Than dangerous gastric cancer


  • The main causes of the disease
  • Symptoms of gastric cancer
  • Than dangerous gastric cancer
  • Treatment of stomach cancer

  • Stomach Cancer - Malignant Tumor Developing from the Gastric Muffin.In men, the gastric cancer meets 2 times more often than women. The most often sick faces over 40-45 years old, although not so rarely the gastric cancer occurs in persons of 30-35 years of age and even more young...

    The main causes of the disease

    • Than dangerous gastric cancer hereditary factor;
    • Regular use of smoked, salted, pereproyny products;
    • smoking;
    • contact with asbestos;
    • Preiodine states - chronic atrophic gastritis, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach, pernicious anemia, condition after resection of the stomach (especially 10-20 years after bilot-II resection), stomach polyps (the frequency of zero-quality up to 40% with polyps more than 2 cm in diameter), immunodeficiency states;
    • Alcohol abuse.

    Symptoms of gastric cancer

    • Anorexia and weight loss are characteristic of 70-80% of patients;
    • general weakness, fatigue;
    • unpleasant sensations and / or pain above the navel;
    • decline in appetite;
    • feeling of gravity after eating;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • changing chair;
    • Bleeding that can manifest melenya (black chair).
    • The feeling of early saturation. Diffuse cancer of the stomach often flows with a feeling of fast saturation, as the wall of the stomach cannot stretch normally.

    Than dangerous gastric cancer

    The tumor in the stomach can disturb the digestion, prevent the passage of food into the underlying digestive tract departments. The cancer tumor germinates the stomach wall, can spread to other organs - germinate into the colon, pancreas. When the tumor is located near the esophagus, it can spread to it and disrupt the passage of food in the stomach. As a result of all this, weight decreases down to exhaustion. The tumor can spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels to other organs (liver, light, brain, bone, etc.), where gives foci of growth. Due to the violation of the body, death arises.

    Disease Stages:

    • The diameter of the tumor is not more than 2 cm, the germination of only the mucous membrane without visible metastases into lymph nodes;
    • The diameter of the tumor is 4-5 cm, the germination of the submembratus and muscle layers, may be regional metastases;
    • large sizes of tumor, germination of serous shell, adjacent organs; There are distant metastases.

    Early diagnosis ensures the most favorable forecast. Clinical symptoms of disease are nonspecific: nausea, vomiting, belching, dysphagia, general weakness, loss of body weight, anemia, etc. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of these symptoms from previously healthy people and changing their nature in chronic gastritis or ulcerative disease. Gastroscopy (with biopsy) and X-ray study of the stomach have crucial importance in establishing a diagnosis.

    Treatment of stomach cancer

    The treatment of the stomach cancer depends on the prevalence of the tumor in the stomach, the degree of damage to regional lymph nodes and the presence of remote metastases. In the treatment Cancer stomach All 3 methods are used: surgical, chemotherapeutic and radial. The main method of treatment is surgical treatment.

    Projective protective factors:

    • Failure to feed dry and overeating;
    • unhurried and regular meal;
    • refusal or reduced consumption of saline and smoked products;
    • increase in the consumption of natural juice or milk;
    • Refusal to use strong alcoholic beverages or at least accompaniment to their adoption by soda or mineral water;
    • increase in the consumption of green vegetables and fruits rich in natural antioxidants (ascorbic acid, B-carotene, vitamin E);
    • green tea (due to suppressing interleukin-8 production);
    • Freezing products instead of canning (significantly reduces the incidence of stomach cancer due to the lack of preservatives and reducing the number of carcinogens).

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