75% without caffeine). Drink a drink of such a composition within one or two weeks. Then take one part of the mixture and two parts of coffee without caffeine (t. E. 12.5% with caffeine and 87.5% without caffeine). After that, the transition to coffee, completely devoid of caffeine, will be sufficiently easy and will not cause side effects.

    Remember, it is necessary that in other products you consume, as well as the drugs taken, did not contain caffeine or the substances similar to it.

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