All about liver cancer


  • Liver cancer
  • Causes of liver cancer
  • Symptoms of liver cancer
  • Diagnosis of liver cancer
  • Treatment of liver cancer
  • Prognosis and prevention of liver cancer

  • Liver cancer

    Malignant liver damage can be primary, that is
    emanating from cells of hepatic structures, and secondary - growing in
    Liver of secondary metastatic tumor nodes from cancer cells,
    listed in the liver from other internal organs. Metastatic
    liver tumors registered 20 times more often than primary because,
    Through the liver, like through the filter, the blood passes from the internal
    organs. The treatment of metastatic liver damage will be in detail
    Teld in the section Treatment 4 Cancer Stages.

    Primary liver cancer - relatively rare disease,
    Component, according to various sources, from 0.2 to 3% of all cases of cancer. Among
    Patients prevail male faces aged 50 to 65 years.
    There are several forms of liver cancer, various by origin.


    • hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatom,
      Hepatic cell cancer, occurring, as seen from the name, from
      liver parenchyma cells);
    • cholangiocarcin (cell tumor
      epithelium of bile ducts that make up 5-30% of all primary
      malignant liver tumors);
    • Angiosarcoma liver
      (malignant hemangioendothelioma liver - one of the most
      malignant liver tumors growing from endothelium vessels);
    • hepatoblast (malignant liver tumor of children's age).

    Causes of liver cancer

    • The development of liver cancer contributes to chronic viral hepatitis
      (Hepatitis B, hepatitis C). The risk of haze and cell cancer
      Virus carriers increase 200 times;
    • Cirrhosis of the liver;
    • Hemochromatosis (excessive content in iron organism);
    • Parasitic diseases (opistorhoz, schistosomtosis and others);
    • Syphilis;
    • Chronic alcoholism;
    • Exposure of carcinogens (polychlorinated diphenyls chlorinated
      Hydrocarbon solvents, for example, carbon tetrachloride,
      Nitrosamines, organic chlorine-containing pesticides, aflatoxins,
      contained in food).

    Symptoms of liver cancer

    In the initial stages of cancer there are general ailments, various
    Dyspepsic disorders (loss of appetite, nausea, sometimes vomiting),
    feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium, stupid nunning pain, raising
    Temperature. There are general weakness, weight loss, anemia (anemia).

    With the development of the disease can be revealed to increase the liver, liver
    can perform from under the rib arc, can acquire a rivet
    Density, bugberry. When taking a liver area can
    Detect tumor education. Gradually increases jaundice.

    Diagnosis of liver cancer

    All about liver cancer
    Initially, the assumption of the lesion of the liver arises on the basis of complaints and appearance of the patient.

    Tool methods

    Ultrasound (ultrasound research) is of great importance in
    Diagnosis of tumor liver damage due to wide availability
    and sufficient accuracy. Using ultrasound, you can reveal the nodal
    Education in the liver, according to special characteristics to differentiate
    their benign and malignant.

    CT (X-ray computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance
    Tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging) are used for
    liver cancer diagnosis if the diagnosis fails to put more than
    Simple methods or to clarify the prevalence of the process.

    Additional data can be obtained with radioisotope liver scanning.

    Laboratory methods

    Determination of blood indicators, indirectly indicative in favor of liver damage.

    This is:

    • Biochemical blood test in which can be detected
      Raising bilirubin levels, decrease in protein level, increase
      content of hepatic enzymes;
    • Blood test to oncomarkers
      (indicators, increasing the level of which in the blood says about
      The body of one or another tumor).

    It should be remembered that the identification of any, even malignant
    Diseases at an early stage improve the forecast of the upcoming treatment.

    Treatment of liver cancer

    The main method for the treatment of liver cancer - surgical.

    In the case of hepatic cancer, a liver segment with a tumor or a lobe share (hemigepatectomy) is removed.

    In case of cholangicarcinoma, in some cases, the removal of the duct with a tumor with the subsequent imposition of anastomosis (coolen).

    During single nodes, their ablation is possible (radio frequency ablation,
    Chemoabulation, cryoablation) - treatment method when the liver node
    A special needle is introduced and under the influence of various mechanisms node

    Intravascular chemotherapy is performed, while through
    The blood vessel to the tumor node is supplied by a thin catheter, in
    which is introduced by the chemotherapy, thus the action directly
    on the tumor is more intense, but the negative effect of the chemotherapy on
    The body is less.

    The choice of treatment method depends on the type of tumor, the state of the body and
    other parameters, determine which is possible only with careful
    Survey of the patient.

    Treatment of metastatic liver damage will be described in detail in the section Treatment 4 Cancer Stages.

    For primary liver tumors, local invasive growth is characterized,
    Especially often the tumor germinates in a diaphragm. Remote metastases
    Most often found in lungs (up to 45% of cases).

    Prognosis and prevention of liver cancer

    The course of liver cancer depends on the type of tumor, but usually stormy and
    without treatment after a few months leads to the death of the patient. At
    Operable tumors The average life expectancy of patients after
    Operations is 3 years. 5-year survival - about 20%.

    Since the development of liver cancer contributes to chronic viral
    Hepatitis B and Viro Some parasitic diseases,
    Carcinogenic effect on the liver of industrial poisons, based on
    Primary prevention lies the prevention of these diseases and protection
    ambient. Secondary prophylaxis lies in the early detection
    and timely treatment of chronic liver diseases.

    Of particular importance is the fight against alcoholism, as cirrhosis of the liver
    (especially the large form) is detected by about 60-90% of patients with

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