Egg Cancer: Your Health - In Your Hands


  • How the mechanism for the development of egg cancer is launched
  • What should alert
  • Mollar Nedug

  • Egg cancer - the tumor is infrequent, but insidious. She is striking young men
    from 20 to 40 years and sometimes very quickly gives metastasis. Own
    Health is in full sense in the hands of a man, because cancer
    Eggs can detect to the touch only he himself or attentive woman. Tells Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the European Academy Andrology Mikhail Vasilyevich Koryakin.
    How the mechanism for the development of egg cancer is launched

    Egg Cancer: Your Health - In Your HandsMalignant neoplasms are, as a rule, the lot of people aged when problems arise with the immune system. And egg cancer (just 1% of all malignant neoplasms in men) occurs in people workable, in the heyday. The peak of morbidity falls for 32 years (for other tumors it is 68 years old), and after forty years, the danger of getting sick is significantly reduced. Most often, egg cancer suffer in prosperous Switzerland (12-14 people per 100 thousand men), and less frequently - African Americans and Chinese. In recent years, the frequency of the disease increases.

    From a healthy cell cancer does not occur. The tumor development program is launched only if it is laid in the cell, determined by the presence of oncogens or is caused by mutations under the influence of adverse factors internal or external environment. Surveying a lot of patients with egg cancer, scientists have found those responsible for the development of this disease, the sections of genes, confirming its genetic (hereditary) origin.
    One of the serious risk factors for the development of egg cancer is Cryptorchism (Eagle uncomplication). In the process of intrauterine development of testicles from the retroperitoneal space in the inguinal channels, they fall into the scrotum and at the birth of the boy should be in the scrotum. If this did not happen, that is, another period of one year, when they can do it without helping. After the first year of life, it will definitely not happen, and without medical care, as a rule, the operation is not to do. An unfavorable temperature environment (in the retroperitoneal space and inguinal channels the temperature for the testicles is too high) provokes the development of the tumor.
    The later the egg is reduced to the scrotum, the higher the risk of a malignant process - according to various data, at 2.5 - 9 times. However, if we consider all cases of egg cancer, cryptorchism as its cause takes only 10%. Increasing the frequency of egg cancer, as well as cryptorchism, is a sign of environmental non-agricultural territory, primarily due to chemical compounds possessing inactive activity (estrogens - female sex hormones). In addition, the rapid increase in estrogen levels during the first trimester of pregnancy at the mother of the future boy can also be caused by the development of the Egg Cancer.
    Numerous studies have shown that there is no connection between the egg cancer and the injury of the genital organs, vasectomy (dressing of seed-handed ducts with contraceptive purposes), infertility or inguinal hernias.

    Most often, the tumor develops from cells in convinced seed canal. Since the appearance of the agencies - a single tumor cell - until the moment when the tumor manifests itself clinically, it takes more than seven years. But after that, she begins to grow very quickly and for six months - a year can achieve impressive sizes. If the tumor showed himself, then every three months the volume will increase it twice.

    What should alert

    By the availability of the patient organ, egg cancer can be compared with breast cancer. Women recommend regularly engage in self-examination. Men would also have to do so, because only in their experienced hands this dangerous illness will detect itself before.
    Taking a bath or shower, you need to periodically explore your own sex glands. What should alert? Increase Eggs in volume, its unusual consistency, heterogeneity, seals. 30% of patients complain about the feeling of gravity in the scrotum. Often, men arrive at the reception, who have a tumor reaches the sizes of coconut walnut. On the sexual function, the tumor does not affect. Remember, the tumor of the egg does not cause pain! Therefore, finding something unusual, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. On the touch, the cancer can be confused with the water membranes of the eggs, cysts, tumors of the appendage of the egg, so if something unusual is spoiled, do not immediately think about the bad.

    Some patients come with complaints that are absolutely not characteristic of a tumor - they are already called metastases. Even at the first stage of the egg cancer (according to the WHO classification), when the tumor does not germinate the fibrous membrane, each third patient already has metastases. At one time, I observed a patient who, due to metastases, the scanitoneal lymph nose, there was compression of the ureters and the difficult outflow of urine from the kidneys led to two-sided hydronephrosis (the expansion of the lochank and the kidney cups). The size of the tumor in the testicular at the same time was only 4 mm. Sometimes randomly discover metastasis in the lungs with planned fluorography or in the liver during ultrasound examination.

    Although the body is sufficiently available for examination, bright symptoms pointing to cancer are not, therefore, to put an accurate diagnosis, you need to spend thorough, but gentle finiplation of testicles, ultrasound examination, blood test for markers. To eliminate metastases, a chest radiography is necessary, an ultrasound study of the abdominal cavity, a computer or magnetic resonance tomography of a retroperitoneal space.

    Mollar Nedug

    Under common name «Egg cancer» Various types of tumors (seminomes, embryonic carcinoma, teratocarcinoma, chorioncarcinoma) are hidden, which are often combined with each other. Depending on the structure of the tumor, according to the presence of explicit metastases in a particular organ, by changes in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, the doctor chooses treatment tactics.

    First of all, you need to remove a tumor with high excision of seed cord. The manipulation of the surgeon can cause the release of cancer cells in the bloodstream and the formation of metastases, so compliance with special rules to reduce the probability of tumor propagation. Even if during surgery surgery, it is really a tumor that requires the removal of the organ, the vessels that feed the testicle are temporarily squeezed with elastic hats before obtaining the results of a microscopic examination of a piece of fabric, isolated from egg. When confirming the malignant nature of the tumor, the testicle is removed, with a negative response of the vessels that feed the testicle are released, and the tumor can be excised within healthy tissues. Unfortunately, their all egg tumors are 95% - malignant.

    5% of patients with egg tumor in the opposite egg detected cancer at the cellular level. In this case, the opposite of the testicle is preserved and exposed radiation therapy. After removing the egg and a thorough microscopic examination of the tumor, depending on its structure, the state of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes and the presence of metastases in the internal organs is chosen further tactics of treatment. It, as a rule, includes chemo and radiation therapy, and during the defeat of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes - their operational removal (by different methods, including gentle and laparoscopic).

    The effectiveness of the treatment of egg cancer in good medical centers reaches 90-93%. Fortunately, for the most part these tumors are well amenable to radiation therapy and are sensitive to modern chemotherapy.

    After a radical removal of retroperitoneal lymph nodes, the process of ejaculation is often disturbed and the so-called dry sexual act (without ejaculation) occurs. If a man wants to have children in the future, it is possible before the egg removal operation or after it can consolidate seed fluid (cryopreservation) in order to further use it for artificial fertilization. Sexual function After removing one egg, most men do not suffer because the organ pair, and the second egg «working» for two. And when symptoms of androgenic failure (reduction of sexual attraction and sexual activity), replacement therapy is prescribed by drugs of testosterone male sex hormone. The main thing is that the man recover, and on his male abilities neither the disease nor his treatment will affect.

    The effectiveness of the treatment of egg cancer in good medical centers reaches 90-93%. Fortunately, for the most part these tumors are well amenable to radiation therapy and are sensitive to modern chemotherapy.

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