Do you need to treat hemangioma in children? What complications are fraught with this vascular education and what methods can get rid of it?
Recently, more and more often, young parents have to deal with such a concept as hemangioma in children. So what is it - hemangioma? And what it threatens our kids?
Gemangioma - benign vascular education, which is a consequence of violation of the development of vessels in the embryonic period.
Finally the reason for the appearance of hemangiom is currently unclear. But it is believed that an ARZ can lead to them, which Mom got into the first 3-6 weeks of pregnancy, when the breeding of the fetus vascular system is.
Hemangiomas are the most common benign neoplasms in infancy, which can be found from each tenth child, and in premature babies even more often. According to different authors, ranges from about 20% to 50% of all tumor defeat of children's age. In some cases, hemangioma can be multiple.
Most hemaging are not visible immediately after birth, and appear during the first two weeks of the child's life. First, parents notice redness similar to scratches, which, instead of disappearing, increases in size and volume.
Most hemangiomes arise in the first two or three weeks of life and manifest themselves in the first year of the child's life. These neoplasms of blood vessels can take a rapidly progressive nature. The spontaneous disappearance of hemangioma may also be observed.
The intensity of the color of hemangioms is different - from pink to red, from the cherry to dark burgundy. The color of hemangioma depends on the depth of the propagation and the magnitude of the lumen of the loud blood vessels.
In 30% of cases, reverse development does not complete completely with a successful result and requires further additional manipulations. Spontaneous disappearance is not a guarantee of excellent cosmetic result. Recovery can pass differently.
Simple hemangioma have red or blue-crimson color, are located superficially, it is clearly deliberate, the skin and several millimeters of the subcutaneous fat layer are growing mainly to the sides. The hemangioma is smooth, less common - uneven, sometimes somewhat protruding above the skin. When pressing hemangioma pale, but then restore your color again.
Cavernous hemangioma is located under the skin in the form of a limited node. Looks like a tumor formation, covered by unchanged or shiny skin on top of leather. When pressing hemangioma falls and pale (due to blood outflow).
Combined hemangioma are a combination of surface and subcutaneous hemangioma (simple and cavernous).
Mixed hemangioma consists of tumor cells emanating from vessels and other tissues. Appearance, color and consistency are determined by the components of the vascular tumor tissues.
In the first place in the frequency of occurrence of hemangiomes there is a head area. Mostly hemangiomas are located on eyelids, forehead areas up to the scalp, near the root or tip of the nose, on the cheeks, including the cheek area from the inside of the mouth, on the mucous side. On the second place in the frequency of the lesion, the region of genital organs. Pollution of these places with urine and feces, friction of diapers or clothing can lead to ulcers and bleeding hemangiom, as well as enhancing infections into these places.
Often hemangiomas are found on the top of the body, on the handles and legs of the child. Hemangioma can also be located in invisible places: internal organs, soft tissues and bones. There are also cases of multiple hemangioms in various places.
Cavernous and combined hemangioma practically do not regress. The fact of spontaneous regression of hemangioma is often incorrectly evaluated by family doctors and surgeons of the general medical network. They attribute this quality to Hemangiomas in all cases, almost all patients, leaving them most often without observation and treatment.
Growing hemangiom unpredictable. Sometimes a small superficial hemangioma in a few months can turn into extensive and deep hemangiomes with the defeat of various dangerous anatomical zones or organs, without hope for suspension of growth.
It is easy to imagine that in the case of the progression of hemangioma in the field of breast, near the eye, ear, nose, in the oral cavity In addition to a cosmetic defect, violation of vision, hearing, breathing, is disturbed by the act of swallowing. Rely on spontaneous tumor regression in this case is very dangerous.
At least 10% by hemangiom can lead to a different kind of complications during the life.
Considering that hemangioma is a vascular tumor, under certain adverse conditions, the blood in these vessels may thrombide (cage) that leads to strong pains, intoxication, temperature increase, ulceration and hemangioma suppuration. Sometimes it leads to post-inflammatory hemangioma sclerosis, but sometimes this state can be a factor that stimulates her growth. A characteristic feature of the ulcer and ventilated hemangioms is a long course of the disease and the lack of a trend towards the rapid healing of the resulting ulcers.
Inflammation and suppuration of hemangioma can also be caused and random injury.
The methods of prevention of the occurrence of hemangiom are currently unknown, since the factors causing it definitely not. But it is necessary to take very carefully to the prevention of its complications, t.E. Its increases in size, injury, thrombing, ulceration, suppuration.
It is very important not to miss the moment when hemangioma starts to grow, destroying the surrounding organs and fabrics, like a malignant tumor.
The age of the patient should not be a limiting factor in the treatment of a child with hemangioma. Unfortunately, there are cases when a patient may be in a launched, deplorable state in three months of age.
The coming complications serve as an immediate signal to the treatment of hemangioma. This may be not only an ulceration with infection, but also in the functioning of the organ, strong anemia due to bleeding, strong hemangi growth with impaired adjacent tissues.

- Very often, Moms blame themselves for such diseases in children;
- Often the fear of the occurrence of bleeding as a result of damage and scratches, which patients and their loved ones will not be able to stop;
- Starting from kindergarten, problems can arise with other children, often comrades on games begin to tease or exclude a patient child from the games;
- Psychologically, children can respond to all this aggressiveness, depression, fearlessness or decline in attention.
Until now, among doctors, expectant tactics are dominant, based on the fact that hemangioma may be subject to reverse development.
The need for treatment is recognized only if there is complications. As a result of this tightening of therapeutic treatment, much time is lost at an early stage of the disease.
Hemangioma on the face and in the field of sexual lips and the anal opening is considered as an emergency cosmetic case and requires treatment for three days.
Hemangiomas with a clear trend towards growth (an increase in distribution area twice in one week) should be processed immediately, and with a different increase - during the week.
Hemangiomas in the mouth and inside the cheeks are also considered as an emergency and must be treated with a laser before they are needed to surgically remove.
If hemangioma is located on the face or in the anosenital region, then it is considered as an emergency case.
In 95% of cases, such vascular tumors are treated with parachirurgic. Such treatment can be started from early age - almost immediately after diagnosis. And the earlier start, the better the results will be.
The purpose of treatment is to eliminate the tumor process, stop the growth of the tumor, get the best functional and cosmetic result.
Various methods of hemangiom treatments have been developed, among them various types of operational interventions, cryodestruction, laser-proof, microwave therapy, radiotherapy, hormonal treatment. In each case, a certain treatment method is used.
Children of the first half of life (with hemangiomas with a total area of more than 100 kV. see or having half the body's body) hormone therapy helps well. Presumably, with long-term reception of cortisone, receptors responsible for the growth of the body are blocked. Corticosteroids are introduced using a syringe directly in hemangioma and inward in the form of tablets. During the admission of corticosteroid drugs, children should not receive vaccination with live vaccines.