In the case of early detection of egg cancer, this ailment is very successfully treated. By the way, to detect the tumor of the testicle and independently. How? - This is described in this article.
Why is it important to reveal the tumor of egg on time
Having found a conventional wart on the penis, a man is instantly sent to the doctor. However, a painless tumor on the testicles can grow to impressive sizes, but it is unlikely to cause the same concern.
Almost all similar tumors are harmless, but still about 6 thousand Americans developing egg cancer annually - the most common malignant education in men from 15 to 34 years.
If you yourself have found something like this, consider that you are lucky, since almost 100% of the testicles detected at the early stage are successfully cured. With late detection, the forecast is usually not so favorable.

One egg always hangs below another. Otherwise you could not put legs together. Conspect yourself monthly, but only in a warm place - in the cold, the scrotum is very slow. Ideal to inspect, taking a bath or shower. Ride eggs between big and other fingers. They must be felt like a welded egg (without a shell, of course) approximately 3.5-4 cm in diameter; Dimensions should not differ more than 5-6 mm.
If you discovered unusual swelling, a bump or other anomaly, spend simple diagnostic check. Go to the Dark Room. Turn on the pocket lamp and place it behind the scrotum. If the light is easy enough to pass through it, then education, in all likelihood, filled with liquid - symptom, typical of harmless waterfall eggs or seed coat cysts. But such a test in no case can cause the cause of the visit to the doctor. If you asstected the testicles carefully, they should not be root, so obvious pain in the inspection should be considered as a deviation, although it is also not typical for malignant formations.
Very few neoplasms of the testicles are malignant, but doctors consider and treat any of them as a cancer, until they receive evidence of the opposite. Fortunately, an experienced urologist or surgeon can confidently diagnose most of benign entities immediately when inspected in its office. In doubtful cases, the doctor will open the scrotum for a more detailed examination of the testicles. If there is no doubt after that, the doctor can remove the suspicious testicle and its seeding duct. In cases of suspected egg cancer, doctors do not make a biopsy, since the chances of the spread of malignant cells are very high.
Although some patients complain about pain and sensation of gravity in the scrotum, almost all cases of cancer of the testicles begin with the appearance of painless education. A man who conducts self-examination is unlikely to feel other symptoms (back pain, cough, weight loss), as they all usually testify already to the appearance of metastases.
So, to the doctor must be applied in the case of:
- If you have discovered an increase in one of the testicles;
- Research is painful;
- If you are trying to a buccorku, who did not prove before this;
- If you have a feeling «severity» in the scrotum;
- With the appearance of constant pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the groin area;
- When blood appears in the urine;
- With an increase in the chest glands.
Egg tumors can be benign and malignant. Remember to make a diagnosis «Egg cancer» Only an oncologist is right. Regular monthly self-examination and immediate appeal to the doctor in case of detection of one of these features makes it possible to prevent the development of a malignant tumor, and in case of its timely detection - to achieve full cure.