It is not known who owns words that women's legs turned not one page of history. But it's clear that any man agree with that.

Who prefer gentlemen?
Women had the opportunity to show beautiful legs, drive men crazy and at the same time appreciate the rivals. The long-legged charming launches looked more effectively in a swimsuit and in a mini-skirt and in the boring uniform of the teacher of junior classes, the word, everywhere and always. Unreally popular Marilyn Monroe tried to move public opinion and focus on the color of the hair, because gentlemen prefer blondes, but no, gentlemen, as it turned out, prefer girls with beautiful legs. Truth tested by time. On any beach, on any party, even on a business meeting you will find confirmation of this: a woman who can boast of legs, is easier not only to get acquainted with a pleasant young man, but also to get a very profitable contract, and at the same time sign a couple of important documents.
Four windows
Men who are not indifferent to female legs, no number. They are not only photographing them, they chant in verses, paint and sing about them. They managed to even translate Vyu this beauty into boring rows of numbers. There are as many as 13 settings for the harness and beauty of the legs. But the most famous principles «four winds».
If you put your legs together, they should contact only 4 places. First «window» — between the feet and the ankle, the second above the ankle, then under the knee and, finally, above the knee in the bottom of the hip. That's the last «window» must be the most narrow.
And in order to further emphasize the beauty of the legs, chemists (and it was undoubtedly men!), invented Nylon, Capron, Polyers, and engineers — Machines on which stockings and tights manufactured.
Feet in a cell, legs in a mesh
Unfortunately, sometimes beautiful women have to wear black tight tights and wide shoes without a hint at heel. Of course, this does not most best affect the appearance and the mood of our heroin. But what to do:
vascular «asterisk» or «Mesh» — Extended capillaries, with a diameter of 0.1 to 2 mm, should not be shown on the universal review. The reason for their appearance is all associated with the varicose veins. In this case, it is better not to wait for the deterioration of the state (and it, alas, inevitably) and as soon as possible to seek advice from the phlebologist (doctor engaged in the treatment of vehicle diseases), otherwise «Stars» turns into ugly knots that not only make legs with ugly, but also create a serious threat to health.
It is not necessary to despair in any way: in the arsenal of modern medicine has accumulated tremendous experience in combating this ailment. More and more doctors prefer non-operational treatment methods. Especially for those who suffer from this disease, invented and actively produce tights, stockings and golfs made from a special material creating a compression effect. Thanks to the outer compression of the tissues of the foot, the diameter of the vessels is reduced, which means that the risk of developing varicose diseases is reduced. Salon Salon Salon will help choose the type of product and prompt how not to be mistaken in size.
And what can we ourselves?
Doctors do not get tired of repeating that the disease is easier to warn: Compression knitwear is recommended to carry and healthy people as prevention, if they stay at work in a standing or sitting position, they move little, they have excess weight, flatfoot, suffer from constipation, complain about fatigue in the legs by the end of the working day. Women who often wear high-heeled shoes, pregnant women are also in the risk group.
To remove swelling at the end of the day and get rid of discomfort, you can recommend, besides well-proven ginkor-gel, Lioton gel, also a gel for the legs of Veno Spray. The last drug has a pleasant and convenient foam structure, and substances that are part of the composition help improve the microcirculation and the veins.
Do not forget about gymnastics: even 5–10 minutes of classes will help you remove the time when you have to consult your phlebologist. Exercises are very simple: familiar to all «bicycle», Mahi feet 10 times left, then right. You can try «Draw» Straightened legs in the air numbers from 0 to 10, and then, when after some time, get used to, add back to countdown: from 10 to 0. Be sure to turn on the exercises for the spine: Extinguish gracefully, like a kitty, back. Breathe deep and calmly.
Choose healthy feet
Very many women are familiar pain in the feet of ecopes, curls and corn, from which so hard to get rid of. What to do: best emphasize the beauty of the legs narrow high-heeled shoes.«Shishki» on the high finger of the feet (or Valgus deformation of the foot) appear just because of the long wearing of uncomfortable shoes. Doctors learned this defect to be treated with a painless conservative way, resorting only in the most extreme cases. Very allaches the situation that when a woman wears high heels, her calf muscles are almost unchanged. The outflow of blood and lymphs from the legs does not occur in due measure, it appears stagnation, and then swelling due to excess accumulation of fluids in the tissues. And the payback for beauty is not inevitable. For ladies services not only doctors and all achievements of medicine, but also special correlators for foot: silicone liners, a special cap for deformed fingers, a comfortable protective gel ring and much more. Salon Salon Salon will help to choose not only positions for foot, leg gel, compression knitwear, but also beautiful models of orthopedic shoes, because it is necessary to relax from heels
Masseur himself
Even a professional massage driver may not be able to obscure such places that will be available to you with the help of special mass machines. Yes, and it is not always possible to regularly visit the specialist. The effect will appear almost after the first sessions. Total 5–7 minutes — And it will improve well-being, the total tone will increase. And the impact on the feet is difficult to overestimate: the elasticity of muscle fibers will increase, their contractile ability will improve, the function of tired muscles will be restored. The bonus can be considered slow, but then the faithful getting rid of cellulite.
Add salt baths, regular Stop treatment with pimpes, detachment with special creams and dubbeds will still fall to your beautiful legs
Before applying any means of preventive or therapeutic nature, always advise with your doctor!