About osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis of the spine


  • Causes of osteochondrosis or arthrosis of the spine
  • How osteochondrosis develops, arthrosis of the spine?
  • Symptoms of arthrosis spine

  • About osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis of the spineFrom the point of view of medicine, arthrosis (osteoarthritis) and osteochondrosis of the spine — Diseases are very similar for the reasons for its origin and the mechanism for the development of destructive-degenerative changes in the cartilage and bone cloth of structures forming joints. As in the case of arthrosis, osteochondrosis is more often evolving as a result of chronic injury of articular intervertebral cartilage and disorders of metabolic processes in cartilage tissue and predisposing factors.

    Causes of osteochondrosis or arthrosis of the spine

    The osteochondrosis of the spine is detected from almost all people over 35 years old, another question is that in some of some people slowly and does not cause any painful sensations, and others develop quickly and is accompanied by complications in the form of a protrusion or hernia of intervertebral disks, causing pain and other compression symptoms. nerve endings.

    So, medicine sees arthrosis as a result of the following factors.

    • Predisposition to the disease transmitted by inheritance.
    • Violation of metabolic processes, intoxication and infection, accompanied by a deterioration in the nutrition of cartilage and inflammation of the joints. Like arthrosis of any joints, osteochondrosis of the spine more often starts with dystrophy of cartilage tissue.
    • Overweight increasing load on the spine.
    • Improper nutrition, shortage of liquid and microelements in the diet.
    • Lifelong lifestyle, weakening muscular spinal corset.
    • Violation of the posture, instability of the spine.
    • Agebeats associated with drying cartilage tissue.
    • Fractures and ears of the spine (post-strammic osteoarthritis, it is osteochondrosis).
    • Microtrauma intervertebral discs during lifting weights, sports.
    • Prolonged stay in one position, provoking circulatory disruption in the cartilage zone.
    • Availability of flat-standing, carrying shoes on high heels, pregnancy — Factors change the axis of pressure on the vertebral pole.
    • Nervous overvoltage, smoking, supercooling, accompanied by a deterioration of microcirculation in intervertebral cartering.

    How osteochondrosis develops, arthrosis of the spine?

    Causes of osteochondrosis or arthrosis of the spineArthrosis of the Spine — The disease characterized by thinning, sealing and destruction of the intervertebral disk in combination with the reactive growth of the vertebral bone tissue and the formation of edge osteophytes.

    With degeneration and degradation, the intervertebral disk loses its properties and stops performing the role of the shock absorber between adjacent vertebrae. The vertebrae is closer, squeezing the nerve endings, which causes the appearance of pain. Lack of softening beats intervertebral «Pasters», leads to an increase in pressure on the bone fabric of the vertebrae, its reactive growth with the formation of osteophytes.

    In its localization, arthrosis of the spinal joints divide:

    • cervical (25% of cases);
    • chest;
    • Lumbar (more than 50% of cases);
    • Common, that is, covering the whole spine.

    From the point of view of medicine osteoarthritis of the lumbar department occurs more often than others because it is this section of the spinal column that experiences the greatest loads.

    Symptoms of arthrosis spine

    How to recognize the symptoms of the spinal arthrosisThe initial stage of the osteochondrosis of the spine flows hidden, more often it is manifested as diseases of the internal organs caused by innervation impairment as a result of the compression of the nerve endings by osteophytes and displaceable vertebrae.

    Symptoms of osteochondrosis:

    • backing back pain, increasing when driving and load;
    • restriction of movements in the spine;
    • lubrication and numbness of the limbs;
    • Headache, dizziness, ears, flashes «Mushhek» in front of the eyes (with damage to the cervical);
    • pain in the chest, heart pain, a feeling of lack of air, dissatisfaction with inhale, pain in various internal organs (chest osteochondrosis);
    • Filming pain in the lower back and leg, violation of posture, gait, hypotrophy and weakness of the lower extremities, decreased skin sensitivity.

    The further development of osteochondrosis leads to the protrusion and hernias of intervertebral disks, when the disk is protruding towards the spinal cord, the consequences may be very serious.

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