Treatment of ovarian cancer


  • Treatment of ovarian cancer
  • Operational treatment of ovarian cancer
  • Chemotherapy cancer ovarian
  • Radiation therapy of ovarian cancer

  • Treatment of ovarian cancer

    The choice of treatment method depends mainly on the type of tumor and the stage of the disease. In addition, when developing a treatment plan takes into account the general condition and the desire to have children.

    The main methods for the treatment of ovarian cancer are: operation, chemotherapy and irradiation. A number of patients use combined treatment with inclusion 2 or all 3 methods of therapy.

    Operational treatment

    Depending on the prevalence of the tumor process, the volume of operation is planned. It may be the removal of one or two ovaries, uterus, uterine pipes.

    In case of removal of both ovaries or uterine, pregnancy becomes impossible.

    When the removal of the entire tumor is impossible, partial removal is performed, which can significantly improve the results of subsequent treatment.


    Treatment of ovarian cancerOvarian cancer can be chemotherapy. It is sometimes spent after a surgical operation to eliminate any remaining smallest foci of pathology. It is also resorted to the occurrence of recurrences or under the far stages of the disease.

    Apply a wide variety of treatment schemes. The most important and efficient preparations are platinum derivatives. When these funds were used for the first time, they caused numerous unpleasant side effects, in particular nausea and vomiting. Then new forms of preparations were created, which are significantly better tolerated and give fewer side effects, and modern means against nausea and vomiting are very effective in the plan to contain these symptoms.

    In most cases of ovarian cancer, cancer cells do not apply beyond the abdominal cavity. A new method was developed, allowing you to introduce drugs directly into the abdominal cavity in a thin plastic tube penetrating through the abdominal wall. This makes it possible to use higher concentrations of chemotherapeutic.

    Recent studies have shown that the drug taxol obtained from the bark of the tees can have a strong impact on the ovarian tumors. Now doctors study the ways of its use with the greatest benefit for patients.

    Radiation therapy

    This method is used as auxiliary in order to destroy the remaining tumor cells or reduce the size of the tumor. Irradiation can be carried out from the source located outside, or introduced into the tumor itself or near it.

    From the side effects of radiation therapy, you can mark damage to the skin, nausea and liquid chair (diarrhea).

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