Wounds, first aid


  • What is wound
  • Treatment of Ran

  • What is wound

    Rana is a violation of the integrity of the skin or tissues. Wounds can
    be superficial and deep, penetrating and imperriburing. IN
    Depending on the nature of the traumatic subject differences wounds,
    chopped, cut, bruised, torn, firearms. Every wound
    characterized by pain and bleeding. The most strong pain at the moment
    Injury. After some time, the pain is usually
    decreases. If in one or two days of pain in the wound area intensified,
    This indicates a developing infection or any other

    Any wound can cause such events like fainting,
    shock, collapse, bleeding. The main part of complications occurs in
    A result of damage to the internal organs and development in them
    inflammatory process or violation of their functions.

    Complications of the Russian Academy of Sciences usually occur when infectious start. This is
    leads to the suppuration of the wound, and in the most severe cases to the development of such
    diseases like tetanus, sepsis, gas gangrene, and others. therefore
    The fastest hospitalization of victims in a specialized
    branch where they will be provided by qualified assistance and introduced
    Specific serums (antichangrenous, anti-beaded and other.).

    Treatment of Ran

    When first aid, it is important when you are injured:

    • protect the wound from infection;
    • carry out activities aimed at preventing complications;
    • deliver a patient to a specialized medical institution.

    Stop bleeding can be one of the above methods. This is
    The first and main task of assistance, as it is necessary to constantly
    remember that in most part cases of death
    Coming from blood loss.

    Very important task is to protect
    wounds from mud hit in it, as an additional infection is always
    Causes complications. And although non-infected wounds do not happen, you need
    strive to ensure that the number of microbes falling into the body
    minimal. For this, the wound is protected by aseptic bandage, but before
    This from the surface of the wound and the surrounding skin is removed dirt, scraps
    Clothes, Earth, Slices Bands. After that, the skin around the wound
    processed by iodine or alcohol. Never try to delete
    dirt and foreign bodies from the depths of the wound - it will only lead to excess
    troubles (pain shock, bleeding, infection in depth,
    Damage to nearby organs).

    Wounds, first aid
    To impose aseptic
    Bandages best use individual dressing package. At
    His absence uses bandage, gauze and, as a last resort, resort
    to the utility materials (sheet, shirt, brazer and t. D. Close
    wound the bandage, do not touch the hands of the part of the bandage, which
    will directly lay down to the wound.

    With severe injuries and
    It is desirable to launch the wounds of the middle severity of the patient
    surface. If the patient has fainting, shock or collapse, then
    It is necessary to put it so that the head is slightly lower than the body (by this
    Provides blood supply to the brain). To further strengthen
    Blood supply of the brain, sometimes resort to reception «Self-crying
    blood», which lies in the fact that the patient for a few minutes
    Raise up upper and lower limbs or tied by harness.

    head wounds First aid is to stop bleeding that
    achieved by pressing (at a distance) of bleeding arteries to the bones
    Skull. There are points that are most often used for finger
    Arteries pressed (outdoor temporal - ahead of the ear shell and outdoor
    Jewish - at the lower edge of the lower jaw 1-2 cm from her angle).

    Violation of the integrity of the bones of the patient's skulls immediately laid on
    Smooth surface. Under the head he is put a rubber circle (or small
    Pillow, or Circle of Wat and Marley).

    When carrying a patient
    should be tied to the carrier. Often the injured patients are
    vomit. So that the patient does not choose the pussy masses, his head
    Carrying should be tilted into some side and constantly
    Watch him.

    Advice. With any blood loss in the victim
    Thirst arises. If the patient has damage to the abdominal organs
    cavities (stomach, intestines, lower abdomen), in no case
    It is impossible to give no water, no food, no drugs, as it
    aggravate the phenomenon of the starting peritonitis.

    The victim should always be carried out, taking into account the type of his injury.
    Need to strive to ensure that the damaged organ is as stronger as possible
    protected from external influences (shaking, jolts, bruises and t. D.).

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