Over the past 20 - 25 years, significant successes are achieved in the treatment of lymphoganululetosis. Due to the improvement of the diagnosis, the emergence of new treatments and their continuous improvement, up to 95 percent of patients who applied to the doctor in the early stages of the disease may be heal.
Lymphogranulomatosis – Megapolis disease?
Lymphogranulomatosis, or Hodgkin's disease (Hodgkin lymphoma), is one of the most frequent diseases of the lymphatic system in childhood. This shape of a malignant tumor occupies the fifth place among all children's neoplasms, yielding only acute leukemia, lymphosarcomas (non-Hodgkinsky lymphomas), brain tumors and neuroblastome, while not exceeding seven percent in the structure of oncolic.
At the age of three years, the disease is rare, and significantly more often in persons of adolescence and youthful age. Two peaks of morbidity were marked: the first in four to six years and the second - at 12 - 14 years. At the same time, if, at the age of seven years, the boys fall three times more often than girls, then by 15 - 16 years, this ratio is aligned. It is proved that in industrialized countries with a high standard of living, lymphogranulomatosis occurs more.
The main manifestation of lymphogranulum is an increase in lymph nodes (often visible to the eye). As a rule, the lymph nodes are increasing on the neck (more often on the left, than on the right) and the test area. Lymph nodes increase gradually, can reach large sizes, forming a tumor conglomerate. Conglomerate nodes are not laughing with surrounding tissues, there are no local signs of inflammation (redness of the skin over the tumor, pain).
Lymphogranulomatosis: Leave in the past forever
At the beginning of the disease, when there is a limited lesion of lymphatic nodes, the well-being of a sick child does not suffer significantly. But as the disease progresses, the proliferation of the tumor in the body, the health of the child is deteriorating, the weakness, the pallor of the skin, the absence of appetite, the patient will lose weight, appear changes in blood tests.
Over the past 20 - 25 years, significant successes are achieved in the treatment of this disease. Due to the improvement of the diagnosis, the emergence of new treatments and their continuous improvement, up to 95 percent of patients who applied to the doctor in the early stages of the disease may be heal.
The most promising and effective method of treatment of local diseases of the disease is combined chemical radiation therapy, which allows for long-term, 10-20-year remissions of more than 90 percent of patients, which is equal to complete cure.
However, it is possible to obtain such good results, no matter how high the skill and the skill of doctors and the entire medical personnel can only be provided if the doctors, parents and close patients are partners, members of one team in the fight for the cure of the patient.
As a rule, the majority of patients with lymphogranulomatosis begin the first course of treatment in the hospital, and then, subject to good tolerance of drugs, continue to receive treatment in outpatient conditions, not stopping studying or work.
Today, the deadlines are still clearly defined, after which the unrecognizable (T.E. Without exacerbation) the flow of lymphogranuloseza can be considered true recovery. That is why careful and regular observation and a full-fledged examination of patients after the completion of the whole therapeutic program, the main purpose of which is not to miss the refund and the patient's health and life.
In children's and youthful age, the problem of adapting receiving or has already completed the treatment of adolescent to the surrounding society and the environment. Unlike adults in patients of adolescent and youthful age ahead of a lot of life and life plans: get education and profession, get a family, give birth and raise children, that is, to be a full-fledged person.
Teenagers are very painful, sometimes stronger than small children and adults relate to all defects associated with the treatment carried out: baldness, various postoperative scars, excessive obesity, occurring in the process of steroid therapy, hormonal changes, impaired menstrual cycle and t.NS. These phenomena can lead to significant changes in the psyche, cause depression and violations both in the emotional and physiological field. Especially painful teenagers are experiencing a violation of the Gonad function, which is one of the most frequent side effects of chemotherapy and irradiation. According to literary data, Amenorrhea is found more than 50 percent of girls and young women after four-six courses of polychimotherapy according to the Morro scheme.
The most important indicator of recovery
Many recovered children, growing, ask a doctor about the possibility of having children in the future, and if so, how to reflect the disease and the treatment on the child in the future and t.D.
According to many oncologists, hematologists and pediatricians, one of the most significant criteria for recovery and indicator of quality of life is precisely the restoration of a childbody function.
In the Russian oncological scientific center them. N.Blochene for more than 30-year period was observed over 2,300 patients with lymphogranulomatosis, including more than 600 patients under the age of 15 years. Among these patients, 292 (142 women and 150 men) were in a root portrait, of which the 103 children had born, and 8 women gave birth twice. It should be especially emphasized that all the children were born healthy and throughout their lives (the age of children at the beginning of 1999 from 8 months. up to 16 years) are under special supervision of doctors.
The absolute majority of women has a pregnancy proceeded smoothly, without complications. The recurrence of lymphogranululetosis associated with pregnancy developed only in four women who became pregnant in terms of less than three years from the end of specific treatment. Therefore, we strongly recommend all young women who have previously treated about lymphogranuloseza, not to be pregnant during the first three years after the completion of the whole therapeutic program and must undergo a thorough control examination before the adoption of one of the most responsible solutions in life.