May 31 - World WITH Tobacco Day


May 31 & ndash; World Day without tobaccoAlready almost half a century, on the initiative of the World Health Organization on May 31, World Day without tobacco is celebrated. On our planet today, more than one billion smokers, and Russia, unfortunately, is considered the smoking country. Every day there are about eight thousand tobacco lovers in the world, and every cigarette will take seven minutes of According to WHO, smoking is the cause of 90% of all cases of lung cancer, 75% of cases of chronic bronchitis and emphysema and 25% of cases of ischemic heart disease.2 At the same time, the main threat to health causes harmful chemicals contained in cigarette smoke.

There is a lot about the dangers of smoking, but what motivates people to abandon the bad habit? Throwing to smoke after a long age dependence on tobacco such a Hollywood stars like Al Pacino or Sylvester Stallone, our artists are not lagging behind — Vladimir Mashkov, Dmitry Kharatyan. Even the American president Barack Obama publicly promised to overcome this habit and did not finally broke up with smoking. More and more people in the world understand that health — One of the most significant values ​​in life. By 18 years old, most of the tobacco-dependent regret that they began to smoke, and 50% are attempts to quit smoking. Refusal of cigarettes — This is a reason to be proud of yourself, since only a strong spirit man is able to defeat all the difficulties associated with overcoming this dependence.

As a reward, a person who managed to overcome this harmful habit, gets strength, energy and a new, healthy taste for life. Already 8 hours after the abnormalization of smoking in the blood, the level of oxygen is normalized, the lungs are beginning to be cleaned from residual smoking products, and after 2-12 weeks, shortness of breath retreats, it becomes easier to walk and run. After 5-10 years, the probability of the heart attack and the risk of the development of lung cancer decreases.3 However, it is not easy to part with this habit, since it is not only behavioral, but also physical dependence. During smoking, the body gets used to getting nicotine, and its sharp restriction causes unpleasant symptoms — Anxiety, irritability, headache, nausea, sleep disorder.

You can successfully defeat tobacco dependence by applying nicotine-accomplished therapy (NZT). Today it is one of the most effective methods that helps a person who has decided to quit smoking, finally refuse tobacco smoke. According to statistics, NZT along with psychological support increases the chances of a person forever to part with smoking six times.4 The principle of nicotine-specific therapy is based on the fact that a person will dissolve from nicotine gradually, leveling the manifestations of the cancellation syndrome — Supporting a certain level of this substance in the blood.

«Preparations of nicotine-accomplished therapy provide the necessary minimum dose of medical nicotine in the body of a smokers, helping him to cope with addiction. Thanks to this, you can successfully fight with smoking and control your condition. Nicotine-specific therapy today has scientific confirmation of efficiency as a means of treating tobacco dependence», — Notes G. M. Sakharov, Professor, Head of the Center for Drawing from Tobacco Research Institute of Pulmonology FMBA Russia. Although on a global scale, the consumption of tobacco products is growing, in recent years, the refusal of this harmful habit becomes a fashion trend. More and more people successfully cast smoking with nicotine-containing chewing gum, patches and inhalers. Along with the legislative initiatives taken in many countries, the availability of available and effective methods of treatment helps to reduce the number of smokers in many countries of the world.

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