Pickup diseases


  • Pickup diseases
  • Causes of pituitary diseases
  • How to diagnose and treatment of pituitary diseases

  • Pickup diseases

    Hormones affecting the work of all organs and systems fall
    in blood from special endocrine glands, which are combined into a single
    Endocrine system. These are adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroidism
    glands, ovarian (in women), seeds and testicles - (in men),
    Pancreas, hypothalamus and pituitary. Perhaps there is no in the body
    more hierarchical and disciplined system than endocrine.

    At the top of power is the pituitary -
    Little gland rarely exceeding the size of the nail on the mother's maiden.
    The pituitary is in the brain (in its very center) and rigidly
    controls the work of most endocrine glands, highlighting
    Special hormones that control the production of other hormones.
    For example, the pituitary is thrown into the blood thyrotropic hormone (TSH),
    which makes the thyroid gland to create thyroxin
    and triiodothyronine. Some pituitary hormones are directly
    Effect, for example, somatotropic gomon (STG) responsible for processes
    Growth and physical development of the child.

    The disadvantage or excess of pituitary hormones inevitably leads to severe diseases.

    The lack of pituitary hormones leads:

    • Pickup diseasesTo the secondary lack of hormones of other endocrine glands, for example, to secondary hypothyroidism - thyroid hormone deficiency.
    • except
      of that shortage of the hormones themselves causes severe physical
      Violations. So, the shortage of a somatotropic hormone (STG) in childhood leads
      To dwarf.
    • Nonachar diabetes -
      With a lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADG is produced
      In the hypothalamus, then enters the pituitary gland, from where it is released in blood).
    • Hyponituitarism -
      Lack of all pituitary hormones - in children can manifest themselves with a delay
      sexual development, and in adults - sex disorders. Generally,
      Hyponituitarianism leads to severe metabolic disorders that
      affect all organism systems.

    Excess hormones
    pituitary gives a bright clinical picture, and the manifestations of the disease
    very different depending on what or what hormones
    exceed norm.

    When an abrasiveness of the pituitary hormones:

    • High level prolactin (hyperprolactinemia)
      In women manifests a disorder of the menstrual cycle, infertility,
      lactation (milk gland swelling and milk secretion). In men
      Hyperprolactinemia leads to a decrease in sexual entry, impotence.
    • An excess of a somatotropic hormone (STG) gave the world of giants. If the disease begins at an early age, then giantism arises, if in a mature - acromegaly.
      According to the book of Records, Guinies, the highest man was Robert
      Pokhing Wozlou, born in 1918 in the US. His growth was
      272 centimeters (sweating of hands 288 centimeters). However, according to
      Domestic Book of Records Divo, the highest in world history was
      Russian citizen Fyodor Makhov. His growth was 2 meters
      85 centimeters with weight 182 kilograms. With acromegaly in the patient
      brushes hands and feet thicken, facial features become large,
      Internal organs increase. This is accompanied by violations of work
      Hearts, neurological disorders.
    • Improving the level of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) leads to the disease Incenko-Cushing.
      This severe disease is manifested by osteoporosis, increasing
      blood pressure, development of diabetes, mental
      Violations. The disease is accompanied by characteristic appearance changes:
      Weighing legs and hands, obesity in the abdomen, shoulders, as well as.

    Causes of pituitary diseases

    understand the causes of the pituitary disease, it is necessary to remember that
    It is part of the brain. Over it takes visual nerves,
    From the side of the sides - large brain vessels and eye-minded nerves.

    The reason for excess the pituitary hormones in most
    Cases is a tumor of the pituitire itself - adenoma. At the same time increases
    The level of that hormone or hormones that produce adenoma cells,
    whereas the level of all other hormones can significantly decrease
    Due to the compression of the remainder of the pituitary. Growing adenoma is dangerous yet
    and in what squeezes the visiting nerves, vessels
    and brain structures. Practically all patients with adenoma are
    Headaches often meet visual disorders.

    The shortage of pituitary hormones can be:

    • Blood defects,
    • hemorrhage,
    • Congenital underdevelopment of pituitary gland,
    • meningitis or encephalitis,
    • Putting of pituitary tumor,
    • brain-brain injury,
    • Some medicines,
    • irradiation,
    • surgical intervention.

    How to diagnose and treatment of pituitary diseases

    And the treatment of diseases of the pituitary gland is engaged in an endocrinologist. At
    The first handling doctor will collect history (complaints, information
    On transferred diseases and hereditary predisposition)
    and on the basis of this will prescribe the necessary study of the hormonal
    Profile (blood test for hormones), Tyroliberin test, test
    with synacten and t.D. If necessary, a computer can be appointed
    Tomography of the brain, magnetic resonance tomography head
    Brain and others.

    Treatment of diseases of the pituitary
    to normalize the level of hormones in the blood, and in the case of adenoma -
    Reducing the pressure of the tumor on the brain surrounding structures. At
    The disadvantage of pituitary hormones is applied by replacement hormone
    Therapy: A person give medicines-analogues of the desired hormones. Such treatment
    often lasts life. Fortunately, the pituitary tumors are extremely rare
    There are malignant. Nevertheless, their treatment is a difficult task for

    The following methods and their combination are used in the treatment of pituitary tumors:

    • Drug therapy;
    • Surgical treatment - tumor removal;
    • Methods of radiation therapy.

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