Seal in chest


Seal in chestIn Russia, 54 thousand women with breast cancer annually discovered, this indicator grows a year from year to year, and there are a number of reasons for this. The health of the breast depends on many factors, such as the amount of labor and abortion, the nature of the menstrual function, the presence of gynecological pathology, diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as bad habits, unhealthy nutrition, the uncontrolled use of drugs, the impact of environmental factors, hereditary predisposition, etc.

Today, breast cancer on quantitative indicators lags behind only from lung cancer, while in 60% cases of morbidity, patients defeat cancer, and in 40% of cases there is a fatal outcome.

What it looks like?

It should be paid to the fact that the cancer tumor is visually and to the touch, it is practically no different from a benign compaction. The seal size also does not displays its origin: a small primary size with a pin head is often a malignant neoplasm, while a seal with a large walnut may well be a benign tumor. That is why with the slightest suspicion «ball» or «Moroshina» should immediately visit the specialist — gynecologist or oncologist and get a comprehensive examination.

There are cases when a small neoplasm is found during the passage of ultrasound or mammography, long before the appearance of a noticeable or tangible tumor. In such cases, additional examination and dynamic observation is required to determine the nature of the tumor and further tactics of treatment.

Types of seals in the chest

  • Diffuse mastopathy usually arises as a result of a hormonal burst into the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Before menstrual, certain seal and soreness of the mammary glands appear, small seals that can periodically change localization and size.
  • Seal when breastfeeding during lactation is associated with the blockage of Milky Duks due to incomplete emptying of the breast and the stagnation of milk. Inflammatory process, or mastitis, is often accompanied by an increase in temperature, painful sensations in breast and redness of the skin.
  • Breast cyst is a small cavity where liquid accumulates. To the touch, such benign education can be of various sizes, smooth, more often painless, fluently move under the fingers.
  • Fat necrosis — This is a special breast disease, conjugate with a change in fat cells and their restructuring into small rounded tumors that become solid and painful. There is a similar situation after impact or other breast damage.
  • Lipoma of the breast consists of adipose tissue and also tested as small, sometimes multiple tagoelastic seal in the chest.
  • Thrombophlebitis with inflammation of the veins wall can be felt in the form of heavy breast. This process is quite rare and requires consultation of the Vascular Surgeon.
  • The expansion of the duct of the breast, or dotectacia, is manifested by the pathological expansion of Milky Duks. Often occurs against the background of mastitis and cracks of the nipples of the mammary glands.
  • Breast fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm and is located in the glandular fabric. Such a seal is usually rounded or oval, sufficiently solid to the touch and has clear outlines.
  • Intravertok Papilloma is associated with the appearance in the ducts of the breast of the papillary growths. In most cases, this education is tested in the area of ​​the rocker area, is sometimes accompanied by the release of blood-brown blood slips and is a danger in the development of breast cancer.

Signs requiring special attention

Seal in chestThere are a number of signs that should alert a woman of any age and lead to a reception to a surgeon or a mammologist.

  • The presence of a dense and fixed bug soda in the breast.
  • Blood isolation from nipple.
  • The appearance of the drawing of the nipple or its noticeable deviation.
  • Changing the skin of the breast.
  • An increase in the axillary lymph nodes.

And yet the main sign of breast cancer is sealing in its fabrics. Be careful and do not miss hard on the touch and painless tumor in the chest, not having clear boundaries and smooth edges. Pathological seal may appear both within the breast itself and on the surface, right under the skin.

It should be remembered that most women with suspicion of breast cancer are not included in the risk group, t. E. This disease is not necessarily hereditary. In addition, the presence of benign education is not a guarantee that the malignant tumor will not develop.

What you need to know every woman

Regular inspection of the mammary glands — Pledge of timely diagnosis of tumor processes in the breast. Statistics argue that about 70% of women discover the seal of the house, during the self-examination of the mammary glands. Preventive measures suggest regular visits to the gynecologist and girls' training for the skills of the Palpation of the Milk Rounds from an early age. The rule that should be used by the ladies of middle and mature age: the older the woman is, the higher the probability of detecting a malignant tumor, and the activity of cancer development is significantly increased after menopause.

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