What is dermatitis? What are the causes of dermatitis? What are the symptoms of dermatitis? What are the methods of treating dermatitis? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Dermatitis, disease, also called eczema, manifests itself
redness, irritation and itching.
Other words, dermatitis is skin
Inflammation differing depending on the symptoms on:
- Acute dermatitis. This type of dermatitis is manifested strong
redness, fitting and edema.
- Moderate dermatitis is characterized by cracks and peeling.
- Chronic dermatitis - long-term disease
Character and localized on some specific section of the body.
There are two basic
Type dermatitis:
- Eczematic (eczema). It's hard to treat when she
already present in your body. It is also easily transmitted when tactile
- Non-ematary. Such dermatitis occurs when
Direct contact with the stimulus.
Causes of dermatitis
To the most
Common causes of dermatitis include the following:
- Dermatitis most often appears in cold weather and almost
always in humans with dry skin.
- The cause of dermatitis - changes in the work of the sebaceous glands. W
Adults He can also develop against diabetes or allergies. Like adults,
So in children, the development of dermatitis can contribute to the deficit of biotin.
Somewhat common, but often not taken into account
Allergens: paints and styling products for hair, nickel contained in
Decorations and buckles belts, dyes added to leather products, Latex,
Citrus fruits (especially peel).
- Even the drug applied to the skin may
cause dermatitis as a side effect.
- Fungal infections.
- Allergy manifested in respiratory tract. For example,
Allergic runny nose, manifested by contact with household dust, pollen
plants and animal wool can get a continuation on the skin with long-term
Tactile contact with allergen.
- Another possible reason - chemical stimuli,
Causes rather common disease - contact dermatitis. He
Begins when skin contact with such substances like soap, engine oil or
Gasoline, Cleaning products, Household chemicals.
- Strong experiences or long stress.
- Food allergy. Food allergies and eczema most often
linked among themselves in young children. Distributed «Children's» Allergens -
Nuts, eggs, dairy products.
- Strong sweating during exercise, excitement,
high temperature in the workplace or synthetic clothing.
- Bacterial or viral infection.
What are the symptoms of dermatitis
This disease is most often chronic, manifests itself
redness and itching on the skin. If the family had cases of asthma,
hay fever or allergic runny nose, chance to get sick with eczema
Symptoms may include:
- Red spots, unevenly located on the body are typical
For dermatitis. - The feeling of burning and constant desire to scratch inflamed
region. - In chronic cases, the skin burns, exposeding to more
Deep layers. - Before the occurrence of dermatitis in the patient can
Eczema is observed. - The appearance of herpes in the infected area.
- Dry skin.
- Small bubbles filled with liquid, especially on
Hands and legs. - Atopic eczema most often appears on the bends of the elbow
and knees, as well as on the chest, neck and face.
Methods of treating dermatitis
- Wear a soft, smooth and not too warm clothes when
Suffer dermatitis.
- Use a special ointment, abundantly and often apply it
After the shower and with a strong itch. Ask your dermatologist to recommend you
Good tool.
If possible, avoid perfumey cosmetic
- Do not take the shower more often once a day.
- Sedative antihistamines will make it easier for itching and remove
acute dermatitis. They are especially effective at night.
- Acceptance of immunomodulatory means will help keep
Skin inflammation under control and facilitates the general condition.
- Night violet extract - one more tool, sometimes
used to facilitate symptoms of eczema. It increases the level of fat
acids, thereby making the skin softer and more elastic.
- Tropical steroids. Apply an ointment based on them on
amazed places for five to fifteen days. Steroids need to apply strictly
on damaged skin once or twice a day.
- PIMECROLIMUS CREAM - new effective cream to combat skin diseases, in particular, sharp dermatitis. He has fewer side
effects than steroid.
- Other drugs may contain systemic steroids,
Azatioprin. Phototherapy used to treat eczema, suitable for treatment
Dermatitis Along with other means used only in severe cases.