Osteopathy for sore back


  • What is osteopathy?
  • Size of the belly and disease of the spine
  • Kidney position and back pain
  • Treatment by Osteopathy
  • Osteopathy opportunities

  • What is osteopathy?

    Osteopathy — Relatively new in Russia, the direction of medicine, considering the human body as a interrelated complex of organs and systems. Small deviations in one system can cause noticeable disorders in another and pain in the third. In such a situation, it is only what bothers, — it means to eliminate the consequence without eliminating the cause. For a while, the pain releases, but then returns again. This is how many chronic diseases are developing, including the spine associated with the spine.

    Size of the belly and disease of the spine

    Osteopathy for sore backHow are the form of the abdomen and disease of the spine? It turns out that the dependence is the most direct. The tummy begins to remove and lightly drink when omitting the intestine. Such a phenomenon is observed in many women (especially after childbirth) and men. This is not a disease — Just stretch bonds that support internal organs, and the last down-forward displacement occurs.

    But here is hidden one of the reasons for the development of serious diseases of the spine. The fact is that the intestine is attached to the bundles precisely to the vertebral pole, and the weight of the displaced organ creates an additional vertebrate load.

    To save a vertical position, a person involuntarily strains the muscles of the lower back. The constant tension of the muscles causes back pain and leads to the accelerated development of osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other attacks.

    In such a situation, treatment only the spine gives a temporary improvement, since the cause of pain is not eliminated. Osteopathian can be returned to the place of the intestine (work with bundles, diaphragm) and thereby eliminating the threat of the development of hazardous diseases of the spine. At the same time, your appearance will improve — who do not want to get rid of a discovering tummy!

    Kidney position and back pain

    Often a person suffers from incomprehensible stupid pain — In the lower back, in the groin area, in the knee. However, studies show that everything is in order, and doctors are bred by their hands. And the true cause of torment is far from the painful place.

    One of the muscles located in the abdominal cavity and responsible for the vertical position of the body is called lumbly ileum (PPM). Top on the PPM lie kidney, and often due to their irregular position (the kidneys is lowered, expanded and the like) arises constant voltage of PPM. The consequence may be blunt back pains, especially in the evening when muscle fatigue accumulates.

    Another part of PPM is attached to the inner surface of the hip, so the incessant load on the muscle is the reason for the appearance of a stupid pain in the groin region or even in the knee. It is clear that these manifestations have nothing to do with the diseases of the spine. An experienced osteopath doctor for two or three sessions adjusts the improper kidney position and will break the person from pain forever.

    Inside our chest is a diaphragm separating the lungs from the digestive organs. Their muscles-legs of the diaphragm is attached to the spine. When inhaling the diaphragm is lowered (lungs expand), and when exhaling up (lungs are compressed).

    Directly under the diaphragm lies the liver. Even a minor increase in the liver (due to inflammatory diseases, gallstone disease and for other reasons) does not give partition to completely descend. As a result, the legs of the diaphragm never relax, from which the feeling of pain in the back arises sooner or later. By the way, the diaphragm voltage and the same painful manifestations in the back are often caused by problems with the liver, stomach, other internal organs.

    In such cases, the treatment of the spine does not eliminate the causes of pain and can only give a temporary improvement. Osteopath examines the patient, reveals deviations and adjusts the position of the internal organs in order to eliminate the cause of pain.

    Treatment by Osteopathy

    Now in the West, Osteopath doctors are popular no less than psychoanalysts. In many families osteopath — a kind of family doctor dealing with big and small health problems.

    Despite confusing title, osteopathy deals with all the internal human bodies, and not only with the bone system. All procedures — Diagnosis and treatment — Osteopathian only hands. At the same time, the highest requirements are presented to it.

    First, it is obliged to brilliantly know the anatomy and physiology of man: what, where and as located, with which it comes into contact and interacts, as the displacement of one body is reflected on the rest, to which consequences are spasms and tension in a particular muscle or conne.

    Secondly, osteopath should have the highest sensitivity of the fingers achieved by the years of special training. For example, one of the standard exercises of such a specialist — Combinate human hair after 20-30 sheets of paper. Therefore, Osteopathian's doctor finds such anomalies to which the devices are not reacting: the slightest internal voltage, the disturbance of the location and rhythm in the work of individual organs.

    The fact is that all organs and systems of a person are constantly pulsed, but the magnitude of these ripples is very small. After examining such microcolebans, voltages in tissues and ligaments, you can catch deviations from the norm and determine their source. Osteopath doctor does not just treat a sore place by following patient complaints.

    Initially, he explores the body as a whole and is looking for the root of the problem. It can be far from the painful zone. «Listening» your hands your body, the specialist determines that it is not in order and where to send therapeutic efforts. To become an osteopate, a certified doctor must pass three years of study in a specialized training center.

    Then, with the help of special techniques, the doctor removes tension and cautious movements, as it should gently pushes organs and tissues, offering them to occupy the position that in the current situation is optimal. Osteopaths fundamentally use rough technique, believing that the power methods are ineffective.

    Repeat: solve problems in this way for only professionals who thoroughly studied the structure and relationships of the human body, able to feel the slightest clamp in the tissues and know how to shoot it.

    Osteopathy opportunities

    Osteopaths treat the same diseases as ordinary doctors. We manage to help patients with back pains, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Good results gives treatment of gynecological diseases, problems of postpartum recovery, chronic headache, chronic fatigue syndrome. Osteopaths are not wizards, so they are also not always able to help. For example, neither the doctor will not cure a single doctor. But this does not mean that man is doomed to suffering. If you work with adjacent muscles, you can noticeably improve the health of the patient.

    There are things exclusive. With spikes, for example, no one works except osteopath. Because of the adhesions, the internal organs adhere to each other, glue and shift from the laid places (for example, as a result of cesarean section, the intestine sticks to the uterus). And this leads to a variety of negative consequences: the adhesion voltage can be auced and pain in the back, and constipation, and headaches. Spikes, of course, do not remove, but the situation can be improved radically. In the treatment of soased adhesions, osteopaths reveal the tension vector, stretch the ligaments within their natural extension and shift the neighboring organs so that they do not interfere with each other. In other words, optimize the life of the organs in the new situation.

    Most Russian citizens with the possibilities of osteopathy are still unfamiliar, many even words have not heard. But the situation is changing rapidly. Having visited the reception at Osteopath, many patients lead to him members of their families, acquaintances, colleagues. So the circle of dedicated is growing rapidly, and Russia catch up with a civilized West in this field.

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