Teratoma: treatment after removal


  • Chemotherapy - the only way to treat malignant terats
  • The consequences of the treatment of teratoma
  • What do the doctor's say

  • Chemotherapy - the only way to treat malignant terats

    Teratoma: treatment after removalTreatment with teratom is always operational. The tumor is cut in the most gentle mode for the organ in which it was formed. In case of removal of tumor and normal results of research and tests (which usually happens in cases, if the teratoma is mature, t.E. Benign) Doctor may recommend to stop further treatment, except for regular follow-up to assess the patient's condition and repetition of some studies by scanning.

    Treatment of the same terate in the case of their germination to other areas (immature, malignant terats) is reduced almost exclusively to chemotherapy. Such teratomas are almost not sensitive to radiation terctium and other methods of impact. The use of chemotherapy has led to improved outcome of treatment in most patients, since treatment methods have become more efficient, and side effects can be better controlled. The choice of the form of treatment and chemotherapeutic methods depends on the localization (placement location) of the tumor and its size, the type of tumor during the study under the microscope.

    Combinations of several highly active drugs can be used, but Cisplatin is considered the most valuable. The drip method is slowly injected into Vienna for several hours. The main side effect is nausea, which appears almost inevitable, but thanks to new antiemetic drugs vomiting, it is now hurting much less concern. In all cases, hair loss is observed, which usually becomes noticeable about 3 weeks, and, although patients may have full head baldness, in other places, hair often falls significantly less. Fortunately, this phenomenon is only temporary, and approximately 2 months after the completion of chemotherapy, the hair growth is resumed.

    The doctor necessarily monitors the levels of blood elements, since as a result of treatment, they usually decrease, but spontaneously restored before the next cycle. After certain intervals in the treatment, the doctor should also evaluate the kidney functions.

    The duration of the planned treatment is usually at least 12 weeks. If the signs of the tumor managed to detect at the initial CT scanning (computed tomography), then it will be necessary to repeat it to make sure that the remaining defeat. Unfortunately, it often happens that in some affected areas there is no sufficient changes for the better. If some formation is still visible on the scanogram, it is likely to be a combination of scarring tissue with a normal view cell cells from various tissues - the so-called benign terrestrial. And since such education may continue to grow and achieve large sizes, it is advisable to ask the surgeon to remove them, which will also allow the pathologist to make sure that a microscopic study in the absence of a malignant tumor. As soon as the doctor will make sure the operational outcome of the operation and the absence of defeat, it can limit the regular checks on the assessment of the recovery of sexual function (if it comes to the teratom of ovaries or testicles).

    The consequences of the treatment of teratoma

    One of the problems that cause the greatest concern of people who completed the treatment with the therath of genital organs and gradually returning to normal life is to have the opportunity to have children and a normal sex life.

    Indeed, after treatment, teratom often has a temporary loss of sexual entry, but it can be observed with any disabled disease. Do not fall into the despondency - as soon as the disease passes, the sexual function is completely restored. It also refers to the period of chemotherapy. Similar deviation, as a rule, is short, nonetheless, if it is worried about one of the partners, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Typically, only in very rare cases requires hormonal replacement therapy. What would be the circumstances, you will not lose anything, discussed this problem with a doctor who, of course, came across her in the past. Fertility can be a more serious problem, since men often have a decrease. Fortunately, chemotherapy for malignant tumors is less likely to cause infertility than when it is carried out about some other diseases.

    One way to overcome the possible risk due to infertility chemotherapy is the creation of a cum can. Those who are alarming about fertility will certainly check the sperm after full recovery.

    A small number of patients annually discover theratomas in the testicles emanating from other parts of the body. Most often it is part of the chest, called mediath. It is here between the lungs of the heart and the main blood vessels. In a minority of such patients, ultrasound examination allows you to detect a small tumor in this area, from which it is assumed to be a teratoma metastasis for the organs of the chest. In such cases, the affected egg is usually removed.

    What do the doctor's say

    Most patients with teratomas are able to heal chemotherapeutic methods even after germination of cancer cells to other organs. Only in isolated cases, the disease is not treatable.

    But in the presence of teratom, which primarily detect in the chest, the forecast is less favorable than if they identify them directly in the testicles.

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