Symptoms of cervical osteoarthrosis (osteochondrosis), for sure, are familiar almost to all. For the time being, the disease passes unnoticed, but when the arthrosis of the cervical spine begins to manifest themselves with pain, dizziness, numbers, - have to contact a doctor.
Neck osteoarthritis, it is also cervical osteochondrosis, refers to widespread diseases. Recently, it is more and more common in young people, especially those who spend a long time for a written or computer table, moves on the car, has a habit of talking on the phone, holding the handset to the shoulder. To the time being, arthrosis of the cervical department, accompanying his severity, stiffness of movements does not cause concern in the patient. When the disease leads to serious complications and pain, restriction of movements, migraines and dizziness, have to go to the doctor, and because the disease could be suspended at the initial stage.
Causes of osteoarthrosis of the cervical spine
Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine — The disease characterized by degenerative dystrophic changes in intervertebral disks arising against the background of exchange disorders and excessive loads.
The pathological process of the development of arthrosis of the cervical department begins with «Drying» and sealing the cartilage tissue, resulting in a reduced amortization function of intervertebral disks. The load coming to the cervical spine is transmitted to the bone fabric of the vertebrae, causing its growth in the form of osteophytes, the distance between the cervical vertebrae is reduced, the infringement of the nerve roots derived from the spinal cord. The danger of the cervical osteoarthrosis is that together with nerves, the artery vertebrals are squeezed and passing between the processes of the vertebrae. The deterioration in the blood circulation of the brain inevitably leads to its oxygen starvation and the effects of the disease can be quite serious.
The causes of the arthrosis of the cervical spine are diverse:
- Hereditary predisposition to the disease;
- Mineral exchange disorders;
- injuries of the cervical spine;
- Long stay in unfavorable postures behind the desktop, driving a car, years for the desk at school and at the university also do not pass without a trace, the cervical spine is striking osteoarthritis;
- regular microtraums of the cervical spine during a sharp braking when driving a car, when working with vibrating construction equipment;
- uncomfortable bed, high pillow;
- A low-live lifestyle provokes osteoarthrosis in general and the cervical spine in particular;
- irregular posture, scoliosis;
- Superchild and overeating.
The development of the osteoarthrosis of the cervical spine predisposes its anatomical structure, and more precisely the reduced height of the intervertebral discs, the proximity of the vertebrae to each other, their high mobility, the weakness of the neck muscles.
Manifestations of arthrosis of the cervical spine
The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the cervical department are associated with the infringement of nerve endings and vessels passing between vertebrals.
- Pulling, novice pain in the neck area, propagating on its side surface in the adapter and arm, pain in the back of the head, increasing when driving.
- Stiffness and restriction of movements in the neck.
- Crunch arising from inclination and head turns.
- Weakness, increased hand fatigue.
- Sensation of crawling «Murashek» deal.
- Numbness and cooling of the fingers of the hands, the most pronounced in such a disease as arthrosis (osteochondrosis) of the cervical department in the wake-up hour.
- Stretch — Sharp strong pain arising in the neck when the head turns, propagating to the fingers and resembling «Passage of current» by limbs.
Osteoarthritis of the cervical department: dangerous symptoms
- Pain in the chest on the left, which is in the test region, hand and an inter-opaque region, resembling a spout of angina, but in the case of cervical osteoarthrosis, the last longer. According to the results of clinical studies, the cervical osteochondrosis becomes the cause of breast pain in about 10-28% of cases.
Stubborn headaches accompanied by nausea, vomiting.
- Blood pressure fluctuations with a tendency to hypertension.
- Dizziness, especially when turning the head, which, with osteoarthritis with the damage to the cervical, are caused by the insufficiency of the cerebral circulation.
- Weakening of memory, disruption of the concentration of attention.
- Impairment «Mushhek» before your eyes.
- Worsening hearing, noise in the ears.
- Tongue numbness, violation of taste sensations.
Arthrosis of the joints of the cervical spine — The disease that can reduce the quality of life and lead to serious complications, chronic violation of the cerebral circulation and a decrease in the intellectual possibilities of a person. Only timely started treatment and modification of lifestyle can stop the pathological process.