Prevention of anemia


  • Prevention of anemia
  • Test on anemia
  • Products containing iron

  • Prevention of anemia

    The manifestations of this unpleasant illness today in Russia are found
    Half children and women, as well as the fifth part of men. Try

    You hold the vegetarian diet? In this case, anemia can
    Become a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency, which is involved in education
    Red blood cells — Erythrocyte. This item is contained only in
    Products of animal origin — beef, pork, egg yolks,
    Fish, milk, kefir, cottage cheese and sour cream. When it has a shortage arises
    Special form Malokrovia — Megaloblastic anemia. Symptoms are the same as
    with iron deficiency anemia, except that the language looks unusual — him as
    as if polished, while regularly felt burning.

    Prevention of anemia
    However, if too, to get involved in meat products and sweets and not
    pay sufficient attention to vegetables, you can also fall victim to anemia —
    folide-defective, caused by a lack of folic acid. She
    contained in greenery, leaves of young cabbage and other plants. IN
    General to avoid Malokrovia, you need to eat every little — and
    Vegetable, and animal products.

    Nevertheless, the most common anemia is associated with iron deficiency: if
    The losses of this trace element begin to prevail over admission,
    The level of hemoglobin in the blood drops below 120 mg / l, and
    Erythrocytes becomes less than it requires the lower boundary of the norm —
    4x1012 per 1 l (men) and 3x1012 (women). From this the authorities and
    Fabrics — they constantly lack oxygen and their work
    violated. At the same time, the need for iron is highest in small
    children and adolescents in the period of growth, as well as in pregnant women and all
    Dame — in critical days. After all, at this time the representative of the beautiful
    Paul losing at least a glasses of blood, and with it from 15 to 250 mg
    gland. Well, on the baking of the child, the maternal body spends in general
    complexity of about 600 mg of iron. If a woman gives birth to the second and
    third with small interruptions, then iron reserves in its body
    Practically depleted. They are not limited to — Exactly 4 grams.

    Male lucky more — On average, they lose only 1 mg of iron in
    day, so face anemia less often. But also a strong half
    This attack does not bypass: severe physical
    Loads, injuries, diseases, stress, overwork leads to overpowering
    Iron and cause anemia. To detect a shortage of important
    Macroelement, enough to pass a general blood test from the finger: hemoglobin in it should be at least 120 mg / l. But even
    A satisfactory result does not guarantee that you do not have a hidden
    Iron deficiency in which the analysis is normal, and the signs of anemia are.
    Meanwhile, if you leave the problem without attention, soon she will declare
    yourself in all its glory.

    Test on anemia

    • You are quickly taking place, poorly tolerate familiar household loads?
    • Often note a sharp deterioration in performance?
    • Became inattentive, scattered, it is difficult for you to focus?
    • Compact dizziness and headache?
    • After the lift on the stairs, walks to a quick step, the morning charging intercepts breathing, and the heart beats mad?
    • You are much nervous, suffering insomnia?
    • In the eyes darkens, in front of them the black dots — So-called Mushkushi?
    • You are concerned about the feeling of numbness in your hands and legs, as well as paresthesia — feeling that thousands of needles tingle?
    • You easily pick up a cold?
    • Your skin is pale and dry, with a grayish or jaundice tint, on cheeks and lips — Neither Krovilli?
    • Your skin cracked in the corners of the mouth, on hand and legs?
    • Recently, your hair swells, began to fall out and sneeze?
    • Nails are easy to break, dazzhed by transverse and longitudinal dashes?
    • You have abundant and protracted monthly?
    • Your taste addiction has changed as if you are pregnant —
      pulls to gnaw chalk (excitement, coal, dry croup), breathe glue
      «Moment», varnish, paint, gasoline, exhaust gases?
    • You rarely visit the fresh air?
    • Sit on a dairy diet?
    • Suffer from ulcerative disease, gastritis, hemorrotype?

    Gave an affirmative answer to 3—5 questions? It is possible that you have a hidden iron deficiency.

    Take the food rich for them — beef, beef liver and others
    Sub-products, egg yolks, mushrooms (champignons, chanterelles, white,
    Podbiroviki), buckwheat, oatmeal, soybeans, peas, apples, spinach,
    Sorrel, green leaves of lettuce, cabbage, coat, carrots, radishes, raisins,
    Figs, Kuragu, Prunes, Oranges, Mandarins, Cocoa, Nuts. IN
    Critical days take complex iron-containing drugs like
    Ferroplex and Feneuls.

    At the same time, remember that iron is poorly absorbed: from veal — Only on
    22%, from fish — 10%, from plant food and less. In croup,
    Bread and vegetables have special substances — Phosphates and wicks that prevent
    Suction of this trace element: from rice and spinach to the body comes
    Only 1% iron, corn and beans — 3%, from soybeans — 7%. To
    how much would you eat, say, meat, in your blood goes for a day
    Only 2.5 mg of iron — more organism to learn not in a state. And from
    drugs in blood is absorbed in 15—20 times more.
    So without the support of iron-containing means can not do.

    Prevention of anemia
    Replied «Yes» on 5—10 questions? You clearly lack iron — pass
    blood analysis! Need for men in men — 10 mg per day, women — fifteen—18
    mg during pregnancy — 35—40 mg, breastfeeding — thirty—33 mg.
    Increase the basic dose of 1.5—2 times if you are engaged in climbing,
    Diving, work in conditions of lack of oxygen — in punctured
    Room, mine or with substances harmful to heaver
    (benzene, aniline, lead). More iron should come in
    organism with significant physical exertion, intensive classes
    sports, with constant, albeit small bleeding (with hemorrhoids,
    Polyps, long non-healing wounds).

    To fill the shortage of valuable mineral, the doctor will mode
    individual diet and prescribe its medicine, as well as
    Additional preparations that improve iron suction. Since better
    In total, this element is absorbed in an acidic environment, drink
    Iron-containing complexes with sour juice (grapefrute, orange,
    lemon, pomegranate, apple), decoction of rosehip, cranberry mors and
    never — alkaline mineralka («Essentuki-4», «Borjomi»,
    «Slavyanovskaya») or milk. By the way, even if you pour
    milk buckwheat porridge or cook on it oatmeal, none
    Milligram iron from these dishes in the blood will not go. The same effect gives
    Eggs and strong tea — Tanin, which is part of its composition, is inhibits suction
    so necessary to you element.

    Agreed from 11—18 questions? You have all signs of anemia. In addition to
    Analysis on hemoglobin, needed research of gastric juice, urine and
    Cala on hidden blood, consultation of a gastroenterologist and a gynecologist. After all
    In some diseases — For example, irritable syndrome
    intestines when his peristalsis is enhanced, — Iron does not have time
    go through the necessary transformations and suck. It «Speaks»
    transit through the digestive system and is derived from the body
    Non-referred. The same thing happens when receiving antacid funds (they
    Applied when heartbud, belching, hyperacid gastritis) and reduced
    Acidity of gastric juice. The less acid in the stomach, the worse
    Iron is absorbed. To improve this process, a specialist will appoint
    hydrochloric acid solution or acidic mineral water, let's say
    «Essentuki-17». And even so that the capricious iron is better learned,
    need the presence of copper and the help of a number of vitamins — B5, WB, with
    — and folic acid. At the same time, keep in mind that you will have to be treated long
    — Draised «Iron mines» Restored with labor. And without
    Doctor here can not do: he controls the effectiveness of treatment,
    Assigns repeated inspections and analyzes.

    Products containing iron

    Where and how much the iron contains 100 g:

    • Dried mushrooms — 35 mg
    • Pork liver — 20 mg
    • Cocoa —11,7mg
    • Green beans — 7.9 mg
    • Strawberry — 7.8 mg
    • Blueberry — 7 mg
    • Crolcatin — 4.4 mg
    • Meat — 2.2 mg
    • Egg — 1.5 mg
    • Carrot — 0.7 mg

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