Treatment of flatfoot in a child — long and painstaking process. Orthopedic shoes and insoles — by itself, but do not underestimate and therapeutic gymnastics.

Parents are lost. Some are moving in search of a fast-speaking agent, others,
on the contrary, they let the disease on samonek, underestimating its negative impact on children's
organism. However, flatfoot in a child — It is really serious,
requires attention and long-term painstaking work aimed at the form correction
Numerous foot bones are movably interconnected
Bundles and muscles. It is the weakening of the binder muscular apparatus and excessive
The load on it most often leads to flattening.
Despite the fact that the feet of the newborn look absolutely
Flat, the child is born with the already laid out nature of the arched shape of the stop — Grease
Pillows reliably hide it from inexperienced parents. Subsequent,
When the baby becomes on the legs and makes the first steps, stops under the weight of the body
slightly flattened, but then, as the binder muscular complex,
Reggerer becoming high. If you do not pay out during the formation of arches
sufficient attention to the physical development of the baby, the likelihood of development
True flatfoot increases at times.
Formed flatfoot in children is accepted to be treated active
With the help of gypsum dressings, Langet, special orthopedic shoes and stelk.
But no less important are the procedures and medical gymnastics.
In the first year of life, when the child is not yet able
perform targeted movements, on the first plan in the treatment of flatfoot
Persecute passive gymnastics and massage. Children at the age of two years
involve in games with elements of therapeutic gymnastics. They will be happy to be
sit on the chairs, ride the balls of the balls, capture them and try
hold one's weight. It is recommended to go as much as possible
Barefoot on uneven surfaces. Before the children had the opportunity to run barefoot
on the ground or lawn, flatfoot was much less likely. Today to organize
Similar conditions can be at home, pouring into a large sand box or small pebbles,
and suggest the baby a little bit there.
A good result gives a combination of warm guys for legs and
Massage Stop. To do this, it is put on the bottom of the pelvis, pour warm water and
Sit down the child, immersing his legs there. Warm water relaxes muscles and
Bundles, activates blood circulation in the footsteps, and massage with pebbles contributes
Correction of the form of archives.
Here are some exercises from flatopy, which you need
Perform daily 3 times a day by 10-12 repetitions.
Sitting on a chair with straightened legs, you need
Stroking the inner edge of the foot, the shin of another leg. Then the legs change and
repeat the exercise again. -
Sitting on a chair bend the fingers stop, turn out
Foot inside, perform circular movements. -
Take the ball stops, raise it and hold
Some time. - Fingers stop grabbing a pencil and raise it.
- Fingers stop grab and dive fine rug.
Standing on socks, transfer the center of gravity on
outer edges stop. Return to. -
Walk on a soft rug on the outer edges
Stop, flexing toes.
A good workout element for stop is riding on
Bike barefoot, logging, climbing rope, swimming style «crawl».
It is important to produce a right gait from the child. When walking
Foot should be put in parallel to each other, resting on the outer edge.
Initially control this walking will be quite difficult, but in
Substant it will become a good habit, brought to automatism.
It is important to remember that with due attention to the problem to cure
Flatfoot in the child is quite possible. But for adults it really
big problem requiring serious intervention.